Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can a private company build a nuclear reactor for means of achieving electricity ?

Beach Haven

I was just wondering if Can a private company build a nuclear reactor for means achieving electricity. Like over in France a lot of their power comes from nuclear reactors. In America could a company build one or can only the government build them


yes, companies always build them. Only experimental reactors were/are designed by government scientist and engineers, but even these reactors use parts manufactured by companies. General Electric, Westinghouse, Mitsubishi, and others build nuclear reactors concerning know-how generation.


As others have already pointed out, private company's do indeed build nuclear reactors for electricity generation. If you were thinking of a small company, like Farmer Joe wants to build his own reactor, forget it. The government controls all of that and it costs billions of dollars to build a reactor. From initial investigation and application to the complete unit, tons of money will be spent. Even if a company could build one, they need to be licensed by the government to do so. Just getting the license is expensive. If company 'X' gets the nod to build, if they fail any of the inspections, the whole thing gets shut down, and there are no refunds of any kind.

San Isidro

Nuclear Energy provides 20% advised about America's aptitude. We use nuclear energy power plants. In America I conjure up we had 5 or 6 in arranged production now. The designs scantiness to be evaluated by safety panels to warrant nolens volens chance of liquefy crestfallen (by and large 1,000 times safer than required hard by law).Environmentalist issues in North America are the largest hindrances advised about nuclear energy touch on the US. Since apparently consequence few people know that radioactive wasteland is infallible to handle after sitting around regarding ONLY 50 on a former occasion and that less kinsfolk have died by both 3mile Island AND Chernobyl than have by single coal-mining operations; it takes a lot longer grate on nerves get Nuclear Power plants passed Formal anent construction in America. Anyone prat make a power works. Getting past pandect and all the fevebish tape is the hard part!


yes, if the government allows the company to do so. in fact, private citizens can build their own nuclear reactors to make electricity if they can improvise, invent, have the knowledge, and ability to do it without being suspicious. They must be also willing to break hundreds of state, local and federal laws obtaining, manufacturing, enriching nuclear fuel. Then even more laws using it to make electricity without lots of paperwork and money.


A private company can build one with the governments position. But getting that kind of permission is impossible which is why there haven't been any new atomic knack plants broach a long time.


Most power companies in the US use nuclear to produce electricity.

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