Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Enter our short film competition

Enter our wanting film competition

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25 June 2013

The National Archives is prepossessing aspiring filmmakers to put our 'Files steady film' by entering our short film competition.

The competition, supported by the Friends of The National Archives, is aiming to cheer filmmakers to use our diverse assemblage of documents and pictures as the breathing in for an original feature. 

Ten documents from the archives, ranging from the floor plan of a 19th centenary lunatic asylum to a West Indian view of life in post-war Britain, be under the necessity been put online and entrants order need to use one or added of them as the starting end for a three-minute short pellicle. It could be a character, a cord, or the whole document - it is up to you to decide.

For full details of how to enter, stipulations and conditions and to view the documents, take a consider at the competition page.

Entries stop on 24 September, 2013 and the winner bequeath be chosen by a panel of judges including Oliver Morley, Chief Executive and Keeper, The National Archives and BAFTA gift-winning filmmaker David Katznelson.

The delightful entry will be shown on The National Archives' website and desire receive a cash prize of &crush;450. One runner-up will derive £200.

For further inspiration, unravel our blog and watch the video.

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