Thursday, June 20, 2013

Last tranche of UFO files released

Last tranche of UFO files released

21 June 2013

The National Archives has today released its tenth and final tranche of UFO files, containing 4,400 pages of UFO shrewdness, correspondence and UFO sighting reports integument the final two years of the Ministry of Defence's UFO Desk (from ly 2007 until November 2009).

The files declare for the first time the reasons rearward the closure of the UFO Desk and for what cause sightings had become a social prodigy making tabloid headlines and sparking a discovery campaign for 'the truth'.

Dr David Clarke, inventor of the book 'The UFO Files', reported: 'The last pieces of the pose have finally been revealed with this insight into the last days of the UFO Desk. These files spell out clearly why the Ministry of Defence absolute - after 60 years - it no longer needed to guard tabs on sightings, even those made by 'credible' people such as police officers and pilots. The final files from the UFO desk are after this all in the public domain. People at home can read them and draw their admit conclusions about whether 'the truth' is in these files or quiescent out there.'

Reasons behind the closure

The UFO Desk believed over 600 UFO sightings and reports in 2009, treble the amount of the previous year. With this wave in sighting reports, increasing time and wealth were needed to manage the UFO Desk, what one the files note 'serves no defence purpose and merely encourages the body of equals in age of correspondence'.

The files also interpret that in 2009, Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth was told that in to a greater degree than 50 years 'no UFO sighting reported to [MoD] has for aye revealed anything to suggest an ordinary-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK' (DEFE 24/2458/1). 

File highlights

A alphabetic character from a school child to the MoD asking since the truth about UFOs after she had seen some strange lights (includes a drawing of some alien in a UFO waving, in heaven). The UFO desk sent a bag of RAF goodies in response (DEFE 24/ 2457/1)

A publish received via the UFO hotline by someone who had been 'living through an alien' in Carlisle for more time (DEFE 24/2625/1)

Report dint of a man from Cardiff who claimed a UFO abducted his dog, car and tent while while he was camping by friends (DEFE 24/2623/1)

MoD police functionary sighting of pear drop-shaped 'pellucid green light' from Royal Navy Base at Portsmouth (DEFE 24/2460/1)

The files are at liberty to download for a month at

You be possible to also read a guest post through Dr David Clarke about the files adhering our blog and order his part The UFO Files (2nd edition) from our bookshop.

New UFO app

To token the end of the UFO file release programme, an iPhone/iPad app UFO Files UK has been created means of Black Plaques in association with The National Archives. The app lets users pry into the official data by searching UFO reports dating back 25 years, by almost 5,000 sightings analysed, categorised and mapped.

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