Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ides of march

ides of march

ides of march

» Grand Rounds: The Ides of March - DiabetesMine: the all things ...
'Tis the Ides of March, and time for another Grand Rounds (Volume 7, No.25), the weekly roundup of the best in medical and health blogging —.The Ides of March is the first day of the Roman New Year.It also marks the first day of ...

LunchTimeHaloTalk • Ides of March Edition - Halos Heaven
Your best source for quality Los Angeles Angels news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.

The Bluegrass Blog » Missy Raines – Ides of March: News at the ...
As a songwriter, I've been curious about the origins of a somber tune Missy Raines wrote called Ides of March since I first heard it in 2008.So with March 15 approaching, I decided to ask.Missy was a few weeks shy of her 21st birthday ...

George Clooney's 'Ides of March' shooting under way at U-M's ...
Movie star/director George Clooney is in Ann Arbor today for the first of four expected days of local filming for his newest project, “The Ides of March,” with today's shooting taking place at the University of Michigan's Arthur Miller ...

The Ides of March - Miss Cellania -
The Ides of March.Date Tuesday, 03.15.11 @ 09:15AM.Today is March 15th, which is known as the Ides of March.So, what does that mean, exactly? And how are we supposed to celebrate? Find out in this article I wrote for mental_floss....

Ides of March Points and Figures
Ides of March.Posted by Jeff Carter; on March 14th, 2011.Beware of the Ides of March.Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.blog comments powered by Disqus.Jeffrey Carter is an Independent Speculator....

Weer'd World » Ides of March
Oh and yesterday it was SNOWING…nothing stuck, but seeing white flakes after this winter just pissed me off.Enjoy the weather, people.Also when I think of Ides of March I think of Julius Caesar, and well…Ides of March ...

It's the Ides of March! « The TrogloPundit
It's the Ides of March! Are you bewaring? Share this: March 15, 2011 - Posted by Lance Burri | Troglodysms | vague cultural references · Like.Be the first to like this post.No comments yet.Leave a Comment Cancel reply ...

Ides of March — Jon Tan 陳
But wait, this post is called the Ides of March? Right.As soon as I read what Chris had posted, a twist on the phrase echoed in my memory.The Ides of March is a Roman festival dedicated to the god of war, Mars....

Julius Caesar - The Classic Tradition,,, PLEASE HELP!!?
Et tu Brute shouted as members of his own party defect to join in the melee of stabbing him in the back and taking his government down! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110224/ap_on_re_us/us_what_shutdown

Did the soothsayer tell Obama beware of the ides of March for this is when his government would be shut down?
I'm writing a new novel titled "EVER".It's about a young woman named Elizabeth who is engaged to Prince Charles II, but on the night of March 15th, 1898 (The Ides of March), a mysterious elderly woman named Cynthia approaches her and tells her to select one star from the sky, any star.Following this, every star descends from the sky causing Elizabeth to black out.That's how it begins, but of course there's much, much more.What does everyone think of my idea so far? The target audience would probably be young adults, maybe teens.The way I think of it, it's like a modern fairy tale.

Opinions on Novel Idea?
1 - Brandy - Looking Glasshttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=N-tRXewCAmU2- House of the Rising Sun - Frijid Pinkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=czQB6tPeLQg3 - I'll See You In My Dreams - Gianthttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=-ZLD6SIuBgk4 - Spirit In The Sky - Norman Greebaumhttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WPPlGFh6OpQ5 - Ride Captain Ride - Blues Imagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yVLOMAanlIU6 - Welcome to Boomtown - David & Davidhttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FrRl9-QvREI7 - Turn Up The Radio - Autographhttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=kHLXnyY537c8 - Come on Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runnershttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RXLHUThBib89 - Vehicle - Ides of March (always thought they sounded like Blood Sweat & Tears)http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=hRu93TEcSl810 - One Toke Over The Line - Brewer & Shipleyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FIGwhNAUXkg&feature=fvstSome of these were one hit wonders for obvious reasons LOL

How do you rate these One Hit Wonder songs on a scale of 1 to 10?
7.How does Portia die? she is stabbed to deathshe drownsshe eats live embersshe is bitten by a poisonous snake8.Antony's comment, "This was the noblest Roman of them all" refers to which character? Julius CaesarBrutusCassiusCalpurnia9.Caesar is thought to have suffered from which of the following illnesses? syphilisdelusions of greatnessepilepsyhe did not have any illness10.Cicero tells Casca that men interpret omens in their own way.Why is this comment significant in Julius Caesar? it represents the fact that Brutus and Caesar will both misinterpret omensis foreshadows the coming events of the playboth a and bnone of the above11.The masses are frequently described as "stones" in Julius Caesar.This occurs in all of the following scenes EXCEPT:when Antony gives his speech to the masseswhen Flavius and Murellus call the masses "stones"when Calpurnia describes her dream to Caesarall of the above12.The interaction between the common people and the tribunes in the first scene primarily shows:class conflicthappy Roman citizensthe celebration of Caesar's victorypeaceful Roman society13.Who warns Caesar to beware the Ides of March? BrutusCassiusCinna the PoetThe Soothsayer

Julius Caeser Answerrr thiss!!!?
7.What does Caesar say as Brutus steps forward to stab him to indicate his sense of betrayal at seeing Brutus? Beware the Ides of March.Et tu, Brute? This was the noblest Roman of them all.Veni, vidi, vici.8.How does Marc Antony's rhetoric, such as his repeatedly calling Brutus an "honorable man," affect the crowd when he is giving his funeral speech? Antony uses his ability to speak skillfully to make the crowd hate Caesar for his ambition.Antony uses his ability to speak skillfully to make the crowd sympathetic to Caesar and angry with the conspirators.Antony uses his ability to speak skillfully to make the crowd bored with what has happened to Caesar.Antony uses his ability to speak skillfully to make the crowd mistrust everything that he says.9.Why does Brutus urge Cassius and the others to march to Philippi to battle the forces of Antony and Octavius? Brutus foolishly believes that if they do not move toward Philippi, they will be trapped and defeated at Sardis.Brutus plans on betraying Cassius when they arrive at Philippi.Brutus is terrified of seeing Caesar's ghost again at Sardis.Brutus knows that Cassius is too afraid to make the march and wants to expose Cassius's cowardice.

Please answer these 3 questions about Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?

What would have happened if Julius Caesar was not assassinated on the Ides of March in 44 BCE?
I believe my teacher said there were 5: beware the ides of march, the bad weather, Calpurnia's dream/nightmare, the letter that Artemidorus tried to give him saying to beware Brutus, Casca, Cassius..., and what else? I think there is one more omen/warning that he ignored.What was it?

In Julius Caesar, what warnings did Caesar ignore that led to his death?
Since in March the GOP Republicans have the votes to shut Obama's government down unless he repeals Obamacare and makes severe cuts in spending

Did the soothsayer tell Obama & the Dems to beware of the ides of March?
How many days was it from the Lupercal to Ides of March? I'm doing a faux-newspaper for English.I'm "asking" Brutus why it took the Conspirators so long to make their move, problem is I can't find the actual amount in the book.Help pleasethank you!

Tradgy of Julius Caesar easy question?
I was really stupid and didn't read either book, and now it's on our final soo if you can answer some questions i will love you forever! and i'll try and answer one(or more) of your questions! 10 points for the best answer! 5.What do the threshold guards tell Gilgamesh whenever he comes to a new threshold?6.What did the winemaker Siduri tell him?7.7.What is a good theme statement for Gilgamesh? 8.Book of the Dead was written to pay homage to?9.What is the young girl in “Going Downstream on Kingswater Canal” looking forward to?10.What three things were important in the lives of the Egyptians?•____________________________________•____________________________________•____________________________________Greek Literature/Odyssey11.The Iliad is the story of? _______________________________________________14.What god/goddess is closest to Odysseus and Telemachus in the Odyssey? 15.How does Odysseus bring Poseidon’s wrath upon himself?16.What does his act show about his hero’s flaw?18.Penelope stalls the suitors by ___________________19.The Sirens temptation to Odysseus is ________________20.The Greeks have such a hard time returning from Troy because____21.The Iliad and Odyssey were written by Homer in about what year?22.The Trojan War, if it happened as told in the myth, took place around what year?23.When did Odysseus get into trouble because he fell asleep? 24.Who was the Theban prophet who led Odysseus into Hades?25.Sequence of events in the Odyssey: (first twelve books of the poem)a.Odysseus and his army leave Troyb.At the island of the Cicones, he loses six men per shipc.The Lotus Eatersd.The Land of the Cyclopse.The island of Aeolus (the keeper of the winds)f.The island of the Laestrygonians (where Odysseus loses all of his ships except his own)g.Island of Aeaea where Circe lives (they stay one yearh.The journey into Hadesi.The return to Circej.The trip past the Sirensk.The trip past Scylla and Charybdisl.The island of the Sun King (where Odysseus escapes alone and without a ship)m.Marooned on Calypso’s island (stays for seven yearsn.The raft ride to Scheria (the land of the Phaeacians)o.The Phaeacians (after listening to his story) give Odysseus a boat ride to IthacaJULIUS CAESAR26.Why do the tribunes Flavius and Marullus try to disband the crowd in Act I Scene 1? 27.What does Mark Antony offer Caesar at the Feast of the Lupercal?28.Why, in the end, does Brutus join the conspiracy? 29.The organizer of the conspiracy is 30.Why does Caesar first agree to not go to the Senate on the Ides of March? 31.Who persuades Caesar to go, and what tactics does he use to do so? _____________________________________________________________________32.Why does Caesar refuse to read Artemidorus’s petition?33.How does Popilius put the conspirators in a difficult position?34.Which of the conspirators asks for his brother’s banishment to be lifted? 35.What are Caesar’s last words? (be careful with this one) 36.Which of the conspirators wants to kill Mark Antony? 37.Which of the conspirators does not think that Mark Antony should be allowed to speak at Caesar’s funeral?38.After the assassination, which three men join for form a triumvirate? 39.What battleground do the forces of finally meet upon in Act 5? 40.What does Caesar’s ghost say to Brutus?41.How does Octavius cross Mark Antony on the battlefield?42.What interest would the Londoners of 1600 have in this tragedyOnce again, I'll answer one or more of your questions if you help me out(: PLEASEE

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