Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bipolar Disorder & Sleep Part 1

Laying the foundation for a healthy life after being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder includes this simple and often overlooked fundamental; Sleep.

Nighty Night
A regular sleep routine is crucial to your well-being. You know what they say, “Early to be and early to rise makes and person healthy, wealthy and wise.” I have come to realize that there is really some truth to that statement, especially after being diagnosed.

Being a young guy I thought that this may be an impossibility for me. Especially since I was so used to staying up all night long partying.

But I realized that I had a greater purpose now. I had been given a second chance and I was going to make the most out of it.

Now I didn't stop going out all together, that would have been just down-right horrible, and probably would have crushed all my hopes in persuing an amazing life again.

No, what I did was find a way to work out a balance.

I found a way that I could have the best of both worlds. Partying and Peace. I could have a regular sleep schedule and still have the opportunity to go out with my friends to wherever we wanted to go.

First and foremost I focused on my sleeping schedule. I knew that this had to be brought under control. I had to create some sort of sleep routine. That way I could have the proper foundation for everything else that I wanted to do.

I think like most of us, the minute that I finished school and started to get older my sleep cycle went out the window. There would be no rhyme or reason to when I would go to sleep. And more often than not I find myself with my eyes bleeding at three in the morning watching juice tiger infomercials or some other form of non-sense.

Getting Into A Proper Sleep Routine Tip#1
Finding A Reason To Go To Sleep & Get Up Early

First and foremost I had to have a reason to get up early in the morning and go to bed early at night. As if being diagnosed and going to the hospital wasn't enough.

Well obviously it wasn't. That's why I had to motivate myself in some other way.

My new focus in life was to make healthy choices for my overall well-being. So shortly after I got home form the hospital I developed a mini Yoga routine that I would do when I got up in the morning.

At night I would also read and then meditate before I went to bed.

In both cases I needed to find something that I was excited about. Some idea that would motivate me to change and adjust my ways. A thought that I could have whereby I would direct enough of my willpower to , “Git er done.”

When you're tying to adjust your sleep schedule look or things that you could do that would motivate to get to bed early and up early each and everyday. Well maybe not Sundays unless you go to church. But even then you could always go to the late mass.

Consistency is they key.

Article Tags: Sleep Routine, Could Have

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