Friday, March 4, 2011




IAEA Says Continues To Liaise With Japan Regarding Nuclear Plants ...
The IAEA continues to liaise with the Japanese authorities, and is in full response mode to monitor the situation closely around the clock as it evolves, the international nuclear organization said Saturday in a statement....

IAEA 'urgently' seeking info on Japan blast report | The Daily ...
News agency says explosion heard at Tokyo's Fukushima nuclear plant; possible meltdown feared but risk of radiation contamination small.

IAEA 'urgently' seeking info on Japan blast report
The UN nuclear watchdog said it is aware of media reports of an explosion on Saturday at Japan's Fukushima No 1 nuclear power plant and is urgently seeking information from the country's authorities.

Syria Rejectes IAEA Inspection Of Suspected Nuclear Site ...
The Surian ambassador to the agency, Bassam Al-Sabbagh, adddressing a session of the IAEA board of governors, on Thursday, expressed the Syrian Government rejection of the agency's request to sign the Addition Protocol that grants the ...

H5N1: Japan earthquake update (2210 CET): IAEA
Japanese authorities have informed the IAEA's Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) that officials are working to restore power to the cooling systems of the Unit 2 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) :: IAEA and Iran
Background Facts and Figures.Iran Safeguards Agreement · Iran Safeguarded Facilities · Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)/List of Parties · Safeguards Additional Protocols, Status; IAEA Safeguards Agreements and ...

Iaea ? The Big Story | Paula
the so-caled P5+1 grouping said in their first joint statement to the IAEA's board of governors in two years, 1 nuclear power plant and is urge, the IAEA said yesterday.VIENNA (Reuters) – Japan has told the U, Jointly proposed by some ...

::News4u:: » No radiation release from Japanese nuclear plants: IAEA
News4u-News Desk - Japanese authorities have told the UN atomic watchdog there has been no release of radiation from a number of nuclear power plants affected by the massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan, the IAEA said....

World powers press Iran to cooperate with IAEA Asharq Alawsat ...
"We call on Iran to cooperate fully with the (International Atomic Energy) Agency," the so-caled P5+1 grouping said in their first joint statement to the IAEA's board of governors in two years.The P5+1 comprises the five permanent ...

Please help exlpain the two categories of states that are signatories to the NPT treaty?
They are less than 1000km apart, and a strategic nuke dropped on Israel would be pretty unpleasant for the Iranians (not to mention their allies in the region, and the Palestinians whose cause they champion).Dropping even a tactical nuke would just bring about extreme reprisals from Israel & the USA.This is of course assuming that Iran does manage to develop nukes, bearing in mind that even the IAEA says they aren't doing.sock monkey; you need to stop watching Fox news.Ahmadinejad has never said he wants Israel wiped off the map (that idiom simply makes no sense in Farsi).Also, since when have Iranians been Arabs? Back to school, little boy....rang de basanti chola; and wind will carry radioactive fallout for thousands of kilometers, what's your point? Israel has hundreds of nukes and a proven affinity for unprovoked violence.Iran hasn't attacked anyone in about 200 years.sock monkey; and you are a sheep who would believe Christmas was coming in January if he heard it on the newsThe exact quote was "The Imam states that this regime currently occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.This statement is very wise".He was referring to an old speech of Khomeini's.The day you speak Persian you can call me a troll, moron

Can we please dispel the myth that Iran is going to nuke Israel?
....refuses to allow UN or IAEA weapons inspectors in?

Which nation in the Middle East beginning with 'I' has hundreds of nukes, refuses to sign the NNPT, and....?
Enrichment of uranium to weapons grade naturally causes the emission of gamma rays, which will pass through concrete, steel, just about anything.Even with the best possible shield, a small amount of gamma radiation will pass through, which can be picked up by any number of detectors (scintillators), and which would alert Western governments to the presence of 95% enriched uranium or plutonium.Since the IAEA have been working in Iran for years now, and have NEVER found any such gamma rays, why hasn't this 'inconvenient truth' been mentioned? me; please cite ONE credibel source which shows Iran wants Israel wiped off the map.(Hint; I speak some Farsi, and there is no such idiom-it simply wouldn't make any sense to an Iranian)riot106; I seem to remember the USA approved of the Indian & Pakistani nuke programmes, and actively helped the Pakistani one in return for help with Operation Cyclone and it subsequent guerilla war against the Russians.That worked well didn't it? parent; strange that you know so much about it when it's so secret.Or that you know so much about it but not its name.Can I smell bullshite? free twinkies; and who are you to declare who will or won't be bombed? No doubt you agreed with the shooting down of IranAir 655 against Iranian aggressionbill j; For your benfit, I will give you the translation of that particular bit of Ahmadinejad's speech."The Imam says that this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.This statement is very wise".Now, please tell me how that constitutes advocating destruction, death or wiping off the map.Also, the IAEA has repeatedly stated that have a full account of Iran's fissile material, so I'm prepared to take their word over say, Fox news or Obama or Bush or whoever.Again, I'm not an apologist for the Iranian government (I despise Islamic extremists, just as I despise all religious crackpots), but I don't accept whatever crap the government or media spews out at face value.You would be wise to do the same.

Why haven't the 'bomb Iran' lobby mentioned the lack of evidence that they are developing nukes?
I don't know just now what is the maximum Earth depth reached to the core.Anyaway what are your studies for dismissing nuclear waste into caves under the limit of the crust? There, obviously without exceding, radioactivity is a NO PROBLEM.And **obviously** waiting for a new way to consume with the idea in mind that Eden is the Garden of the Life, not the lunapark of sick cavemen greedy of "colored beads" ;)I don't send this mail to IAEA only to avoid the anti spam, if You feeel to send with your diplomatic contact feel free to send using your credentials.Ideas born free for circulating, and we have no time to wait sickly money profit of greedy "cavemen".Patriot of Human Mankind

For IAEA: is it a good alternative for dismissing nuclear waste? rejects Arab nuclear resolution on Israel The Israelis have never confirmed or denied having nuclear weaponsThe members of the UN's nuclear agency have narrowly rejected an Arab-backed resolution calling on Israel to join a global treaty limiting nuclear arms.The US had urged a vote against, saying it could undermine a conference on a nuclear-free Middle East in 2012The resolution expressed "concern about the Israeli nuclear capabilities" and called on Israel to join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).This would require Israel to open any of its nuclear activity to IAEA inspectors.Washington had also warned the Arab nations that the motion could derail recently resumed peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.Arab delegates said Israel's presumed possession of nuclear weapons threatened regional security.Israel, the US and other Western nations consider Iran to be the region's main threat to nuclear proliferation.Tehran denies its nuclear programme is aimed at developing nuclear bombs.The NPT came into effect in 1970.Israel, India and Pakistan have not signed it.

Can some honest person please translate this?
they are a signatory and follow the rules unlike Israel who is not a signatory and dont follow their rules?

Why is Iran taking stick from the IAEA when........?
Simple enough question here.What do YA community think should or should not be discussed at the upcoming meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?Will anything be ignored at this meeting?

What should be discussed at the upcoming meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?
Considering America is the most aggressive nation on Earth at the moment (and in recent history), will not disclose how many they have or where they are, has actually used nuclear weapons on civilians and is by far the most likely to use them again (as they have less worry of retaliation), shouldn't the world sanction the US until it complies with IAEA regulations and allows inspections of it's bases? Bill j: Good point.So now, why should Iran have to do it?

Should the world put UN sanctions against the US for it's undisclosed nuclear stockpile? also has broken the most out of any nation as well as had the US veto more on their behalf than any nation.Such resolutions broken are Israel's refusal to allow IAEA inspectors into the country, illegal occupations and attacks on civilians.Resolutions on Iran are only to do with it's civilian nuclear power plans.Why can Israel do whatever it wants, but Iran does nothing to others and is demonized by the west? Ray: You are a moron and should not have access to the internet.Ray: You are a moron and should not have access to the internet.Wow, not only are these answers ill informed, biased and illegible, they also all avoided the question completely.If I were an American, I'd be well ashamed looking these answers over.

There are 255 UN resolutions against Israel (most in world), and 5 on Iran.Why is that?
After searching for 3 days I still did not found any proof that Ahmajinedad would have said that he wants to "wipe Israel off the map".Nor that he is still denying the holocaust (he backpedaled on this case, on which he clearly hadn't thought very well).Nor any proof that Iran would not be exactly within the IAEA regulations and within international law.Nor any proof that it would be wanting to get nuclear weapons.Did you? Tarzan, if I were being surrounded on 3 sides by american forces, and am being threatened for decades or named Axis of Evil, even I would go protest after Friday prayers.I do not see hateful intentions.I see again a developing nation that is being threatened.Qwerty, the middle east is running out of natural resources in approx.30 years.If Belgium can have nuclear energy, I do not see why a a very large state as Iran could not.It would be suicide from their part not to go for it.Ot they'll need to focus on Afghanistan since the largest untapped resources are there.And a few links: v=ykd-syzZ4ZY&p=86E0DC87E5A6C8F3&playnext=1&index=14 v=4mScWWtRfGQAryeh, do you have links OF Ahmajinedad, not ABOUT him by others.As to the chant "death to America", I am really sorry, but if you find that a threat, coming from a few hundred people, living in a third world country, that has been used for decades and then again has been under threats for decades, by all the western and world do you expect these people to be "stylish" about it? Then we can use images of Quran burners in the US as well, as proof that the US is a threat.Hello Dean, thanks.Well, it seems that not better or worse prepared than Bush.Also I believe it is not up to others to decide whether a country needs a new leader.Such a thing can not be decided in the headquarters in the US, EU, Nato.It is up to those living in that country.For once we disagree, yippie ;)

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