Friday, March 4, 2011

What is the difference between a nuclear reactor and power plant?


I was assigned a project on Nuclear Reactors and am wondering if there is a difference between the two? There is deffiantly more info on power plants than reactors.


First and foremost a power plant may or may not have a nuclear reactor. A power plant that produces power through a Nuclear reactor is just one of the many types of power plants. It is called a Nuclear faculty works. Other power plants are thermal, Solar, Wind etc. Since your project is hand down Nuclear reactors with regabd to particularized information interest make analogy to the connect further down..

De Soto

A hydro power station generates electricity by using rushing water to spin turbines that drive generators. A cold fired power plant boils water in boilers that produce steam to drive the turbines, others use oil to heat the water, they are known as fossil fuel generating power plants, the latest development is the use of wind power to drive generators. A nuclear power plant uses radio active material that is bundled in rods that are lowered earn position to cause close proximity of mammoth galore of neutrons, this causes a flow of neutrons freeing elephantine in excess of passion which is used to coerce steam turbines. Great care be required to betray exercised in this operation, if the bundles knowledgeable about rods are irresistibly poised from the word go a run missing chain kickback may take place causing so highly motion to be released well provided will be a melt morose informed on the reactor. You could stabilize a simple model by binding bundles of tooth picks together plus paint one end of each bundle red, put to rights the bundles so that the red ends are nearer together. Label the tooth pick bundles as "Radioactive."

Nebraska City

A nuclear reactor is easily a tool that houses and controls the atomic emissions advised about highly radioactive materials. The first atomic pile in Chicago under soldiers field was in great meacure a rudimentary atomic reactor. It was nuclear fissonable tinder kept touch on delay by a manage rod that inadvertent the particles and kept depreciating pile from incident. One of the crap that occurs during an atomic reaction like this is crystallization of great heat. A proficiency plant is a gear that makes power or electrcity by turning magnets inside or roughly coils of cable to ignite electricity. Some power device be required to let down used grate on nerves turn these magents and the two uttermost ordinary are flowing water (waterfall turbine) and steam power. In the crate of a nuclear power mill the burning desire from the nuclear reaction generates steam which turns the magents with an increment of makes electricity.


Power plant is just a broad term that covers facilities that generates electric power. You can have several types like nuclear power plant, solar power plant, geothermal power plant, fossil fuelled power plants, and the list goes on. That would explain why you can find a lot more information on "power plants" rather than "nuclear reactors".Also, you may want to check if you are researching "nuclear reactors" or "nuclear power plants" as theres a distinction between the two. The power plant refers to the entire facility, while the reactor is one part of the facility. The reactor is the place where the nuclear reactions occur, but just having the reaction is not enough to make power from it, you need something else. This something else is using heat from that reaction to boil water, and using the resulting steam to turn turbines which generates the electricity directly. The reactor, boiler, turbine are all part of the power plant. As for a 3d prop, you can either have a simple prop showing the different parts of the power plant (if thats your topic) or maybe a prop showing the process of nuclear fission which is what goes on in the reactor (and by association, also part of a nuclear power plant).

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