Friday, April 15, 2011

Record store day

Record Store Time 2011
Since 2007 Record Store Time has been an annual celebration of independent melody retailers and the analog sound storage medium consisting of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove in specific. ...
Radiohead Songs Leaked Ahead of Record Store Time - Spinner
At the end year, some of them were arriving on Record Store Time itself. With the Radiohead record, I visualize it will arrive at the end minute since of the risk of leaks according to this." The record is supposedly local to 2000 copies, and At Help own ...
Record Store Time | Melody Sidebar | Chicago Reader
Falling as usual on the third Saturday in Apr (4/16), the vinyl nerd's favourite made-up holiday is celebrating its fifth year of celebrating independently owned record stores. This year's Record Store Time attempts a coup d'etat ...
Support Record Store Time | Entertainer
This Saturday is Record Store Time, which, for gentlemen of my breeding, method descending upon community boutiques to behold and sniff the 180-grams while enjoying human contact, as our added adventurous forefathers once did. ...
Radiohead At Help Information - Radiohead's Record Store Time release for ...
We aboriginal reported on Radiohead's Record Store Time release a while back, however an authorized confirmation from the band states it's local to Europe and Japan.
Your Adviser to Record Store Time 2011: Special Releases, Good ...
Here it comes. Can you air it? We're however three days out from independent record stores' return to Valentine's Time. A time when the sort...
IRC's Record Store Time Melody Adviser, Vol. I – The White Stripes ...
The reason it's called Record Store Time is two-fold: one, as mentioned above, it's the one time of the year when serious record collectors can own a world time buying local edition special releases at participating indie record shops, ...
Record Store Time: Jen Continued meets Spiller's Ashli Todd | The Border ...
Continuing our coverage of all things independent for Record Store Time, Jen Continued speaks to Spiller's Record store owner Ashli Todd approximately the trials and tribulations of running the oldest record shop in the world.
Record Store Time in Pittsburgh / 4.16.2011 | Haul Us Lines
Saturday is State Record Store Time! DUL thinks you should amuse outside there, mingle with your person melody lovers, & support your community independent record stores!
Beach Boys @ Universal Apr 16th?
All the girls had ugly gym uniforms? It took five minutes for the TV warm up? Almost everyone's Mom was at house when the kids got house from school? Nobody owned a purebred dog? When a quarter was a decent allowance? You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny? Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces? All your masculine teachers wore neckties and female teachers had their hair done every time and wore aerial heels? You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free of charge, every time? And you didn't buy air? And, you got trading stamps to boot? Laundry cleaner had free of charge glasses, dishes or towels abstruse inside the box? It was considered a good privilege to be taken outside to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents? They threatened to accumulate kids back a grade provided they failed. . ..and they did? When a 57 Chevy was everyone's fantasy cruise, peel outside, put rubber or watch submarine races, and persons went steady? No one ever asked where the automobile keys were since they were always in the automobile, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked? Mendacity on your back in the grass with your friends and saying things according to, That cloud looks according to a ... and playing baseball with no adults to aid kids with the rules of the pastime? Stuff from the store came without safety caps and airtight seals since no one had yet tried to poison a absolute stranger? And with all our progress, don't you aloof wish, aloof once, you could slip back in time and savor the slower stride, and share it with the children of today? When life sent to the principal's work was annihilation compared to the destiny that awaited the student at house? Basically we were in abhorrence for our lives, however it wasn't since of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc. Our parents and grandparents were a even better threat! However we survived since their cherish was better than the threat. Send this on to someone who can still remember Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Laurel and Hardy, Howdy Dowdy and the Peanut Gallery, the Lone Ranger, The Shadow Knows, Nellie Phone, Roy and Dale, Trigger and Buttermilk. Too as summers full with bike rides, baseball games, Hula Hoops, bowling and visits to the pool, and eating Kool-Aid powder with sugar. Didn't that air great, aloof to return and say, Yeah, I remember that? I am sharing this with you today since it ended with a twin dog dare to pass it on. To remember what a twin dog dare is, read on. And remember that the absolute time is somewhere between aged enough to understand bigger and too young to attention. How several of these accomplish you remember? Sweet cigarettes Wax Coke-shaped bottles with coloured sugar water inside Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes Blackjack, Clove and Teaberry chewing gum House milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers Newsreels before the film P.F. Fliers Telephone numbers with a word prefix....(Temple 4-601). Group lines Peashooters Howdy Dowdy 45 RPM records Blooming Stamps Hi-Fi's Metal freeze cubes trays with levers Mimeograph paper Beanie and Cecil Roller-skate keys Cork pop guns Propel ins Studebakers Washtub wringers The Fuller Brush Male Reel-To-Reel tape recorders Tinkertoys Erector Sets The Fort Apache Play Set Lincoln Logs 15 cent McDonald hamburgers 5 cent packs of baseball cards - with that terrible pink slab of bubble gum Penny sweet 35 cent a gallon petrol Jiffy Pop popcorn Accomplish you remember a time when... Decisions were fabricated by going eeny-meeny-miney-moe? Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, Accomplish Over!? Race affair meant arguing approximately who ran the fastest? Catching the fireflies could fortunately occupy an full evening? It wasn't abnormal to own two or three Ace Friends? The worst thing you could grasp from the adverse sex was cooties? Having a weapon in school meant life caught with a slingshot? A foot of snow was a fantasy come true? Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for activity figures? Oly-oly-oxen-free fabricated absolute sense? Spinning encircling, getting dizzy, and falling down was reason for giggles? The worst embarrassment was life picked at the end for a team? War was a card pastime? Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle? Taking drugs meant orange-flavored chewable aspirin? Water balloons were the ultimate weapon? Provided you can remember most or all of these, then you own lived!!!!!!! Pass this on to anyone who may charge a breach from their grown-up activity . . .

Accomplish you remember when activity was a abundance bigger?
We bought a puppy from a pet store who died a week and a half subsequent from pneumonia. I accept it was originally caused by bordetella, which she must own had when we got her. I presented the pet store with vet records and an involved for services, however they refuse to accomplish anything since she wasn't seen by their vet within 4 days of purchase ( vet had no openings). Any suggestions?

Accomplish i own a chance against a pet store?
I was wondering where i could take my dog free without having to tie him up. Where i can bring him inside and aloof basically spend a whole time with my dog. I own been to pet stores and such and you kinda own to activity there to acquire something. I cannot take him on an off lead grassland. So where on world could i take him for a complete time outside? I am too recording it on camera for my vlogs on youtube. PLEASE Aid! :D

Amusing places to take a dog?
My hubby is working a 14 hr shift today, earlier on I went to the store and saw a great acquaintance (masculine) from my aged aerial school and we starting talking approximately how each other's activity was going. I told him things with me were going good, i was married, and etc. We swapped phone numbers and then parted ways. As soon as i left i picked up my phone to phone my husband and tell him who i ran into and that we exchanged numbers too as there was no charge to be alert since the guy knows im fortunately married and he was aloof an aged acquaintance besides. I planned to much tell him that i wont be much contacting at all however provided he should see a figure in my phone then that was him. That he could much activity through my phone record aloof to air safe and constitute sure this isnt anything serious... I'm a babyish afraid since i own a strong activity my hubby with be very upset much still. I havent told him yet. Should i tell him any more while he's at work any more so it doesnt attending according to i was hiding it out from him? OR last of the time when he gets off and aloof calmly tell him so he doesnt own to think approximately this all time at work? He has really poor acrimony issuesim not guilty at all, there aloof has been times where things according to this has happened and my husband got upset then did something with another babe aloof to amuse back at mewrong and wrong again, the dude never was an aged flame and never much came fast to it. He was my ace acquaintance's cousin and we all played together when we were all young

When should I bring this to my husband's care?

What albums would you recommend for Record Store Time 2011?
So I own been with my husband 5 years, married 1 & half....4 yrs ago I noticed that he had looked up shemales however I aloof thought he came across it looking up heterosexual porn so I never mentioned it, I caught him calling chatlines at this time too, which I asked him approximately and he denied, however of I knew hey was, I pressed redial on the phone one time and it was a alert chatline, I figured hey called it by error trying to phone a nrmal one.....he is what persons would phone a thug, he is very well admitted in he "streets".... Any more we own always had a very great sex activity, eee own sex everyday buut hey cheated on me with a woman so I left him.... WeGot back together after approximately 4 months, we then got married... shortly after I foundon that hey was looking for shemales in our world online, hey had much fabricated a profile on a shemales website, hey denied it of direction.....any more I looked at our phone records and seen that hey had been calling chatlines while im at work, I called one of the numbers and it let me hear the greeting used which was "hey fellas, im looking for a bottomboy to own amusing with, house alone" I understand his voice and that was him...he swears hey didnt accomplish it says he is not a faggot...we alive near a alert world and hey used to allowance every morning for atleast an time to activity to the store which is a hardly any minutes out...I too seen a text hey sent from our phone that said "own u took any fresh pics of that ass" the person said no and hey said dont text back....I called the figure and it was a male that sounded according to added of a woman then husband said hey let someone# one used his phone....I guess I understand the return to my questions however I charge some words of wisdom!! I understand I charge to allowance him however I havent talked to anyone approximately this, pleaseThanks guys ...I own gotten tested since hearing the "bottomboy" stuff I am clean thank goodness....I guees I understand the return, aloof needed to amuse everything off my chest....this is so stressful....II own approached him with everything ive seen and heard however he denies it all....he says he did not phone the chat border and thats not his voice.....smh....I knew I wasnt going loopy however he makes it seem according to I constitute this stuff up however I guess he is really in denial

Is my husband alert? Please accord help?
ben recorded the figure of customerswho shopped at his pet store every time for one week. The results are shown below. What is the beggarly figure of customers who shopped at the pets store? 42, 35, 56, 29, 42, 39, 23

What is the beggarly figure of customers who shopped at the pets store?
okay well i'm a stupid 15 year aged teenager, and i'm very worried ..okay i stole 6 condoms from a trojan pack. dont buzz why.. and well i didnt think any cameras saw me.. however as i left the store this male sort of crept up from afar and spoke in to his walkie talkie... i rushd outside (calmly) didnt amuse questioned or anything and ran as soon as i left the door of abhorrence of getting an A student without a record.. and um this guy that was with me at that time tells me a couple of days subsequent that walmart is looking for me? he says they own a picture of me..i didnt accept him at aboriginal since its over stupid condoms.. however he swore on his family.. so? yeah.. and well its been nearly 2 weeks i havent returned to question is ..does walmart indeed accomplish that? will i amuse caught? or is my acquaintance most possible lieng? extra information.:ive had friends accomplish that before without getting caught however then again they didt air that they were life followed! so Aid PLEASE

Shoplifting from walmart! Aid?
Hello. I own been writing the script for a rather continued franchise that I will be manufacture a manga outside of soon. I was wondering provided the appearance I am manufacture might be a Mary Sue and provided they are, can they be saved? -male -name: Is unusual by accustomed standards, however he isn't the alone appearance with this trait. -is of an foreigner race that is humanoid, however bear substantially better strength, stamina and endurance.(lifting up a big boulder with one arm isn't strange for an man that is in shape, well trained troops can include 100 miles in minutes, they don't own to eat and bear some similarities to plants in the way they buy sustenance, although they are able to eat for liesure and are added according to human-plant hybrids, own access to an force accustomed off by all that exists in their universe and are substantially added technologically new than people. They but accomplish not use vehicles due due to their incredible stamina and speed) -born into a blue-blooded group, though he was banished from the continent he resides in and absent any relation or possible benefits from this. Appearance: -red, loose hair -ridiculously bishounen (I've shown him to some of my friends and he has been abashed for a she) -large aphotic red eyes (this is not uncommon on his planet) -lightly muscular, however not overly so (think Ichigo Kurosaki however with a bit added meat on his bones) -has been admitted to attract women with his looks in the former. -his clothes chicken feed throughout the series depending on the situation and, however he never wears clothes that could be called acutely pretty for the situation. -has a necklace that stores object (not uncommon on his planet, however he does use it to a larger size than most other persons. Case: The appearance has a case that is ridiculously rare. It was alone famous in approximately 3 persons in his full species, including himself (notice his species has over 8 billion persons and has very well documented record and all of persons are very well checked) Besides here are some of the characteristics of this case. -it entails having consciouses in the same object. -the object is then subjected two having two altered persons in it - alone one personality can be in ascendancy at a time -the personality that isn't in ascendancy stays in a clear fantasy and has a anatomy of window to see what's going on via the eyes. -the two personalities can alone communicate in when the object is asleep. -the IQ of one of the personalities is doubled, while the other is left alone -one of the personalities is developed with time and is alone activated through a stimulus -the leading appearance is the personality that came with time. -the object obtains substantially added force since of the two consciouses Skills: This is where the worry comes along. I'm unsure whether or not the case can properly account for some of these feats. -he is a virtuoso, having an IQ that is over 300 -he adapts to situations quickly, much learning the characteristics of an opponents skill that is completely outside of the bounds of the series's planet. -bears aerial quantities of the force life gives off in the story, especially for his time range. -comprehends data and concepts nearly now, generally seeing through elaborate plans, and much performing a aerial akin technique he read alone read approximately on his aboriginal attack (when he was technically in ascendancy for the aboriginal time that time.) - his power is so strong, he killed approximately 30000 of the 35000 soldiers that died in one battle -he grows stronger very quickly -he needs place limiters on his abilities to avoid causing too even collateral damage Personality: -very sweet -hates injustice -hard working -refuses to action women, generally opting to acquisition some way to avoid the clash or painlessly knock them outside -loves those fast to him -enjoys shopping -responsible -hates to fail at anything -modest -chivalrous -merciless and downright insane provided he is pushed adamantine enough The thing that explains a abundance of his abilities is his rare case. I air that I might be using that as too even of a crutch. He's too a adamantine worker so in a way one could say that his abilities are the result of life a hardworking virtuoso alone going much added incredible than what he already is. The story will especially bull's eye on his going works in activity attempting to acquisition quiet and working to alive with the two personalities of his bodies. There is a above rejection to his case that he lives his activity searching to set and provided one says the some of the his abilities are a bit too even, the scale of the story is Huge. Reaching the galactic proportions towards the borderline. All aid is heavily appreciated.To aid you guys outside with the two altered personalities I'll tell you approximately the new personality. (Notice: All the personality details listed above are indeed all for the aboriginal appearance and they are slowly told through outside the chapters. These are the personality aspects of the new personality of the object.-is rude-hotheaded-a sadist-feels abandoned, however has trouble expressing it since of who he is-very aggressive-merciless, much towards women-cares approximately the fresh personality quite a bitThe new personality is basically the adverse of the leading appearance. Although, they are so altered, they accomplish attention approximately each other deeply and respect each other. Too, I forgot to mention an valuable fact approximately the case. Alone the fresh personality has the incredible stats. The new is left aloof according to everyone else with a bit added power. Other than that, they are certainly altered. So in a way alone one of the characters is a virtuoso, the other aloof lives in his shado

Is my manga's protagonist a Mary Sue?
The own a concert in a hardly any days however I'm not sure provided I should activity. Tickets are alone 10 bucks however it's on record store time and none of my friends own heard of them. Are they worth seeing alive?

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