Sunday, March 13, 2011


Language Log » Tsunami
The current disaster in Japan raises the question of the origin of the word tsunami.It is from Japanese 津波, where 波 [nami] is "wave" and 津 [tsu] here means "harbor".It was apparently first used in English in 1897 by Lafcadio Hearn ...

Balloon Juice » Tsunami
The 7th largest earthquake in recorded history caused this tsunami in Japan.CNN is saying that Hawaii will be hit by a 6 foot wave any moment now, and that an evacuation has been ordered around one Japanese nuclear plant....

Zynga Enables Donations To Tsunami Relief Through In-Game Purchases
Social gaming giant Zynga has joined the Internet's efforts at donating to Japanese Tsunami relief tonight, by enabling in-game donations through virtual good buying in Zynga games like FrontierVille, FarmVille and CityVille as of 7pm ...

Japan | Earthquake | Tsunami | Supermoon
What's up with the whirlpool, the “supermoon,” climate change, the Indonesian tsunami … and is it true that the Pacific Ocean is shrinking?

YouTube - Raw Video: Tsunami Slams Northeast Japan
A tsunami triggered by a massive earthquake washed away buildings along the northeast coast of Japan.(March 11)

The Tsunami Reaches San Francisco [PIC]
The Tsunami Reaches San Francisco: An amazing photo of the tsunami making its way up the Bay's east side...Via Mother Jones.

Michelle Malkin » Chris Matthews: Earthquake, Tsunami an ...
Chris Matthews: Earthquake, Tsunami an Opportunity for Obama to Remind Everybody He Was Born in Hawaii.

California Tsunami Warning -- Lindsay Lohan Evacuates Her Apt ...
Lindsay Lohan isn't taking any chances with the tsunami warning issued for Southern California -- TMZ has learned she's evacuated her Venice condominium…

YouTube - Devastating tsunami hits Japan
A 8.9-magnitude earthquake has triggered a tsunami along Japan's north-eastern coastline, and scores are feared killed.Cars, boats, homes and people were swe...

The end of the world?
Hey everyone.I hope that everyone is aware of the recent news on the natural disasters on Japan, New Zealand and the floods that happened earlier in Australia.My question is that do any of these all these natural disasters have any implications or possibly, will they be able to build up to other natural disasters in the not to distant future? I did read about the tsunami reaching the coast of USA.So is it possible for any of these disasters to cause others.Also, are any of these disasters related in any way? Thanks in advanced

Question on natural disasters in Australia, Japan and NZ?
THE LAST SUPPER_cosmicwave_ It can be helped.I can't bare the fact that I'm just sitting here and doing nothing while all in second the bits are fast sweeping into dust.And all in a sudden the odds are coming faster than expexted.This might meant nothing to you, or you might think that this is just a man's article out of nowhere but take this, I'll be writing down my perceptives in a hope that this MIGHT CHANGE or ATLEAST MIGHT HELP increase our HOPES.I will not stop you if you don't want to continue nor I won't settle on anything else, persuading, just to change your point of view.This is, as I want to say, something that I can't contain inside my head, that it just came and wrote itself up.Last night, I had heard something less ordinary, a shock that was so devastating that it made my eyes cry out.Last night was a part of it.A part of the chain that was starting to swallow all that was built under the sun."Everything shall perish under the sky",i can't stop myself from thinking this but bare it in your mind, if this fears you enough, then stop.Last night, I heard the terryfying news about the earthquake followed by the tsunami that hit Japan.Yes, as I said, it was a part of a chain.What chain? As all of us know, the calamaities' rate had seemed to increase gradually not just any other nature's roar but includes descriptive number of man's threat.In a blink of an eye things about earthquakes, people powers, wars had flooded out the news.A fast alarming rate that made me think of this 2012 thing.Honetsly, I had onced believed this, inevitable enough, and like many of you, I pray to the Lord that it shall not happen.2012 ain't just any another year or any other change of calendar.It is a year we have always feared yet again, we don't want to believe it.But now, the impossiblities are low.The Mayans and Nostradame, does it all end in here? Is everything [really] happening faster than expected? Are the predictions right? No matter's all because of US.But DON'T FORGET THIS, THERE'S STILL TIME.It may be too late but it never was.Think of this, plenty of times had we only come to GOD in moment's of despair but rarely in time's of happiness.Sometimes, we even blame him if things don't go our way, but to see the reason why, we only have the slightest chance to look at it.There are [also] time's when we only pray because others are praying.Sometimes we even broadcast it to others only for them to see that we are praying,,that we are good enough to look up on.This can only feel heartily if it only was sincere,.Sincerity and devotion, that's all HE needs.In way, have you ask yourself or have you even had this tiny little thought or have it ever croosed your mind that GOD has sacrificed a lot to redeem our sins? Are we blind enough to see? Are we deaf? Physically we are not, spiritually we are.I am not preaching nor telling you what you must or musnt' do.Clearly, there are times when I consider myself one of these people but I only say this to enlighten you.I want to be a source of illumination, if it's the only thing to help save the world or even give us some extension.I was just trying...but it can be helped if GOD really wants it this way."IF ITS MEANT TO BE THEN ITS MEANT TO BE BUT I STILL DO ASK FOR SOME EXTENSIONS".I don't ask for myself but for the world.What about those little kids? My llitle brother who's still inside my mother's womb.What about those other children like him? Those who want reach their dreams? Those whose HOPES are still up? And those who haven't seen it all? The world may not hold us long but there's still LIGHT, isn't there? This might be redundant enough but who cares? Yes, we have only prayed now because something bad had hit Japan but can I ask you guys a little more favor to pray not just because its needed but because you wanted to.Pray not only for Japan but for the whole world.It's clear enough that we only ask HIM if we are in trouble but don't remain yourself staedfast in such an upside state of way.Let us pray not only because there's darkness but too pray because there's light.We are in a dark time, facing a greater challenge we fear above all.But if we can only show GOD that we are worth savinf then a miracle might happen.I always believe in miracles because miracles are infinite possiblities.Americans, Japanese, Dutch, French, Spanish, Koreans, Filipinos and the WORLD, and when I say the WORLD, I meant the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.We can still hold each others hand, embrace our differences and work together for what is it that lies beyond.,IT WAS TOO LATE BUT IT NEVER WAS.I can still feel you all.I can still feel your hearts.I LOVE THE WHOLE WORLD ao please don't disaapoint me[HIM].i really do, even recounting this words just to talk to you and I hope that this isn't futile enough.I know that I can't persuade you al

What do you think, What can you say?
These people made their own bed.Sadly, they have to sleep in it now and pay the piper.Travis, Tornadoes don't cause meltdowns or explode nuclear plants.

Japanese are very smart.Is that proven by them building nuclear plants in midst of tsunami danger zones?
I have a family in Lima, and im really worried if they might be in danger, i cant seem to find the right article on the internet with information, was hoping somebody here knew something :S

Is the tsunami that hit Japan, going to hit Peru?
an unconfirmed report of Tajiri's death in the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami was posted to Twitteri hope it's not true:(

Pokemon creator rumored to have died in tsunami?

Do you believe Allah save you from earth quake and tsunami?
The western coast (and even Hawaii) were quite far from the epicenter of the earthquake.Is it just because the energy released from the earthquake was immensely big, or is it just that there is not enough friction in oceans to stop these waves?

Why can a tsunami still retain much of its force after long distances?
If yes, what was the severity and was there any damage, and where was it worst affected?

Did the tsunami hit the Pilippines yesterday?
Who thinks we are safe in Europe from Japan type devastating earthquakes and tsunamis? WRONG.250 years etc ago there was 9.2 earthquake just off the coast of Portugal...Japan's earthquake was only 8.9.A 9.2 earthquake in the same spot would send a tsunami bigger than yesterday's tsunami that hit Japan to the following countries: PORTUGAL, SPAIN, ENGLAND, FRANCE, lowlands of Netherlands, etcQUESTION: Would anyone in the know, please informa us if the earthquake off the coast of Portugal 250 years ago and the gigantic tsunami are likely to happen again SOON or do these things happen every 1,000 years or so? Thank you.

JAPAN: Who thinks that...?
I heard on the news that Hawaii along with a few other countries were meant to be hit by the Japanese Tsunami but only Japan is being mentioned so I was wondering if anyone knew if it had hit yet or if not when it will? And before you leave any stupid comments like "Do you not care about Japan then?" I do care and I do realise they got it very bad but I'm interested to know whats happening to the other countries.



Language Log » Tsunami
The current disaster in Japan raises the question of the origin of the word tsunami.It is from Japanese 津波, where 波 [nami] is "wave" and 津 [tsu] here means "harbor".It was apparently first used in English in 1897 by Lafcadio Hearn ...

Balloon Juice » Tsunami
The 7th largest earthquake in recorded history caused this tsunami in Japan.CNN is saying that Hawaii will be hit by a 6 foot wave any moment now, and that an evacuation has been ordered around one Japanese nuclear plant....

Zynga Enables Donations To Tsunami Relief Through In-Game Purchases
Social gaming giant Zynga has joined the Internet's efforts at donating to Japanese Tsunami relief tonight, by enabling in-game donations through virtual good buying in Zynga games like FrontierVille, FarmVille and CityVille as of 7pm ...

Japan | Earthquake | Tsunami | Supermoon
What's up with the whirlpool, the “supermoon,” climate change, the Indonesian tsunami … and is it true that the Pacific Ocean is shrinking?

YouTube - Raw Video: Tsunami Slams Northeast Japan
A tsunami triggered by a massive earthquake washed away buildings along the northeast coast of Japan.(March 11)

Michelle Malkin » Chris Matthews: Earthquake, Tsunami an ...
Chris Matthews: Earthquake, Tsunami an Opportunity for Obama to Remind Everybody He Was Born in Hawaii.

The Tsunami Reaches San Francisco [PIC]
The Tsunami Reaches San Francisco: An amazing photo of the tsunami making its way up the Bay's east side...Via Mother Jones.

California Tsunami Warning -- Lindsay Lohan Evacuates Her Apt ...
Lindsay Lohan isn't taking any chances with the tsunami warning issued for Southern California -- TMZ has learned she's evacuated her Venice condominium…

Tsunami in Japan destroys fleet of cars ready for shipping ...
Earthquake and tsunami in Japan levels auto shipping yard – Click above to enlarge It's difficult to comprehend, let alone describe, the mas.

Where to watch Japanese nuclear power station blast?

What would you do if you were caught in front of a 1700 feet tsunami?
to save people from stuff like the tsunami in Japan? This is what we theists are talking about, higher forces that we people can not do anything about.Earthquake proof constructions? We can not stop nature and god, and do not expect this to be the last disaster.

Don't you hope there is god?
An explosion at a Japanese nuclear power station tore down the walls of one building on Saturday as smoke poured out and Japanese officials said they feared the reactor could melt down following the failure of its cooling system in Friday's powerful earthquake and tsunami.RT talks about the earthquake and it's effects to Dr.Robert Jacobs, a research associate professor of nuclear history and culture at Hiroshima Peace Institute.The extent of the damage left behind by the ferocious tsunami unleashed by Japan's biggest recorded earthquake was slowly becoming clearer by Saturday afternoon.The earthquake on Friday killed hundreds of people as it carried away ships, cars and homes, and triggered widespread fires that burned out of control.The violent wall of water swept away houses, cars and ships.Fires burned out of control.

blast at Fukushima nuke plant, Fukushima nuke plant out of control, Japan Devastated?
Taxing it is the only way.Cessana, we should tax the sun as well.Its the biggest cause of global warming.

Will cons be against the gov't taxing fault lines and seas to save the planet from earthquakes and tsunamis?
The end of the world? I never really believed it was the end of the world next year but with everything thats been going onDroughtsForest firesCountless earthquakesTsunami/ Warning for the entire pacific basinFloodsMore earthquakes...10.000 fish dying at oncefollowed by 5,000 birdsThen 20,000 tunaand another 6,000 birds ALL IN ONE GOlots of beached whalesLandslidesALL IN 2011Now I don't normally believe this stuff...But its been 3 months into the year...Opinions?

The end of the world?
Hey everyone.I hope that everyone is aware of the recent news on the natural disasters on Japan, New Zealand and the floods that happened earlier in Australia.My question is that do any of these all these natural disasters have any implications or possibly, will they be able to build up to other natural disasters in the not to distant future? I did read about the tsunami reaching the coast of USA.So is it possible for any of these disasters to cause others.Also, are any of these disasters related in any way? Thanks in advanced

Question on natural disasters in Australia, Japan and NZ?
THE LAST SUPPER_cosmicwave_ It can be helped.I can't bare the fact that I'm just sitting here and doing nothing while all in second the bits are fast sweeping into dust.And all in a sudden the odds are coming faster than expexted.This might meant nothing to you, or you might think that this is just a man's article out of nowhere but take this, I'll be writing down my perceptives in a hope that this MIGHT CHANGE or ATLEAST MIGHT HELP increase our HOPES.I will not stop you if you don't want to continue nor I won't settle on anything else, persuading, just to change your point of view.This is, as I want to say, something that I can't contain inside my head, that it just came and wrote itself up.Last night, I had heard something less ordinary, a shock that was so devastating that it made my eyes cry out.Last night was a part of it.A part of the chain that was starting to swallow all that was built under the sun."Everything shall perish under the sky",i can't stop myself from thinking this but bare it in your mind, if this fears you enough, then stop.Last night, I heard the terryfying news about the earthquake followed by the tsunami that hit Japan.Yes, as I said, it was a part of a chain.What chain? As all of us know, the calamaities' rate had seemed to increase gradually not just any other nature's roar but includes descriptive number of man's threat.In a blink of an eye things about earthquakes, people powers, wars had flooded out the news.A fast alarming rate that made me think of this 2012 thing.Honetsly, I had onced believed this, inevitable enough, and like many of you, I pray to the Lord that it shall not happen.2012 ain't just any another year or any other change of calendar.It is a year we have always feared yet again, we don't want to believe it.But now, the impossiblities are low.The Mayans and Nostradame, does it all end in here? Is everything [really] happening faster than expected? Are the predictions right? No matter's all because of US.But DON'T FORGET THIS, THERE'S STILL TIME.It may be too late but it never was.Think of this, plenty of times had we only come to GOD in moment's of despair but rarely in time's of happiness.Sometimes, we even blame him if things don't go our way, but to see the reason why, we only have the slightest chance to look at it.There are [also] time's when we only pray because others are praying.Sometimes we even broadcast it to others only for them to see that we are praying,,that we are good enough to look up on.This can only feel heartily if it only was sincere,.Sincerity and devotion, that's all HE needs.In way, have you ask yourself or have you even had this tiny little thought or have it ever croosed your mind that GOD has sacrificed a lot to redeem our sins? Are we blind enough to see? Are we deaf? Physically we are not, spiritually we are.I am not preaching nor telling you what you must or musnt' do.Clearly, there are times when I consider myself one of these people but I only say this to enlighten you.I want to be a source of illumination, if it's the only thing to help save the world or even give us some extension.I was just trying...but it can be helped if GOD really wants it this way."IF ITS MEANT TO BE THEN ITS MEANT TO BE BUT I STILL DO ASK FOR SOME EXTENSIONS".I don't ask for myself but for the world.What about those little kids? My llitle brother who's still inside my mother's womb.What about those other children like him? Those who want reach their dreams? Those whose HOPES are still up? And those who haven't seen it all? The world may not hold us long but there's still LIGHT, isn't there? This might be redundant enough but who cares? Yes, we have only prayed now because something bad had hit Japan but can I ask you guys a little more favor to pray not just because its needed but because you wanted to.Pray not only for Japan but for the whole world.It's clear enough that we only ask HIM if we are in trouble but don't remain yourself staedfast in such an upside state of way.Let us pray not only because there's darkness but too pray because there's light.We are in a dark time, facing a greater challenge we fear above all.But if we can only show GOD that we are worth savinf then a miracle might happen.I always believe in miracles because miracles are infinite possiblities.Americans, Japanese, Dutch, French, Spanish, Koreans, Filipinos and the WORLD, and when I say the WORLD, I meant the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.We can still hold each others hand, embrace our differences and work together for what is it that lies beyond.,IT WAS TOO LATE BUT IT NEVER WAS.I can still feel you all.I can still feel your hearts.I LOVE THE WHOLE WORLD ao please don't disaapoint me[HIM].i really do, even recounting this words just to talk to you and I hope that this isn't futile enough.I know that I can't persuade you al

What do you think, What can you say?
These people made their own bed.Sadly, they have to sleep in it now and pay the piper.Travis, Tornadoes don't cause meltdowns or explode nuclear plants.

Japanese are very smart.Is that proven by them building nuclear plants in midst of tsunami danger zones?
I have a family in Lima, and im really worried if they might be in danger, i cant seem to find the right article on the internet with information, was hoping somebody here knew something :S

Is the tsunami that hit Japan, going to hit Peru?
an unconfirmed report of Tajiri's death in the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami was posted to Twitteri hope it's not true:(

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