Friday, March 11, 2011

What would happen if that nuclear reactor in japan goes off?


Describe the magnitude of damage. Radiation Levels Spike Inside Crippled Japanese Nuclear Reactorhttp://abcnews. go. com/International/japanese-earthquake-stokes-nuclear-fears-injured-power-plants/theme? id=13114181

Cove Neck

I'm assuming that you mean explodes. That's not possible.


-Then we'll have a SECOND Disaster - that NOBODY wants to Think about!!! :(


If you recall, another nuclear reactor blew up in Russia a few years back, that was at Chernobyl, and the world survived. We don't know the scale and magnitude of the one in Japan, so it's everything crossed and hope for the best.

East Butler

Funny, this side of the divide their being much more calm. It heated to twice the normal level(not thousands)and they intend leaking some vapour to relieve tension. Nothing, even remotely, to worry about and the evacuation of 3000 local people is standard procedure.


The greatest catastrophes usually occur from the accumulation of of diverse failures ; each aggravating in aggregate, the point to critical collapseStage one in this instance, is not a harbinger of assurance

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