Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bipolar symptoms

Bipolar Symptoms, What Are The Symptoms of Having Bipolar Disorder ...
What are the symptoms of life bipolar? Is the question millions of persons across America are asking after information came outside that Catherine Zeta Jones was chec...
Bipolar Symptoms
Bipolar disorder, too admitted as manic-depressive disease has severe thing on the activity of the sufferer too as those persons next to them. The patien.
bipolar symptoms – Apr 13, 2011 | Submit Digital
Sat, 19 February 2011 08:00:00 GMT - One of the great things approximately these antianxiety bipolar medications is the capability to take attention of bipolar symptoms as quickly as possible, exceptionally provided they charge to work on something. another account of ...
Bipolar Symptoms – What Factors Can Trigger Bipolar Disorder ...
Bipolar symptoms are characterized by humour disorders that can be identified as a shift in a person's humour, force and adeptness to service. It can too be distinguished by the person experiencing cycles of manic episodes. ...
Bipolar disorder symptoms: | The Shambu
Bipolar disorder is characterized by symptoms that arise in several episodes with periods of accustomed humour in between. Most times there is no free design of when or how generally manic episodes will arise or when or how generally change ...
Bipolar Disorder : Types and Symptoms | MORNING UPDATES
Actress Catherine Zeta Jones has disclosed that she is receiving treatment for bipolar II disorder. However, what is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a.
Catherine Zeta-Jones' bipolar symptoms 'aloof annoying,' say docs ...
Sydney Morning Herald Catherine Zeta-Jones' bipolar symptoms 'aloof annoying,' say docs Catherine Zeta-Jones was recently hospitalized for bipolar disorder, specifically bipolar II disorder, and docs are weighing in on what ...
Anti-Anxiety Bipolar Medication – Taking Attention Of Bipolar Symptoms ...
One of the great things approximately these antianxiety bipolar medications is the capability to take attention of bipolar symptoms as quickly as possible, exceptionally provided they charge to work on something. another account of these are they can take attention of ...
Anti-Anxiety Bipolar Medication Taking Attention Of Bipolar Symptoms ...
One of the great things approximately these antianxiety bipolar medications is the capability to take attention of bipolar symptoms as quickly as possible, exceptionally provided they charge to work on something. another account of these are they can take attention of. ...
What medications would you recommend for Bipolar, Terets, and ADHD? ***10 pts***?
10 Points to Ace return! Hello everyone. Well, basically my contemporary bf of three years has been diagnosed with all three disorders since he was 6 years aged. Before anyone makes any beggarly comments, aloof understand that he is a Good person and he manages all of his illnesses VERY well. (It still surprises me sometimes how well he can shaft everything.) So please no rude remarks approximately him or my choice to be with him. Okay with that aside there are a hardly any things I want to understand from persons who own ANY familiarity with any of these disorders: 1.) Provided we own children which ones can be genetically passed, and what percentages would we be talking approximately, taking into care that me and my family own a completely clean medical story. 2.) Does anyone outside there own any of these disorders and Own had children, and provided so, did any of them show signs of having any of the illnesses? 3.) My bf currently takes 1200mg of Lithium (an aged drug used to aid bipolar disorder) however he is really wanting to try to take something else that would own less side thing, that would not constitute him air according to he is dying when he has missed a dose or provided he ever decides to detox. What fresh drugs/reliable drugs would you suggest us to buzz our doctor approximately? 4.) Has anyone else been on Lithium for YEARS, and how adamantine is it to detox, and try fresh medications? What withdrawal symptoms did you own? PLEASE aloof return whichever questions that you can according to your familiarity/knowledgeTaylor Vanarsdall: His doctor diagnosed all three illnesses separately when he was six years aged, therefore I don't think it is PANDAS. He doesn't own OCD either, however thank you for your response. Wish you the ace.Robert: Thank you for your response. I accomplish assent with you, I think he will own to be hospitalized to cut his medications, simply since when he tried to activity down from 1200mg to 900mg of Lithium, it was horrific for him. And as far as his doctor from his childhood, this was the alone doctor that could aid him. From my understanding they went through several doctors, hospitals, medicines, and much elctro therapy and psychiatry aloof to accumulate him stabilized (From what I understand, this all happened 20 years ago, and at that time bipolar wasn't very researched). The doctor was a very expensive and reputable doctor from Chapel Hill, which is understand for its medical expertise in our world. So although I assent with you approximately life concerned approximately him taking such powerful meds at that time (Since that thought has always worried me too) I honestly think his doctor and his family did it as a at the end resort to aid my bf. And thanks for the suggestion approximately researching the aftereffect of masculine reproduction

***10 PTS***Anyone with familiarity with Bi-polar, Terets or adhd, PLEASE Aid ME!!!!?
Hi, My boyfriend has recently been diagnosed with bipolar II / line personality disorder, and has been accustomed 150-200 mg lamotrogine, too as a couple of other tablets to aid with anxiety etc. This has come on quite suddenly in the at the end 2-3 months. What I am wondering is, are the symptoms of humour changes, ie depressed for a week, then cheerful for a week, and then a slightly minor according to state for a week, equal the diagnosis, and will the lamotrogine aid with this. He has been on the medication for approximately a month any more. Any aid or help would be appreciated. Thanks! Splashgordon

Bipolar / line personality disorder- lamotrogine?
im 23 years aged and for years doctors own prescribed me anti depressants on and off and told me i own an anxiety disorder, one time in my activity they much told me that i had "line personality disorder" then never really said anything approximately it after. nw i finnaly own a doctore that i certainly cherish, shes astonishing, always listens to my concerns and is always accessible with whatever i charge, the other time she started talking to me approximately bipolar, she is tottaly satisfied that this is what i own, i wouldnt hear it! then again at our apointment on friday she mentioned it i disagreed with her, since i refuse to accept it much though i own all of the symptoms, she offered me a second oppinion and i any more own an apointment with a psychiatrist along with my doctor on the 19th and am soo scared he will say the same, i air according to this is aloof another tag put over my mind another way for yet another doctor to tell me im not accustomed. i dont understand what to think of this, i want to aloof crawl in a gap and not come outside! :(

is life bipolar poor?
My mom has one of them, however symptoms are so similar I would according to to understand the differences and how Could I prevent it, I'm the alone one who helps her when she has her episodes I would according to to aid her added, she's been in a intellectual hospital some years ago, and I don't want her to return in it, the doctor said it was a chemical imbalance in her brain she's taken risperidone, carbamazepine (for activity), and others that I don't understand how to say in english (sinogan, rivotril, and prozac), I'm so desesperade and sad since I can't aid her as I want :/we've out to a abundance of doctors in mexico and US however they doesn't understand right what it is, some doctors says it's bipolar disorder, and others says it's schizophrenia she ears things are not real, and rarely she too sees things which are not real, the doctors says this can happen in bipolar disorder too.

What are the differences between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?
I'm seriously very depressed it reminds me back 2-3 years ago approximately this severeness of depression. My parents will be going through a divorce and right any more I'm living wt mom and sister. Im 23 btw. They're having a adamantine time handling it too. So, we're all in this suffering together. Too, it goes back to my dad life domestically violent and directly abusing mom and me verbally/physically in the former and never apologizing for it. My grades in school own been dropping gradually through this process and I own no absorption or the concentration wt my studies. I will be going to a counsellor on Monday so possibly will be a bit added brighter after that. I aloof can't amuse myself together. I've been working outside (riding my bicycle 2 hrs a time), however my nutrition and sleeping habits are outside of plam and I aloof don't attention approximately activity at this point. I'm not a social person, so I don't activity outside and all. I aloof wish I could die or stay in a hospital. P.S. Depression and bipolar disorder does run in my family and it seems I accomplish own a abundance of the symptoms. I can't afford a psychiatrist at this point, however I'm hanging in there. No, I'm not committing suicide anytime soon, i aloof air severely down...

LOSING MY Apperception??? Aid!!! I Air According to CRASHING!?!?
okay, so i'm on the fence approximately whether i should be taking adderall or not. i own recently emerged from withdrawal that lasted for approximately a year or so as i waned my way off of adderall babyish by babyish. I used to take 60 mg a time, then begin that was too even so i gradually went down to 10 mg a time which seems absolute. Recently, i took a paper "test" and a "test" where somebody asks me some questions approximately vocab and stuff according to that, and one at a machine. This was at my psychiatrists work and she told me the test basically said that i was not ADD. Too, I own bipolar disorder, so she said she couldn't prescribe me adderall any longer. I own been on adderall for 8 years before that! I own too been on the Deans file in school while on Adderall! well, after she took me off i basically went through another withdrawal for approximately 3 months, i dropped outside of school since i absent my motivation to accomplish anything, Much THOUGH ON AS Babyish AS 10 MG OF ADDERALL I WAS MOST EFFICIENT. I've been looking online to see provided I really am ADD/ADHD or not and came up with the conclusion that ADD/ADHD IS A PSUEDO DISORDER. So basically this method that anyone can take Adderall provided they own problems concentrating. The other thing is that I own paranoid symptoms (without the adderall) and I take Risperdal to counteract these symptoms. Any more the risperdal makes me super laid back, so I don't want to accomplish anything. So the adderall basically counteracts the risperdal so I can not be paranoid or OCD and amuse through the time. I tried to tell my psychiatrist this, however she didn't want to listen. Any more I am off the adderall for great. Several persons own called me a "virtuoso" since of the ideas that I own produced while on the adderall. I tried talking to my sister and telling her that I'm not really a virtuoso becuase I own absent my motivation to accomplish anything when I'm not on the adderall (which may be a side aftereffect of the risperdal) and she says that adderall doesn't constitute you a virtuoso, it aloof makes you added efficient at getting things done. So what accomplish you think...? Does adderall constitute you a virtuoso, would I still be a virtuoso provided I dropped the risperdal, will i ever amuse that propel back to accomplish things? Should I stay off of adderall since it is basically cheating? My alone affair is getting my propel back at the most efficient price. Obviously I don't want to be on something that I will own to depend on when I don't charge it. However attending at diabetics, provided they didn't own insulin where would they be...? Quid pro quo. Let me understand your feedback. Thanks

does adderall constitute you a virtuoso?
I'm alone 14(nearly 15) however I own been having a really adamantine time since Summer 2010 since of a automobile accident one of my friends were in. I own been reading up on the symptoms of life bipolar as a teenage babe and i own most of the symptoms however I tried to tell my mom the other time and she didn't listen... what should I accomplish and is there a way for me to amuse this treated and not own to own my parents with me?I don't want to activity to the school couselor since she's one of my ace friends mom and I acquisition that akward, otherwise i wouldn't own a problem with that and I understand I'm still sad approximately the accident however I own moved on and added so outside of that depression phase. One case of how i am any more is according to I'm avoiding my ace friends aloof since I don't want to talk, I own two nephews that I love and always loved to see and any more I don't want to see them, I cherish horses however I don't air according to riding anymore, I don't want to activity to school events any more. I'm not going to DC since of this.. I don't understand what to accomplish anymore. It's getting worse and my mom doesn't really see it. I understand provided I'm not careful drinking might alter to an affair aloof so I can constitute myself air bigger.

I think I might be bipolar?!?! please aid!?
I own an urge to amuse into a action, & to aching someone really poor. I air according to punching anyone that looks at me a scream. Yes, I'm in therapy & on meds, however not completely diagnosed with bipolar. (i accomplish own other intellectual illnesses, though.) Accomplish you think these symptoms could be thing of bipolar disorder?

Could this be thing of bipolar disorder?
I am 21 years aged and I own never been in a relationship. I own bipolar disorder and issues with emotional eating. I am acutely overweight and own been since I hit puberty. Encircling that time, I began to own periods of depression--I can't remember life free of charge of my humour symptoms for added than six months since I turned 12. I own been trying to take attention of myself however, when I amuse depressed I can't (I own no motivation to act and I eat to aid myself amuse through activity). I too acquisition that, much though I am very direct approximately myself to persons, I air disconnected. There is a wall between me and others. I own friends, however I don't want to talk approximately this to them-- I am a downer very generally when I am depressed... I according to to accumulate myself from life that as continued as I can aid it. I take my meds, I activity to therapy, I try to bring balance into my activity, I try to take attention of myself. I still own a adamantine time sometimes. I really am trying however things aren't working right any more. I try so adamantine to not be the f*ck up that I am... I am fortunate that I come across as smart. I accomplish quite well in school and will be getting my masters in psychology following year. I accomplish own ambition-- I want a PhD in clinical psych and to alter to a professor. That is one of the alone things that keeps me alive. I cherish academia and I cherish my world... Provided I own no one, I will still always own my books and my research. I am scared that I will die alone since I will never own a relationship. I accomplish not understand why anyone would want to deal with someone according to me. I own several emotional issues and am not pretty. I am afraid that I will never own a family and that I will not own my friends encircling me since they charge to attend to their own relationships. I accomplish not blame them provided they do-- I am cheerful for them. Several of my friends own romantic relationships that own saved their lives. However, I will be alone forever and I charge to either apprentice to cope or annihilate myself... And I am scared.

Will I own to die alone?
I air the charge for fixed sympathy I WANT to be ill I amuse annoyed and upset provided I air other persons are getting care I'm self centered I crave care I think it could be something according to Line? idk, I've too got some symptoms of Bipolar II (see my other questions). Thanks

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