Wednesday, March 9, 2011




MTV True Life request to Veterans with PTSD | A Soldier's Perspective
Below is a comment that was left on a post about PTSD on my personal blogg.I wanted to bring this to your attention in case anyone wanted to contact.

I Have PTSD! (MTV's True Life) after airing | A Soldier's Perspective
The episode just aired.I scarred as I was that it would not turn out to be what my son hoped it would, I am happy to say, that for his segment at least,

Human Whisperer – Bike Accident Trauma (PTSD) – Season 1: Ep 1 ...
In this episode, Todd works with a woman who was hit by a car while riding her bike training for a triathlon.Severely injured with a brain injury and spine.

How do people that have PTSD cope with the symptoms in their daily ...
Hi, I'm doing a school research paper on PTSD, and i need to answer the question above.I HAVE to have a webpage so i can cite it and all that good stuff.please get it to me fast, i only have a few days to get everything rearranged on ...

171423 deployed Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans diagnosed with ...
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as a condition resulting from exposure to direct or.

James Allen Photography: Exocet, PTSD, Multimedia.
Please take four minutes of your day out and listen and see, PTSD effects many people who have served at the frontline, it is important to recognise this condition, particularly in todays world where thousands of people from my own ... – Hormone spike in women with PTSD
“Few biological markers have been available for PTSD or for psychiatric diseases in general,” says Kerry Ressler, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University and the study's first author....

The Pain Goes On: PTSD in Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors | The ...
All of us at Posit Science were saddened to hear about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Northern Japan today.Our hearts go out to those who are dealing with.

PTSD death sends family on search for answers | The Associated ...
Senior Airman Anthony "Tony" Mena managed to dodge bullets, rocket-propelled grenades and roadside bombs during two tours in Iraq.But he couldn't survive the onslaught of medications that military, Veterans Affairs and civilian doctors ...

Could I have post-traumatic stress disorder from sexual abuse?
My daughter sees things that arent there, she hears voices, and has depression.She is 13 and just been diagnosed with PTSD.I really want to do something for her, but the only thing she wants is to meet taylor swift.I know that probably won't happen, but if you have any idea how to help us.I am going to try to get us tickets to taylors vancouver show, I guess tacoma could work if vancouvers sold out, it just takes 3 hours to drive.Does anyone want to give me an idea? I cant afford outrageous prices like 100 dollars a ticket, I would have to bring my other daughter to, she is 11, so that would be 300 dollars.I cannot afford it.My daughter is currently seeing a counselor, and she is getting better, but the scars are still there, she can no longer go to school, she has TERRIBLE fears of different things.And I just want to do somehting special for her, The only thing she wants is to meet taylor she tolad me, and unless you have any ideas I cant do that, but do you have ideas about tickets? I really appreciate it! Thank you for your support!

Ptsd! Depression! help!?
It may be the wrong place to ask this - But I was wondering if someone can any advice regarding where and how to launch a promising New CBT (Cognitive Behavorial Therapy) for treating PTSD.See my friend ( the inventor) is a foreigner residing in another country and he may be moving to USA soon.he wants to know different ways he can launch this new CBT??( should he offer his treatment through website , or work with existing PTSD providers etc -- any suggestion / advice is appreciated)PS: I might ask the same question differently soon! Thanks alot! Thanks Frank for the answer ( I may email you to have you elaborate) ...Ok I understand your statement that his Method should be proven to be better in clinical trials ( Yes It is !) But the counter question is when he shows / demonstrate his Trial wouldn't that make his method be prone to be copied and others may use it ?? ( how can he patent or copy right his method - what 'protection can he use")

Promising New CBT for PTSD - how / where to launch it ?
Just a brief explanation.I spent 5 years in the Active Army in Germany and my unit was deployed to Desert Storm.I was not deployed because of injuries that I received while working in the motor pool months before we ever knew we being deployed.I eventually was medically discharged.(not by choice).My service officer at the DAV is saying that I need to apply for PTSD.First of all isn't this only for military members that actually had boots on the ground? I told him that I don't need to apply because I am stable except for my true service connected disabilities that I have and I am being compensated for those issues.I felt like I would be taken advantage of the system and he assured me that I am entitled.Confused???

I have a question about PTSD and the Veterans Affairs?
i don't know what i have to do to make people take me seriously.if people get mad at me or if there joking when they say there gonna punch me , sometimes i can deal with it and other times i can't , i laugh at first then get mad about it afterwords.i had a buddy over last night called me a scared little boy , the really pissed me off but i just laughed at it.then now im mad about it.i have no idea who im mad at more myself for not doing anything or because he was being a dick.its bad enough i have a physical disibility and when ppl don't take me serious enough when im mad i feel like i need to go on a huge beating spree for ppl to take me serious.

need advice having issues with ptsd?
My wife and I went through a traumatic experience about a 6 weeks ago.Something so simple and stupid but what happened was our security system went off at 1am.We were jolted out of bed as you can imagine from the sound and then the realization of a major threat in our home took over.We were looked in our bedroom for over 3 hours not knowing the situation or what danger we were in.It turned out to be a false alarm.We had a hard time sleeping at night afterwards for about 5-6 days and as time went by we became more comfortable again.Not 100% but sleeping much better and feeling more comfortable again.The problem I am having is about 2 weeks after the event I am now finding myself getting upset day after day thinking about our future and the thought that someday one of us will die leaving the other behind to be alone.We love each other so much and have the greatest relationship 2 people can have but all I dwell on is that someday it will end and I will be w/o here or she will be w/o me.We have no kids (we tried) and I think that makes things worse.I can't stand the thought of her being alone if something happened to me or vice versa.I dwell on this day by day.Each time with tears in my eyes.I haven't cried in 20 years now over the last 4 weeks I think I've had tears well up in my eyes at least once a day! I always worried about her and had passing thoughts about this before the event but now something was triggered and now my thoughts are often are so upsetting and very tough to deal with.We we are together I feel pretty good but when we are apart (usually at our workplace) I can't stop thinking about this.Any thoughts, advice or help will be appreciated.Thank you.

Do I have PTSD or BPD or something else?
My co-workers wife came in and introduced herself.We all finished out greetings.We went back to work on an overdue project.She brought a book along to pass the time until he was ready for lunch.After about 5 min, his wife looked straight at me sand said “My grandchild was x pounds and y ounces”.I have heard that sort of thing before, but only on TV.I am not sure what the significance is.I was polite, I guess.I smiled and said, “Oh, I assume from the enthusiasm in your voice that that is a good weight, and congratulations are in order”.She looked disappointed.I am 45 and educated.Most of my friends have children, and know that I am not into babies so they never bring that up.Over the years, I have dated dozens of women who have children.They never mention such things to me.Most have kids that are old enough to know that we have “grown up stuff to do in the bedroom and we brought you some DVD to watch”.I am a PTSD veteran who could not find the patience for children if my life depended on it.That is why I had the “snip” many years ago, and have no children.Thanks for the polite answers so far.They do not teach this sort of thing in collage.At least not to those of us who are IT professionals.

What is the significance of the ‘weight’ of a baby?
Should i get into counseling because when somebody gets mad at me i laugh at first then i get mad long after its over , even when friends threaten to punch me and there only joking i don't know how to handle that.i have ptsd can this play a role?

big problem need advice?
I was born in iraq came to the usa age 6 went through a civil war and chemical gas attack in iraq.When I turned 18,got contracted as a civilian translator with a infantry team.When I turnef 20 enlisted in the army have been there ever since.But after I joined the army I began to relapse into ptsd(had ptsd my whole life) but the army made it worse.I filed a claim and am waiting to hear from the va.My only problem is that I dont have enough physical evidance but anybody in there right mind could see how I have ptsd.what do you think of this case will the va be able to help me?

Va disability ptsd army?
I would like to go on to get my MSW and LCSW after graduation this Spring.I am especially interested in working with populations who suffer from PTSD.I know that in a field like this I can't expect anything in particular, but I would like to hear some feedback from those who may have worked this population before.

What kind of work can I expect with a PTSD population?
Like your sub-conscience takes control and you do stuff without meaning to? LEGIT answers please this is for a school report

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