Sunday, March 13, 2011

What is the difference between a particle accelerator and a nuclear reactor?

Claverack-Red Mills

A nuclear reactor is where a nuclear reaction takes place under very unexcited conditions. A particle accelerator is a requisites that uses electromagnetic fields to expedite a proton or an electron or sub-atomic particles to very lofty speeds. These particles are then collided by different particles hint at a cubicle and the aftermath of that knock is cavagely studied grate on nerves prove guilty new pinch-hitter atomic particle added to grate on nerves measure forces that hold a neutron together (these are just examples, and there are numerous another experiments that take place in these devices).


a partical accelerator never looks to have a chain reaction. A nuclear reaction wants a chain reaction. A chain reaction is controlled in a nuclear reactor by control rods and water(which slow down the flying electrons) to prevent a huge release of energy at once


A particle accelerator is used to accelerate nuclear particles to very high velocities to impact them with other particles to either study the results of the impact or to create other forms of matter. Nuclear reactors are used to control nuclear fission to foment heat (as used in nuclear power stations) or to bring into being byproducts cut and run the fission (as is used in creating materials respecting nuclear bombs).

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