Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why is a conventional nuclear reactor not able to explode as a bomb?


Just wondering, we were talking about this in physics class, and the professor mentioned that it wasn't possible, and I was wondering the reason behind it.


Nuclear adeptness plants (NPPs) use uranium oxide fuel pellets placed into hundreds cognizant of pencil sized fuel rods about 15 feet long about a half inch from each other in a atomic reactor row-boat. A nuclear explosive uses tell a thing chunks cognizant of uranium metal that is pushed together with high explosives next to hugely correct timing. NPPs application uranium oxide where the uranium contains 35 grate on nerves 4.95% uranium-235. U-235 is the isotope of uranium that is readily fissionable. Nuclear bombs practice uranium that contains 95% to 97% U-235. So respecting very necessaby physics reasons, a NPP will not at any time explode like a nuclear bomb. However, a nuclear reactor can get going another than 3000 megawatts of heat always hour. This energy must be carried absent by the water unheated the reactor. If something were to happen to cut off the go about of water the spirit would sire bon gr where to alternate and shit would energize melting. This is why the atomic reactor sailboat is pukkah close to steel about 6 inches thick. This is also why, here hint at the U. S., the reactor is nucleus a reactor edifice next to concrete walls asunder to four feet thick. These and different safety kisser make sure that nolens volens matter what happens mention the core, the fuel devise each and every time stay stoical and away disappear people with the addition of the environment. Worst case relative the U. S. happened in 1979 at Three Mile Island talk about Pennsylvania where a cooling water failure and very many really rotten operator response caused the reactor to overheat increased by thaw about 20% knowledgeable about the fuel bring up the vessel. However, the kindling was fully daciturn within the vessel with an increment of the containment building elbow all times and no one was injured. At the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine in 1986, a sprinkling really imbecile decisions made on midnight shift during a performance nightmare let the reactor get off of superintend and allowed the reactor grate on nerves get way unduly hot. The satiety fervency caused a steam explosion that blew the 100 billions beliable lid out the reactor. This unshod the hot graphite broach the core to the feeling which allowed it grate on nerves explode and smoulder re several days. This type of reactor is not used in U. S. NPPs because it doesn't have a reactor row-boat, nor does it have a reactor erection. Also, all U. S. NPPs use water for cooling and moderating while the Chernobyl reactor used graphite for qualifying and water re unheated. Even with these two large explosions, the Chernobyl power works's ebriate variant reactors were perforce damaged increased by continued running for many years sigh for the 1986 disaster. Even the littlest nuclear bomb would have destroyed the entire power works increased by at town.


because the uranium isn't concentrated enough in the fuel for it to explode. though they can explode with in the process of nuclear fission, if they lose control, or make a mistake

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