Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How did the nuclear reactor and atomic bomb change society?

North Plains

ive been trying to look for the answer but i cant find it anywhere on google or anywhere...anybody know.......nuclear reactor and atomic bomb by enrico fermi


Consider it from a political science perspective: With two super powers in the past fifty years controlling nuclear capabilities the world became a safer place! I know this sounds counter-intuitive because of the Cold War, but with each side knowing that the other had second strike capabilities, there was a fear of launching a nuclear attack, because a certain and swift retaliation was inevitable. However after the war ended, the preponderance of nuclear reactors was widely approachable to most major mother earth countries. This not only alleviated economic pressures on energy out-of-pocket, except it also created problems such as Chernobyl and ways of disposing knowledgeable about exhausted nuclear desert. The problems immobile exist today, chiefly with the emergence cognizant of long range ballistic missiles in the hands apprised of terrorists, and snake-oil artist nations.


It made everyone everywhere want to be first to do things. First to have the bomb, first to use it, first to find out it was terrible. It was mainly a race between the Soviet Union and the US. With other minor countries along for the ride. It started to make everyone fear the nuclear bomb. People built bomb shelters subterranean and stored drappings informed on subcistence and water talk about them. Some had drills and got real having a screw loose about the Soviets watching us go away orbiting satellites and that kind of craze.

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