Thursday, March 10, 2011

How can the us be an allie of russia when they helped our enemy with his nuclear reactor?


also how can China be our friend when he is doing friendly talks with North Korea? are this signs of world war 3?


We are not friends, it is a very great word for our relationships. Nor Obama nor Medvedev use such a word as "friends" they use word "partners"


Because Russia and China are part of the diplomatic processes to find peaceful solutions to the antagonistic attitudes of Iran and North Korea. These are not signs of World War III; these are attempts to prevent World War III.

Flower Hill

We are not allied with Russia and never have been. Nor with China. Friendly relations do not make any country our ally. some things are just necessary.


No, it is a sign of the exact opposite. Nations learning to somehow co-exist despite differences.


china and russia has NEVER been our friends, and NEVER will be. they hate this country. but they love to use us when they need something.

Ben Lomond

A US company gave Russia the money to build the reactor in Iran.


Who says we are, not alot has changed since the fall of the Soviet Union besides uniforms.


Where did you learn English?

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