Saturday, March 5, 2011




Ashley Olsen Splits From Justin Bartha - Healthy Lifestyle ...
Comments (9) ».Ashley Olsen is flying solo.Two sources confirm in the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands now) that the 24-year-old fashion designer has split with her boyfriend of two years, actor Justin Bartha....

Source: Pete Wentz "Shocked" by Ashlee's PDA With His Pal ...
Rocker Craig Owens, whom Wentz helped discover, has been "comforting" Ashlee during her "difficult" split, a pal says.

Revealed! Find Out The Name of Isla Fisher's Baby - Moms & Babies ...
The secretive star and hubby Sacha Baron Cohen kept it quiet for six months.

Olivia Wilde Files for Divorce - Healthy Lifestyle -
Married for 8 years, she and Italian prince Tao Ruspoli announced their separation last month.

U.S.Military Scrambles to Avoid Nuclear Meltdown in Japan ...
The United States military and other nations are scrambling to support the government of Japan's efforts to avoid a nuclear meltdown at a nuclear facility affected by the massive Earthquake earlier today.If the cooling system were to ...

Spencer Grammer Is Pregnant! - Moms & Babies -
A source confirms that Kelsey Grammer's daughter, who also wed last month, is now expecting.

Japan Earthquake Highlights U.S.Nuclear Risk, Scientists Say
By Scott DiSavino – Fri Mar 11, 1:10 pm ET NEW YORK (Reuters) – The massive earthquake that forced the closure of four nuclear power plants in Japan has highlighted the grave risk of inadequate back-up generators at U.S.facilities, ...

Scarlett Johansson, Sean Penn "All Over Each Other" in Mexico ...
After a series of dates, the stars' hot hookup is getting serious.

Japan Earthquake 2011: U.S.Estimates 8.9-Magnitude Temblor Left ...
WASHINGTON -- A massive earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan Friday was the strongest quake in the area in nearly 1200 years.David Applegate, a senior science adviser for earthquake and geologic hazards for the U.S.Geological ...

Should this man have received a prison sentence?
1- all ground routes have been compromised'' compromised ' i want to know its meaning2- you are not seriously considering this 3- i'm considering whatever keeps us alive'' consider '' i want to know its meaningplease give another examplesthank you

i wanna know the meaning of that word?
My son is 10 years old.We were all at a basketball game last week and he had to pee but he waited until halftime.But that's when the lines are long.He drank a lot of cola.Anyway he got so desperate that he asked people to let him go to the front of the line, but they wouldn't let him.He ended up peeing in his pants.He was crying so I know he was upset, so I felt I should say something comforting.On the other hand, it isn't fair to the rest of us.His siblings are embarrassed because their brother peed his pants and his father is also embarrassed by this.And since he smelled of pee, no one wanted to be near him.He had to stand in the aisle for the rest of the game.I both comforted and scolded him.I told him that it's not the end of the world, but I also told him that it's his fault for waiting too long and for letting go when it started to get really uncomfortable.Also I suggested that next time there's a game he wear a pullup, just in case.Do you think I handled the situation right and how can I do it better.(Hopefully there won't be a next time.)

Should a child who wets his pants be scolded or comforted?
okay, well me and my boyfriend has been together since may 31 2009 .everybody know us as the best couple i and everyone else feel we are meant to be.well latly we been breaking up alot.and last night he got mad at nothing and just feel we should be over and not even friends.its like we go through this alot but this time seems to be over.well it always seem to be over untill i keep chasing him to make things work .he say thank you everytime but it happens again and again.

should i let go or give it time?
I just had three consecutive dreams about her and how I asked her out and she said yes so right now my heart really hurts and I have to get this off my chest.I never dream -_-;Two days ago: Me: Hey, did you see the movie Adjustment bureau? Her: No Me: Can I take you out to the movie this Friday then? Her: This friday? No Me: Oh ok *walks away* Her: Wait was that a serious question? Me: Yeah, I know I joke around with you a lot but yes.*walk away* I always joke around with her all the time.I've asked her to Mcdonalds with dollar menu coupons SEVERAL times as a joke and she understands this.But she asked the question, "Wait was that a serious question?" and that threw me off.ABOUT HER She's quiet and hardly talks but she's talked to me a bit because I make fun of her.We laugh a lot together and make fun of each other, I feel really comfortable with her.She has that personality I like: not too obsessed with looks, no makeup, knows how to talk and make jokes, etc.So it's been 3 days and we've been talking normally.Two days ago we talked about her SAT this saturday no awkward anything between us.I got a cookie from my friend and she stole the cookie from my hand and joked with me she was saving me from obesity.She then took asked my friend for a second cookie and I was just joking the whole time about how I was starving and she was rubbing it in how good it tasted and then gave me the last half.She's so cute! Yesterday I walk in and since her SAT is today I make fun of her saying "ooh no SAT tomorrow no stress feels good!" but I think I went too far because she said sometimes she wants to punch me.I then we t to the board and she stole a bite of my food.She also asked me to check her practice essay and she was sort of laughing at my serious attitude and I was like "what's so funny! You can't take me seriously? She then quickly stopped laughing and I gave her pointers.So at the end I felt bad for what I said first and said "Good luck on your SAT."Should I ask again? I don't want to feel like I'm bothering her.Also how do I know she's interested if she hasn't mentioned it for 3 days now? In fact, asking her again seems pointless.She hasn't mentioned it at all so how do I even know she's interested? It took every nerve in me to ask her out the first time.

Help! What do I do she said no?
chai online in

chai online in united states?
I posted a question a little while ago with these boys namesRainan, Fraser, Mason, Harvey and LakerMy husband has been laughing as the negative comments of these names as they were my choices but thank you for your honest opinion and it has helped as i no longer like Rainan because somone said it sounds like the film Rainman and don't like Fraser anymore because many said it sounds like an old mans namewe still love Harvey and Laker and we live in the UK so the LA Lakers won't affect us! my hubby wants me to ask your opinon on the names he likes.....EllisHarrison (Harry for short)Jaevan (pronounced Jay-van) What do you think of those? any suggestions welcome! Has to go with our other childrens names Holly, Zac and Jasmin and our sir name Horth.Thank you xx

Didn't have much luck with boys about these?
I had a pet prairie dog that turned into a gerbil, then a guinea pig, then into a wolf.I put the wolf into a pit, which turned into a green and blackish pool with garbage in it.I looked and saw eels in the pool, and ran to get the wolf out, and saw a blood cloud leading from the wolf, and when I got her out, she had a huge...cut like thing on her leg.Also in the dream, she wouldn't get into the pit unless I was in the room so my sister told me to go into the room because she wants to see my face.And the wolf talked to me and my sister, my sister had walked around the corner when it turned into a wolf and my sister said "It's a..." and me and her said "Wolf" at the same time.It looked at both of us and growled "Prairie dog." What does this mean? I kind of miss the wolf when I'm awake.Like a part of me is still with her.

What does this dream mean?
I've been listening to ATL since late '09 and i recently just went to see them live.I have all their albums and they've very quickly became my favourite band! I'm seriously considering joining the Hustler Club but, as i said, i'm in the UK.Seeing as they don't come to the UK as much as the US do you think it's worth joining? The money isn't a problem, it's coming out of my own pocket anyway (i'm 17, i'm expected to pay for things myself!) but would i be getting the benefits to their full advantage or wouldn't it be worth it seeing as they come to the UK only once or twice a year? Also, what about the forums? I hear they don't take lightly to "newcomers" and/or are full of those who only like 1 or 2 songs by them? Any advice is appreciated!

Is it worth joining the All Time Low Hustler Club if you live in the UK?
Me and my fiance have finally picked out a beautiful and affordable location for our wedding.We planned our wedding to be in 2013 so we'd have plenty of time to save for everything.Our parents will help but they aren't rich and it will mostly fall on us, which is ok.But recently my fiance has been complaining more and more about how much he hates his job because he took on a harder position to pay for the wedding.First off he took the position before we were even engaged because he wanted to make more money.But since he hates it so much - and has the option to go back to his old job - I've told him almost every week to go back to his old job.We are not broke, we don't need him losing his peace of mind, etc.for more money.But he wouldn't leave the position because now he's used to and likes making his current paycheck and doesn't want to go back to the lower pay.I know it's good of him to want to make more money for us, but money isn't everything.I rather have him happy and enjoying his job instead of the money but he won't quit.Months later were were engaged and picked a hall and he still complains, to me and all his friends about how this wedding is why he keeps this job that he HATES.I'm so tired of him blaming an occasion that's supposed to represent love and us, etc.on his unhappiness.I mean, he picked the hall too, he loves the hall.He often tells me he's excited for our wedding and marrying me.When he blames the wedding I feel like he's blaming me.Like I am the reason he has to work at a job he hates.It makes me really want to cancel the contract with the hall and just go to the court house to stop his complaining and to make him happy but then I can't say that I won't regret my decision because that means I'm giving up my dream wedding.It will make him happy - I think - but then it will make me resentful.Can you imagine me telling his parents and mine that the wedding is off to make him happier? It seems if I win he loses and if he wins I lose and I don't see any compromise and I don't know what to do.

we're fighting over the cost of teh wedding and it makes me want to cancle the whole thing!?
My instructor ask us to pick a Classical movie to watch and make a reaction paper for it.But I don't know what 'Classical' (classic) movie means.Can you site some examples that is good for a reaction/term paper (maybe, inspiring *not a love story please*, exciting)?Thank you for the help.

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