Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Was bill clinton right to give north korea six billion dollars and a nuclear reactor?


In exchange for a promise that they would not build bombs, and then never check if they did or not?


He was too busy killing American citizens in Waco to worry about North Korea.


I'm a democrat and Bill Clinton was like what Reagan was for terrorism. BOTH of them Sucked. Bill was just awful at Foreign policy.

Lodge Pole

like giving a hot fudge sundae to Michael Moore and making him promise to not eat it.

Duchess Landing

About as right as giving a junkie some cocaine and baking soda and tell him not make crack and see ya!!


No, neither was the Bush administration right to appease N Korea for their belligerent behavior. You'd think the third time would be a charm, but Obama is ready setting the stage to be America's apologizer, and I feel he'll do the same.


About as right as Bush was to loan billions from the Chinese to fund the War in Iraq. Politicians are great, aren't they?



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