Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nuclear reactor

nuclear reactor

nuclear reactor

On Japan's Nuclear Reactor and the Treatment of Private Bradley ...
TAPPER: Thanks, Mr.President.PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yeah.TAPPER: Experts say they can't recall a time when the U.S.ever had to rush assistance to a nuclear power plant in another country before.What can you tell us about how serious.

Breaking: Pressure Building at Japanese Nuclear Reactor; *Update ...
Japan is struggling to cool down a nuclear power plant following the 8.9 magnitutude earthquake earlier today.Government officials just announced that they are going to release slightly radioactive vapor into the air from the disabled ...

Japan: pressure rising inside nuclear reactor, radiation leak ...
Reuters reports: "Tokyo Electric Power Co said pressure inside the No.1 reactor at its Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant has been rising, with the risk of a radiation leak." After the quake hit Japan about 12 hours ago, the plant's ...

Fukushima, Japan Nuclear Facility Declares State Of Emergency
A nuclear power plant in the Fukushima Prefecture in Japan is under a state of emergency following the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake that shook the nation today.Located in northern Japan, the Fukushima Prefecture has a population of ...

Japan Earthquake 2011: Nuclear Power Plant Area Evacuated
TOKYO — Japan declared states of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two power plants after the units lost cooling ability in the aftermath of Friday's powerful earthquake.Thousands of residents were evacuated as workers struggled ...

Japan: radiation leak fears at nuclear power facilities after ...
ABC News: Obama's comments on post-quake Japan nuclear fears • Yahoo News: "Japan issues atomic energy emergency after earthquake" • USA Today: "Japan to release radioactive vapor at disabled nuclear reactor" ...

Japan Earthquake Highlights U.S.Nuclear Risk, Scientists Say
"We do not believe the safety standards for U.S.nuclear reactors are enough to protect the public today," Edwin Lyman, senior scientist, global security programs, at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told Reuters....

West Coast USA Danger IF Japan Nuclear Reactor Meltdown - Modern ...
Resulting from the Great 8.9 Earthquake, a damaged nuclear reactor in Japan could send radiation to the west U.S.36 hours after meltdown.

Japan braces for nuclear reactor meltdown after tsunami | 89.3 KPCC
Japan launched a massive, military-led rescue operation Saturday to the area stricken by a giant earthquake and which now faces the possibility of a meltdown at a nuclear plant.

NOW are you convinced that nuclear power plants are a bad idea?
will the radiation stay in the Atmosphere for the next 4million years?

what if the nuclear reactor in Japan explode?

Are Japans nuclear reactor problems worse than what happened in Chernobyl?
There has been an explosion at the power station, the experts on TV are playing it down, but I am not so sure.I think the reactor itself might have melted causing a thermal explosion between coolant water and fuel material.It is not a 'nuclear explosion' but will have spread radioactive material.In fact it has just sounded more like Chernobyl still.A whole building has apparently blown up.Nuclear experts like to talk about 'emergency shutdowns', but the things can not be shut down at will, shut down is a process that takes several days of cooling.The expert on Sky was playing it all down, trying to say that nuclear power is totally safe, and that it might be a non radioactive incident or just a little radioactive gas venting off, but the entire building was annihilated, I had to sort of laugh at that, it was like something off 'Brass Eye' for its ludicrousness this now means it might be impossible to tend the other malfunctioning reactors.I think it will be less bad than Chernobyl though, that reactor was on fire for days with no plan existing to put it out.Farid, I fear it might be the worst nuclear power accident apart from Chernobyl, they are now talking about 'bad contamination'I think it is worse than three mile island, Three Mile Island was a partial melt-down followed by steam being released, this thing exploded! Ianr - I believe this plant is 40 years old, therefore possibly suffering the same design flaws as Three Mile Island.

Has a second Chernobyl just occurred at Fukushima?

How much area could be contaminated in Japan if a nuclear reactor melts down?
I just read on CNN that Japans nuclear reactors are failing and before they go to total crap, In an effort to save a bunch of japanese people Japan is planning on firing its nukes..Cant this screw over the rest of the world? Think we will let them do this? What are you thoughts?

What about Japans nuclear melt down?
I mean, jeez...earthquake is bad enough, then a big 'ol tsunami comes roaring ashore, and now a nuclear reactor is going to melt down in their backyard...what's next for this poor country...?Everyone, please do what you can to help...(No, I don't remember Pearl Harbor any more than most Japanese alive today remember Pearl Harbor.But my dad was on the U.S.S.Tennessee that fateful day, and lost his best friend in the South Pacific during the war...and he got over it.)

Is the typhoon going to hit Japan before or after the volcano erupts?
A nuclear powered navel ship has the ability to put out a lot of electrical power.has anyone given the order to use one as a power source to provide electrical power to run the nuclear power reactors in japan until they can restart there own systems?

has the united states goverment thought of using a nuclear powered ship as auxailary power?
How big would the blast radius be if the reactor went critical?

How much damage could the blast do to a city if a nuclear sub was moored at the docks?
how much damage will happen? I mean i have a good idea..but never seen a nuclear reactor explosion before

If Japans nuke reactor blows up?

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