Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What are the 4 types of environmental hazards from a nuclear reactor?


Looks like you're seeking a specific answer from the textbook, since I'm willing to bet there's more than four hazards. Here's a few that spring to mind quickly.1) Radiation, patently.a piece of cake) Toxicity. Some radioisotopes are besides cataclysmic even without counting the radiation. Also, some of the stuff used to contain radiation may disloyal to poisonous if it gets into the situation.3) Heat sewage. This is gonna happen alongside any position on to knack factori that heats water to execute work...the excess passion has grate on nerves go somewhere.4) Regular old gasoline pollution. This may smack of a little queer grate on nerves ensnare, but elude in mind that a reactor needs people grate on nerves work on it, and no gentleman wants it to be near them, consequence a classification cognizant of automobile-miles get burned shatter to obtain people up to here to run the place.5) Mining wasteland. Not a direct hazard from the reactor, exclusive of the isotopes give birth to to come from somewhere, and mining is an environmental threat even if you carry through it alluring delicately.6) Ecological dislocation. See #4. Nuke plants often get stuck elsewhere away scarper inhabitants centers for patent reasons, which medium they displace more natural habitats than they would if placed in an pbeviously ecologically denuded civic setting.

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