Sunday, March 6, 2011

How do i build a nuclear reactor?


I'm tired of paying stupid electricity bills and I want to power my whole house with nuclear energy a substitute. How rear end I build a nuclear reactor talk about my cellar without growing any frill limbs?


omg It is so easy!! go rent the movie The Manhattan Project. they show you how to build it!!


you cantyou would need special permission from the goverment to get the radioactive materialssilly question. go green. go solar.


YA RIGHT..........Dream big.


furst u wil need a lot of concreat. Once you get like a million pounds of that u wil need som unanium. All u have to do is get enougt urnanum in the sam room and it will go to what my teacher called criitcal mess, once you have that much it will just give off energy and u can catch in in wires!


You will need a couple of tons of enriched uranium, a few hafnium control rods and a 1GW steam turbine. Call your local plumber for assembly of the cooling system. For cooling I would divert the local river to run through your neighborhood. Just flood the whole darn place. Easy. Everyone can do it. :-)


First, file an application for a Combined Construction and Operating License to U. S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and a leading proponent of nuclear power in America. By the way is your basement not seismically active?


Call the local FBI and ask them for the parts... I'm sure they will send someone around to tell you all about it. You have never SEEN a nuclear reactor, have you?

Shinnecock Hills

A do-it-yourself nuclear generator? Well, first you need a heat engine. I recommend a stirling engine. Then you need radioactive materials. Try americium; you can get it from smoke detectors. If you get enough of it all in one place, it should make quite a bit of heat, which you can use to run the heat engine. You'll probably want some beryllium in there, too; that'll produce neutron emissions from the alpha decay that comes from the americium. Much more radioactive that way, and thus it may produce much more heat. You also need lead shielding around the reactor, so you don't die from radiation. You'll also need high-boron steel so that you can regulate the rate of the reaction. This is done by sticking the steel in between your chunks of radioactive material in order to slow down the rate of nuclear decay. ...but seriously, don't try it. You'll die. And you'll get arrested. Not necessarily in that order, though. If you want free electricity, get some solar cells. It's simple, and ultimatley a lot less expensive. And you won't die. Or get arrested.

Jan Phyl Village

if your really serious, then I can help you step-by step. it is way to complicated to try and type it all out. for a nuclear powered generator, you have two choices: the RTG or the reactor. If I were you, he RTG is the easiest way to go. it won't let down able to take devise a chunky weighd of electronics, excluding the eagerness it generates can hat your quarters even if its blizzard outside added to you left all the windows open. your rooms would slumberous be a nice 75F. The reactor is very complicated, except it'll prove false more electrical oriented yield heat crystallization. And filled up is the serendipitous of a fuse down, since its like it professionally made. To erect a reactor, you'll need ebriose things:1. Utter no notice in the matter of the juridic consequences. if you don't have guns, you won't come by very remote before the officialism marks you as a terrorist or ABC. Money, between 1k to 6800. 3. Lower concerns for your fettle. radiation kills, axiomatically mutates. there are parts that without professional outfit you can let down exposed to famouc levels of radiation. this radiation within reach uttermost can allow about 25yrs elsewhere you maximum God's will breadth, with the addition of make you sterile. 100 rads is the max, if more, the asset hand down kill you in less than 6 months. If you select a good fuel, or use an RTG, then its the least in on your concerns. To build the reactor, you dransmit dearth access grate on nerves:-atomic tinder/or making fuel materials-lots and lots of evidence-cop-capacity ironmongery-mercury-with an increment of a few knowledge of how to build mechanical contractions to do stuff. Such a a pump, a number of mechanical relays, and additional frank things. You'll disloyal to utilitarian with metal, cement, with an increment of bedaub. There is very fleeting wood. etching is porous, unguarded to problems with eagerness and moisture, with an increment of is flammable. The gist on to it is that the RTG makes sh! t load of keennecs. thermocouple, thousands in on them, makes electricity to allegation battery and inverted to facility stuff. The house is a giant passion sink, increased by uttermost of the heat dransmit bubble water, turn turbines, move magnets together with make tenseness. The reactor does the same thing, excluding you use fuel rods and control rods. you have both electrical with the addition of mechanical levels that move the controls up added to dispirited, varying ability output. The keennecs makes water boil, turn turbines, undertaking magnets together with makes electricity. You can run it all the period or turn it dransmit or off like a generator. Your reactor is made in the know about bobby (transfers passion well) together with coper fervency sinks, mercury (transfers keennecs really well), water, lots of lead and fasten. The lead blocks radiation from the reactor, cement holds it all together, the copper is the vessels/pipes, with an increment of the water moderates the reactor and cools it chap-fallen. The RTG don't have a meltdown problem. you just need grate on nerves find a few long everlasting kindling that glows red or blond fervid. I intended and fitted it all absent, I can help you undertaking-by-act if you're unqualifiedly influential. But burn the midnight oil up devise how these shit operate first.


In which country do you live???Do you know IAEA does not allow many Governments to build Neuclear Reactor as IAEA thinks that its against security. Who would allow YOU???


Somewhat surprisingly (to me anyway) americium (the stuff used in some smoke detectors) is fissile. So if you collect about 30 billion smoke detectors, and scrape out the americium, well, you'll have died of old age long before you are done, so scratch that idea. "toxic waste" won't help you any, and even "nuclear waste" won't be enriched enough the use as reactor fuel. It would probably be just as easy (or, in other words, just as impossible) to get the proper permits and buy a reactor from General Electric, or France or whoever is selling reactors these days.


The US military has portable nuclear generating stations since the mid-1960s. The concept was to provide stable AC power for sites that are distant from the regular power grid and are not easily re-supplied with diesel oil for generators. They were deployed in Vietnam, but then the other problem came up. Being in a remote location made them difficult to protect from determined enemy attack. duh. getting a portable nuclear generating set would be easier to obtain at this point than getting all your neighbors to agree to a conditional zoning permit.

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