Saturday, March 12, 2011


Michelle Malkin » Horror: Possible nuclear meltdown in quake ...
Horror: Possible nuclear meltdown in quake-stricken Japan, residents evacuated; UPDATE: Pressure relieved at Fukushima No.1 reactor.

Technolog - Early hero of Japan's quake tragedy: Building codes
Half a day after Japan was struck by a devastating earthquake/tsunami combo, it's clear that the country can be thankful for its preparedness, especially when it comes to strict building codes and advanced structural engineering.

Quake moves Japan coast, shifts Earth's axis - World News - IBNLive
The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami on Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.

YouTube - Powerful quake hits Japan
An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday.It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of Kamishi and its tr...

Japan Quake: Tsunami mud wave overtakes town in northern Japan ...
I lived for a time in a city that was expected to be destroyed by "the big one" (it had been leveled by an earthquake in the 18th century, and suffered badly in other quakes/tsunamis), and so I had nightmares now and again....

Philippines: Tsunami Monitoring and Quake Hoax · Global Voices
Philippines: Tsunami Monitoring and Quake Hoax.Posted 11 March 2011.Written byMong Palatino ....South Korea's citizen media, Wiki Tree posted photos [ko] of quake in Japan, sent by Tweeters....

Japan Quake: The Night After - Boing Boing
[Video Link] Journalist Adario Strange, who is now living in Japan, interviewed some people on the street in Tokyo who were stranded by the quake.On Friday, March 11, 2011, at 2:46 p.m.a major earthquake hit Japan causing all ...

Japan Earthquake 2011: Magnitude 6.6.Quake Hits Central Japan ...
TOKYO - (AP) Japan's Meteorological Agency says a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck the central, mountainous part of the country hours after a massive quake hit off the country's northeastern coast.Dozens of aftershocks have rattled ...

Watch: YouTube Footage of Japan Quake [VIDEOS]
An 8.9-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the coast of Japan Friday, the most powerful recorded in the country's history, and the seventh largest ever recorded worldwide.

Seriously people what the hell only 3 months in the beginning of 2011 and so many bad things happening?
The news asked the U.SA.people to send aide to Japan.I really feel sorry for the innocent people.BUT, would Japan send any help if a disaster where to strike PEARL HARBOR?

Japan quake assistance?

Is Guam close to the Japan earth quake?
I feel like we are seeing more and more of the things Jesus said would be the beginnings of sorrows.It seems like every week we watch the news and the first thing they talk about is earth quakes, tornados....

Why do I feel like we are seeing more of the things Jesus said come true?
I'm an empath and since the quake hit Japan and all day yesterday and today I feel so drained and my head feels buzzed.I'm a former medic and can deal with disasters (yes it's very horrible in Japan and I feel sorry for them) but it's non-stop for me - this external feeling.Are other empaths feeling this too?

Are any other empaths feeling "buzzed" today?
(As if football is ever discussed on here anyway)Apparently the Earths axis has shifted by 10inches since the Earthquake in Japan.To all those weather experts on here, is it possible that the quake could cause changing weather across every country on the Globe? For example, who else thought it was going to be snowing here in sunny Glasgow this morning?

SFS: Putting football aside for a moment?
Could something like that possibly change the weather in every country accross the world.For example, we're half way through march here in Scotland and its snowing again.Might be a stupid question but Im no weather expert.James:

Japan Quake shifts Earths axis by TEN inches?
JAPAN's peoples are in need of our help although many NATION are providing every help and aid to JAPAN but as an indian citizen I want to provide every help to our peoples in japan not only to indian but also to Japan's peoples can any one suggest me the way to provide relief to japan

I am very shocked over JAPAN earth quake and tsunami now in india how I can help japan"s people?
I am aware a earth quake occurred in Japan along with a Tsunami, i offer the people of Japan all my sympathy and will donate to the disaster relief cause.Here is my question, a few days ago i was writing a story for my manga and hoped to get it published, it was a war fiction that involved fighting in Japan along with an earth quake, this morning i was shocked to see the death and destruction in Japan and now i feel so bad for all the people in Japan.If i do get my work published will be considered sick and distasteful even in the future or should i just scrap it all together and work on something else? Is it okay to use the earthquake scene as a memorial to honor the victims instead or will that still considered sick? I am so sorry if anyone has lost someone in this disaster and so sorry of i offended you, i just wanted to know your opinion, i don't blame you if you hate me for asking this question.

Will writing a story that coincidentally includes a real life natural disaster be offensive?
In Japan the loss of life was only 1000 (thank God) while in our country more than thousand dies every year due to flood or any other accident.Don't you feel they have more respect for human life.They use technologies which is useful to their people while in most Asian countries still outdated technology is used and that too is full of corruption.Kelsy i agree with you ..the people who are left to mourn their loved ones will have difficulty in moving ahead .

What lesson you have learned from recent tsunami and earth quake in Japan .?
Is it retrograde Saturn at 21 degrees of earth sign Virgo opposition to Sun at 26 degrees of Aquarius or opposition to Mars who is at 18 degrees of Aquarius? On friday 11/03/11 quake time, the moon was also in the earth sign Taurus.Uranus is in the water sign Pisces.Sun will enter on 15 March in Pisces.2.46 pm Sendai, 11/03/11 Japan gives Cancer rising, Saturn in 3rd house and Mars and Sun in 8th house, Venus in 7th house, Rahu in 6th house, Jupiter and Mercury in 9th house, Retrograde Saturn is in opposition to his own house and to his enemies Mars and Sun.Apart from Japan there are other quake prone areas too in this world but this time it was Japan.



Michelle Malkin » Horror: Possible nuclear meltdown in quake ...
Horror: Possible nuclear meltdown in quake-stricken Japan, residents evacuated; UPDATE: Pressure relieved at Fukushima No.1 reactor.

Technolog - Early hero of Japan's quake tragedy: Building codes
Half a day after Japan was struck by a devastating earthquake/tsunami combo, it's clear that the country can be thankful for its preparedness, especially when it comes to strict building codes and advanced structural engineering.

Quake moves Japan coast, shifts Earth's axis - World News - IBNLive
The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami on Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.

YouTube - Powerful quake hits Japan
An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday.It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of Kamishi and its tr...

Philippines: Tsunami Monitoring and Quake Hoax · Global Voices
Philippines: Tsunami Monitoring and Quake Hoax.Posted 11 March 2011.Written byMong Palatino ....South Korea's citizen media, Wiki Tree posted photos [ko] of quake in Japan, sent by Tweeters....

Japan Quake: Tsunami mud wave overtakes town in northern Japan ...
I lived for a time in a city that was expected to be destroyed by "the big one" (it had been leveled by an earthquake in the 18th century, and suffered badly in other quakes/tsunamis), and so I had nightmares now and again....

Japan Quake: The Night After - Boing Boing
[Video Link] Journalist Adario Strange, who is now living in Japan, interviewed some people on the street in Tokyo who were stranded by the quake.On Friday, March 11, 2011, at 2:46 p.m.a major earthquake hit Japan causing all ...

Japan Earthquake 2011: Magnitude 6.6.Quake Hits Central Japan ...
TOKYO - (AP) Japan's Meteorological Agency says a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck the central, mountainous part of the country hours after a massive quake hit off the country's northeastern coast.Dozens of aftershocks have rattled ...

Major quake hits Japan « Flickr Blog
Recent Posts.Mar 11 Major quake hits Japan; Mar 10 Map of Christchurch showing essential services and Flickr photos from the streets; Mar 10 In the water; Mar 9 Hoth and Indiana Jones, in Lego ...

Are the Solar Flare activities responsible for japans earthquake?
I am scheduled for a visa interview on march 24 and i am wondering if it is still going to pursue or shall i re schedule it? I am really confuse please answer immediately.Thank you!

due to march 11, 2011 earth quake in Japan, does American embassy in Tokyo will have their emergency holliday?
SERIOUSLY.Mostly on youtube they literally think it's a giant hoax.It's all cgi and one big media scam.Why? To get all the donation money? These people are out of their minds.I'm all for a good conspiracy but this is ridiculous.How can they think something like this could possibly be a hoax?

how could people think Japan tsunami/quake is fake?
I don't like to sound like one of those crazy people who believe in 2012 but Libia war Egypt revolution which also looked like war evil people like that Libia bastard who killed so many people Earth quake in i think it was new zealand right ?? now strongest earth quake in history of japan wiping out 300km of it and a giant tsunami wave and many many more weird and bad things happening seance the beginning of 2011 like my spell checker just fu**ing up righ now i think we are just having a bad year beginning i bet we have had much much worse but its weird that this is happening in weird 2012 and this happening just from the start of 2011 its wierd so what do you think just a bad year start or really something much bigger is beginning to rise (but thats what she said)

Yeah people great point things ware bad in the years of the dinasource or in year 700 BUT we are not in 700 year we have improved sooo much we have such technolagy and with all of it we are supposed to have a happy life but hey its just the beginning and i don't think so many things have happend over the last 10 years so fast Rohanasta sorry if i spelled it wrong i said MANY MANY more things are happening i don't watch the news often...well i don't watch them at all but lots of things are happening also the thousands of dead fish found on the beach or something like that and the weirdest part the birds ware not eating them Oh cmon i'm crazy...seriosly people grow up x.x i see lots of A hole answers i just want a nice possitive opinion on this and i get angry people calling me crazy

Seriously people what the hell only 3 months in the beginning of 2011 and so many bad things happening?
The news asked the U.SA.people to send aide to Japan.I really feel sorry for the innocent people.BUT, would Japan send any help if a disaster where to strike PEARL HARBOR?

Japan quake assistance?

Is Guam close to the Japan earth quake?
I feel like we are seeing more and more of the things Jesus said would be the beginnings of sorrows.It seems like every week we watch the news and the first thing they talk about is earth quakes, tornados....

Why do I feel like we are seeing more of the things Jesus said come true?
I'm an empath and since the quake hit Japan and all day yesterday and today I feel so drained and my head feels buzzed.I'm a former medic and can deal with disasters (yes it's very horrible in Japan and I feel sorry for them) but it's non-stop for me - this external feeling.Are other empaths feeling this too?

Are any other empaths feeling "buzzed" today?
(As if football is ever discussed on here anyway)Apparently the Earths axis has shifted by 10inches since the Earthquake in Japan.To all those weather experts on here, is it possible that the quake could cause changing weather across every country on the Globe? For example, who else thought it was going to be snowing here in sunny Glasgow this morning?

SFS: Putting football aside for a moment?
Could something like that possibly change the weather in every country accross the world.For example, we're half way through march here in Scotland and its snowing again.Might be a stupid question but Im no weather expert.James:

Japan Quake shifts Earths axis by TEN inches?
JAPAN's peoples are in need of our help although many NATION are providing every help and aid to JAPAN but as an indian citizen I want to provide every help to our peoples in japan not only to indian but also to Japan's peoples can any one suggest me the way to provide relief to japan

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