Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Radiation exposure

radiation exposure

radiation exposure

Japanese Nuclear Plant Radiation Exposure & Plausible Brunt on ...
Understanding the possible impact of radiation exposure to women, expectant mothers & their foetuses in Japan.

The Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure
The Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure - The Huffington Post.

The Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure | BloggerWalk
The Health Effects Of Radiation Exposure, Because of what is happening in Japan, many people wonder what they can do to protect themselves in case of dangerous levels of radiation were to make their way to the do.

How To Protect Yourself From Radiation Exposure - ...
Because of what is occurring in Japan, many people are wondering what they could do to protect themselves in the event that dangerous levels of.

Medical Center and Hospital Radiation Exposure, Renewed Concerns ...
Medical Center and Hospital Radiation Exposure, Renewed Concerns Various recently published studies about the relationship between low dose.

Experts: Radiation Exposure Not a 'Death Sentence - Health ...
Researchers have developed several of treatments for radiation illness - products that can help cleanse radiation from the blood, or boost the immune system.

How much radiation exposure endangers health? | The Daily Blitz ...
Kanagawa, near Tokyo, reports radiation levels 9 times normal after explosions at 2 reactors in Japan; how close is Japan to a serious crisis?

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster, Radiation Exposure ...
You've seen the before and after pictures, now CNN explains exactly what happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and the potential radiation exposure risk that a meltdown would cause.Video after the break....

The risks of radiation exposure | Hot News Today
Leaks, explosions and meltdowns at any of Japan's troubled nuclear reactors could expose large numbers of people to radiation.These are some of the potential health risks of radiation exposure and how the condition can be treated....

Will Japan's destroyed reactors cause complete human extinction from radiation poisoning?
The Neuclear disaters that affect Japan scare me..I want to know if this is another HIV that is killing the world today..PLEASE HELP ME

I saw the news on BBC & CNN about this, which raises a concern for the spread of RadiationFrom what I understand, the radiation "hazard" so far is due to the venting of steam from the reactor.Reactor steam tends to contain caesium-137 which is a Beta emitting radioactive material.Caesium-137 acts in the body in a similar fashion as potassium, which means it displaces potassium in the body in a similar fashion as carbon monoxide displaces oxygen in the body.The direct health effects are typically heart attack and stroke if concentrations get to high.Fortunately, the chemical Prussian Blue (normally used as a dye) bonds to caesium-137 and removes it from the body rather easily.The main risk is due to the Beta emissions from the caesium-137.Beta radiation has more penetration than alpha particles which means it penetrates deeper into body tissue.While alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of tissue paper, shielding for beta particles is typically metal containers.Long term alpha or beta radiation exposure typically results in cancer (skin cancer for alpha radiation, deep tissue cancer for beta exposure) but we're talking about a LOT of exposure for any real risk...Most people are exposed to beta radiation from concrete, although the beta emissions from caesium-137 are significantly higher than from concrete.Pl.update if you know more about this.

Politics on Atomic Radiation from Japanese Reactors ?
Seems like the whole issue with the nuclear reactors hasn't been solved in the past 24 hours and it's actually getting worst according to the news...does anyone know what's actually happening? Are there actual radiation exposures?@Tonalk: God! Let us hope for the best given the circumstances than.Tks.

Does anyone know what's the actual situation with the nuclear plants in Japan?
After hearing about the nuclear power plant in Japan and how they were giving people iodine tablets to treat radiation exposure, it made me wonder if there was an alternative to these.I'm allergic to iodine in any form (topical or ingested) so I would be unable to take the regulated medicine.Is there another alternative to these capsules? Or would I be stuck taking these and being treated for the allergic reaction? It's actually not that far off to think that it may happen to me.I live near Three Mile Island.It's been close to a nuclear meltdown before? Besides, I would much rather be prepared than have to scramble and find this answer later.

Alternative to Iodine Tablets?
I'm doing this study Guide for Physics, and i just wanna make sure i have the right answers:-When the nucleus undergoes Decay by Gamma Rays, the atomic number of the element: A.Remains the same B.Decreases my OneI really think its B, but i would like a second opinion.-A person's exposure to radiation can be affected by: A.Where they Live, B.What job they have C.Whether or not they Smoke, D.All the AboveAre Cosmic Rays a source of natural background radiation?

I have a couple Physics questions....?
They already had a lot of exposure growing up feral in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.That's how the sister got conjoined to the conjoined twin brothers (who were born that way).@Stella - Yes that's how we believed it happened.Google "Swiss radioactive boars" if you want to know about the radioactive boars.

Is radiation from a wild boar harmful to my conjoined triplets?
ihave to answer these questions about the sun , but theres a problem ijust dont understand it , imay be over thinking it , but ireally need help .ido not understand the wording , & everytime itry to search it on the internet nothing comes up , please help.What is the source of the radioactivity? What type of radiation does it produce? Is this source most common in any particular areas? If so, where? Is this radiation source dangerous to people? If so, who is at the highest risk of exposure? How can people protect themselves from it? Do people use the radiation source for anything? If so, what? PLEASE HELP !

physical science help please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Need help with dental exam (open book totally ok)- Thanks in advance! How Frequently should a complete radiographic survey (CRS) be exposed on a typical adult? A.every 6 monthsB.every yeARc.Every 2 yearsD.every 5 often as needed by patients clinic needswhat is the recmmended minimum distancr for positions a safelight above the working area where films wil be opened and handled is:A,2FTB.3FTC.4FTD.5FTin which radiograph is the mental foramen observed? A.maxillary molarB.Mandibular molarC.Maxillary premolarD.Mandibular premolarIn extraoral radiography, the intensifying screen is used to reduce the:A.developing timeB.exposure timeC.scattered radiation reaching the patientD.scattered radiation reaching the filmBoth milliamperage setting and exposure time deterimin theA, degree of film fogB.number of x rays producedC.amount of scattered radition producedD.penetrating ability of the radiation producedAny help that is correct is much appricated, THANK YOU - some of these I have answers for but want to double check myself - I need to pass!

How Frequesntly should a complete radiographic survey (CRS) be exposed on a typical adult?
A.LeakageB.PrimaryC.DivergentD.SecondaryAlso a few other questions I just cant is an open book (open HELP test)Light Radiographs can be caused by:1.Film Packet reversal2.low mA setting3.exhausted developer4.overdevelopment(more than one or all CAN be true - i need to know which are)Which of the following are true of rapid processors?1.Accurate timing is essential2.radiographs are permanenty fixed3.Chemicals are changed more frequently than when manually processing4.Radiographs need not be washedWhich of the following could occur id automatic processor rollers are not properly cleaned?(can be more than one)1.Films may be scratched2.Films may become radiopaque3.films may be lost in the transport mechanism4.Films may acquire a herrington bone patternwhich of the following are needed before dental radiographs are taken on any patient1.Medical history2.Clinical exam3.History of previous radiographs4.Referral to selection criteriaA radiation film badge is used in order to:A.protect the xray unti from damage due to overheatingB.reduce the patients exposureC.protect the operator from exposureD.monitor the radiation to which the wearer is exposedblurred xrays are caused by what moving (some or all)

when matter is irradiated by xrays which type of radiation is produced? said there is a cance that you will get a cancer from even a single ct scanwhat about a head ct scandoes that mean im at riskim 24 malethey said there is a chance that you will get a cancer from even a single ct scanwhat about a head ct scan

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