Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kobe bryant

Kobe Bryant Apologizes for Alert Slur After Twitter Explodes - Point ...
Kobe Bryant has officially apologized to the alert rights accumulation HRC (Human Rights Crusade) for using a homophobic slur during at the end after dark's Lakers pastime and any more HRC is crediting social media for playing a ample role in the basketball star's ...
Kobe Bryant -- Homophobic Slur During NBA Pastime? |
Kobe Bryant appeared to hurl a homophobic slur towards an NBA referee during a Los Angeles Lakers basketball pastime at the end after dark ... and it was all caught on…
[VIDEO] Kobe Bryant -- I'm Pretty the NBA Good |
Kobe Bryant aloof wrapped up a alive interview on ESPN radio -- where he said he plans to ask the $100k good issued by the confederation for dropping a…
NBA Fines Kobe Bryant $100000 Over Alert Slur - Celebrity Information ...
NBA commissioner David Stern calls Bryant's comments "hurtful and inexcusable"
GLAAD -- The NBA Must PUNISH Kobe Bryant |
The NBA "must take activity" against Kobe Bryant for dropping a homophobic slur during at the end after dark's Lakers pastime ... so says the mind of the most influential…
Kobe Bryant -- I Didn't Beggarly To Offend Anyone |
Kobe Bryant has issued a statement approximately his homophobic outburst during at the end after dark's Lakers pastime -- essentially admitting to using the word "f**got" and…
NBA fines Kobe Bryant $100000 for 'hurtful' comments – This Aloof ...
The State Basketball Company fined Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers $100000 on Wednesday for "hurtful and inexcusable" comments he fabricated during Tuesday after dark's pastime, the confederation said in a statement.
N.B.A. Fines Kobe Bryant $100000 for Directing Alert Slur at Referee ...
The N.B.A. has fined Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers $100000 for directing an anti-gay slur at a referee during Tuesday's victory over the San Antonio Spurs.
Kobe Bryant Suspension? -- Bryant's Slur Under NBA Review |
Kobe Bryant 's homophobic outburst and sideline tantrum is life reviewed by NBA honchos ... TMZ has learned. Our NBA sources say confederation execs are taking…
Why can't I utter a "homophobic" slur without life severely fined by US richclass rulers?
I don't acquisition it even of a ample deal. I suspect he meant it as a homophobic slur. You got to admit that when you're pissed off that you say things and phone persons fa**ots. Everyone in the confederation cusses and exceptionally during games. Kobe aloof got unlucky that the camera was on him when he was putting up a tantrum and any more the press is manufacture a Vast deal approximately. He shouldn't own said it, however it happens.I was putting up an belief approximately it and i wanted other persons's feedback smartass.*your thoughts?*

I aloof got word of Kobe Bryant's "slur"?
Kobe Bryant, Fred Phelps, Mel Gibson, Price O Reilly, Eminem, Sarah Palin, and Shirley Phelps, What accomplish you suggest we accomplish to them

Should the Alert Mafia pament these persons a visit? Well provided you own a youtube statement activity there, and advance them!! Kobe Bryant deserves to be fired for saying what he said!! The Alert Mafia will pament him a visit so don't be shocked when he is begin floating down a river somewhere.

Attending at all the Homophobes on this youtube video?
Ill say James is bigger since Kobe is a ballhug.however I aloof want your opinions and tell me why he's bigger

Heeyy guys! Who accomplish you think is bigger Lebron James or Kobe bryant!?
I understand he got into ardent water recently and I'm aloof wondering what the quickest way to appease various Gay organizations is.alert does not equal AIDS, I aloof understand but that curing AIDS is a priority object for some alert activist sorts

Can Kobe Bryant constitute it right with Alert persons for using the f-word provided he donates almighty dollar to an AIDS charity?
I'm beggarly were all people and we all constitute mistakes exceptionally when were frustrated however everyone has the right to say what they want. What provided all these persons didn't react the way they did will it affair provided he did say that NO not at all and he woudnt amuse fined. Idk provided Kobe likes or doesn't according to alert or lesbians however provided he doesn't then why does it affair to everybody else he should be able to own his own belief.. So overall I don't think David stern should own fined him.. What's ur opinionYeah however those error are according to crimes and what Kobe said is not a crime and should not suffer a consequence Im not saying ur rong I'm jus saying what I think What accomplish u beggarly he doesn't attention approximately me indeed idk that however me n him own some what a relationship I don't think it is as hurtful as the "n" word. I don't kno how to account for it however to me there jus altered lol. They can be altered since the "n" word can be hatred i guess and it's used to show disrespect and acrimony and all that stuff according to I guess u can say that the "n" word is a fighting word lol however f@g is jus A word that that persons phone other persons much provided there not alert

Who thinks its stupid that Kobe Bryant is getting fined for his note?
When you say something is gay- you aint talking approximately gay. That is the biggest load of crap i seen today. Much though it aint even for him- aloof since it happend is bad.

Did kobe bryant really aloof amuse fined $100,000 for calling a referee alert?
1.Who is your NBA team? Who is your favourite player? 2.What approximately your favourite MLB team and player? 3.Who is the most overrated player in the story of sports? 4.Who is your personal favourite musician? 5.Which is added overrated, Phone of Work or Lil Wayne? 6.Who is your favourite BB section troll? 7.Camaro or Mustang? BQ:Kobe Bryant was fined 100K for saying "Fa*got" How several times own you said that word in the at the end week?

Basketball section:Sports/Culture Survey.?
In your belief from what year to what year were these guys in their primes? Allen Iverson Vince Carter Shaq Kevin Garnett Kobe Bryant

What years were these players in their Primes?
The media has really stuck onto the bigoted slur that Kobe Bryant spewed at the Referee and rightly so. By bigoted, I'm referring to the word that berates/offends members of the LGTG communities the world over. Some Human Rights Groups and Groups of the LGTG local own demanded an apology from Kobe. Qs: • 1. Should Bean Bryant publically apologize AND NOT ask his $100,000 good? • 2. What provided Pau Gasol or Luke Walton got aberrant at the end after dark and uttered a racial slur at an African-American Ref using the "N-Word" in front of the television cameras! WOULD NOT EVERYONE in the African-American local be demanding a public apology too? SEE MY POINT! Alone MY OPINIONS: © The word Bean Bryant spewed at the end after dark in the heat of the proverbial second does not EXCUSE it. In condition no one is aware in Yahoo! Answers, the word he uttered incites hatred and violence towards countless persons the world over, aloof as the "N-Word" incites the exact same prejudice in the African-American local. © A simple apology and accepting responsibility on his behalf seems the RIGHT THING TO Accomplish. BE A Male KOBE, Take YOUR Defect.Click the "star" provided you acquisition this topic absorbing and thoughtfully posed. Let's constitute the NBA bigger for the children. Thank You.

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