Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bipolar ii disorder

Information Clicker В» Catherine Zeta Jones Has Bipolar II Disorder
Dealing with the stress of the former year, catherine fabricated the accommodation to test in to a intellectual health ease for a little stay to treat her Bipolar Ii Disorder. Dealing with the stress of the former year, catherine fabricated the accommodation to ...
Zeta Jones Treated For Bipolar II Disorder
Bipolar II Disorder Publicist Cece Yorke said in a statement, “after the treatment of stress in the direction of the year, Catherine sure to test in intellectual health school for a short stay to treat his bipolar II disorder.” ...
bipolar ii disorder – Apr 13, 2011 | Submit Digital
Wed, 13 April 2011 23:45:58 GMT - “After dealing with the stress of the former year, Catherine fabricated the accommodation to test in to a intellectual health ease for a little stay to treat her bipolar II disorder,” publicist Cece Yorke said in a ...
Bipolar II Disorder | newstimesworld
Bipolar II Disorder, A publicist for Catherine Zeta-Jones confirmed that the actress and brobdingnagian of two has recently begun treatment at an inpatient intellectual health ease in Connecticut.
Living With Bipolar II Disorder – How To Advance A Accustomed Lifestyle ...
The brain is the most vital thing of the human object, as without it we wouldn't be able to service properly. It is the ascendancy centre for.
Bipolar II Disorder – Information That Aid Diagnosis | Breaking Information Today
In Bipolar II Disorder there are episodes of depression and hypomania, usually defined as rapid humour cycling. There are no hallucinating or.
Catherine Zeta-Jones reveals struggle with Bipolar II disorder ...
A representative of Catherine Zeta-Jones has revealed that the actress checked into a intellectual health ease earlier this year. "After dealing with the stress of the former year," the rep said in a statement -- referring to Zeta-Jones's ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones is treated for bipolar II disorder. What is ...
A representative for Catherine Zeta-Jones confirmed Wednesday that the actress recently underwent inpatient treatment for bipolar II disorder at a Connecti...
Bipolar II Disorder = Depression
Actress Catherine Zeta- Jones is under treatment for her Bipolar II Disorder. What is Bipolar II Disorder? Why she charge to amuse treatment at a Connecticut intellectual.
How accomplish you understand provided Absolute being is telling you to breach up with someone of provided you own commitment anxiety?
I'm 20 years aged, in my sophomore year of school. So, I tried to commit suicide by overdosing---something that could own possibly been done during a hypomanic page. (I thought suicide would be a amusing pastime of Russian roulette. I didn't necessarily want to die--I aloof wanted to see what would happen.) They diagnosed me as having bipolar II. My friends and family all seem to think I own it. But, I don't acquisition my bipolar disorder to be that severe. Of direction, I'm too young and don't own near the facilities to accomplish what I'd indeed according to to accomplish on what I tag as manic phases. I've out through having OCD as a minor, then I was labelled with generalized anxiety disorder as a teenager--not sure provided that was right--then I was labelled as depressed, which I suspect isn't right either---and any more I'm labelled as bipolar II. As a common rule of thumb, I alter to acutely energetic, hypersexual, and desperate for excitement at after dark. I cherish taking continued drives. Provided fantasize approximately driving off and taking a random trip. I amuse pissy at persons and aloof snap. At times, I would scope outside Craig's file, hoping to lose my virginity to a stranger to air according to I'm alive. I want to accomplish stupid stuff to amuse me--just for the strangeness of it---like life videotaped pulling somebody's socks off with my teeth. I according to to dress slutty at every group I activity to---for the thrill of it, not to amuse laid. At the same time, I can alter to insecure in a snap. Still, I air this overwhelming sense of pleasure in my mind, mixed in with this ardent hostility. It's wonderful, and I'm a Abundance added artistic at this times. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm productive. And I self-medicate by binge eating. I've been doing that to food my feelings since middle school, though---it's aloof gotten a abundance added acute. (I've gained 40 lbs in the span of approximately 4-5 months.) I've always been a responsible kid--and I've alone recently started manufacture over-the-top choices. I've always been excessive, however apart from for blowouts, I've had a pretty great sense of self-control. I'm an honours student and sure to skip a Spanish test since I didn't attention approximately it. That's really off for me. It's aloof alter to added acute recently. In aerial school, I would own depressed times, loopy times, and I'd own mind-blowing, over-the-top cheerful times. In my freshman year, I aloof remember always life depressed. Idk provided I had any manic episodes, aloof since I don't remember even. I accomplish remember life rather ablaze. This year--my apperception has changed a abundance. It's a whole altered thing. I'm aloof wondering provided they misdiagnosed added or what. I don't activity outside banging ten guys in a time and I don't spend thousands of dollars in a time. I don't use cocaine or anything according to that---I binge, smoke some maryjane, and drink a babyish bit. I'm so tired of life abashed.

Can bipolar disorder II start outside gentle?
I am in school to be a psychologist, however own bipolar II disorder. I understand police officers own a policy where provided you were ever diagnosed with something according to depression you cannot accompany, so I am afraid provided I try to amuse licensed they will see my psychological story and tag me "unfit" or "unstable" to practice. Could my intellectual health prevent me from life a therapist??

Provided I am Bipolar can I still be a therapist?
I was sent by social services to amuse aid for depression I was put on Sertaline 50mg i took these for encircling 9 months when I had a 3 month period of life really hyper .. this was accustomed for me either depressed to the point of wanting to borderline it all or so cheerful I felt I was fast to absolute being both sides of me caused above problems with work (usually fired or i quit), family and friends(couldn't hack the changes from cheerful to sad to serious acrimony) so I got sent to a shrink by a minor psychologist working with my family August 2010 .. there i got a whole file of possibles from cyclothymia, above depressive disorder, O.C.D, Bipolar able disorder, line personality disorder... however no authorized diagnosis...though hes airing on the side of bipolar ii ..I amuse put on seroquil 300mg and sertarline 100mg then my shrink leaves having not accustomed me an authorized diagnosis the fresh shrink I had today is alone for today as she's leaving too.. I'm getting very annoyed at life sent round the houses i understand that doctors come and activity however this to me is a poor akin of attention as with each fresh doctor I own to start this around again.. how continued did it take you guys to be diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder? with my cousin her GP gave her the diagnosis having been her family Dr all her activity.. I aloof want to stop going as I'm not getting any closer to an return as I own to accumulate starting again with fresh Dr's its aloof wasting my time I'm ablaze and fed up.. I alone went to the Dr since I was forced to however none will diagnose me or stay encircling continued enough to diagnose me. so what's the point... is this usually what happens or were you diagnosed pretty quickly

For Bipolar patients to return please?
I've had a story of intellectual issues---whether they're genetic or caused by my story or something I'm actively allowed to be in my activity, I own no concept. The alone thing I've really been sure I've had is obsessive-compulsive disorder (POCD and violent obsessions) as a minor and it went undiagnosed. That started in elementary school and ended at approximately 15 or 16. By the time I started receiving aid, my obsessions had died down. I went to a family doctor who gave me Lexapro for generalized anxiety. Although I was frequently unhappy, ablaze, and somewhat unstable (I'd snap and aloof allowance school, or I'd stay up till early hours in the morning roaming Wal-Mart---I've always been a pretty unhappy child by attributes), this was balanced outside by feelings of acute alleviation. I'd own moments where I was driving in my automobile and I felt as provided nobody could ever possibly familiarity the measure of beatitude I was familiarity. I always brushed it off as life so pleasant since I had such an last to compare it to--anxiety and depression that left me worn outside. When I aboriginal entered school, my anxiety and unhappiness upped. I don't really remember every fact of that year other than I got off my Lexapro and ended up taking Citalopram for a bit. I'd activity through periods where I'd completely not use the medication; either that, or I used the medication poorly. I had my aboriginal alarm advance this year---the aboriginal one I tokened as a alarm advance anyways. I remember having several unpunctual, depressing nights. I had tried to see a therapist, however she told me it was aloof a period of adaption. Whatever. This year, I came into school activity even happier than usual. I felt according to my activity was going to chicken feed for the bigger. That was quickly shot down. Eventually I got a work as a waitress, which I hated. I was constantly binging (I own been binging since middle school---and it has blow up into an addiction that both packs on the pounds---I've ballooned up to 260 this year on a 5'11" frame--) and I was constantly activity according to a failure. I don't understand how to account for how unhappy I've been this year. Not alone that, however my want to constitute reckless decisions has increased. I desperately want to "alive" life---and for some reason, I air that I own accomplish accomplish unhealthy things to amuse there. Not alone that, however my binging is terrible and I never sleep---and I aloof stay up all after dark thinking, staying on the Internet. I'm an honours student with a complete ride and it's getting harder for me to accord a flip approximately my grades. There's something in me that has grown added acute this year---and that's the alone thing I understand. A abundance of my distress comes from aerial expectations from myself---I've indeed accomplished a abundance; I aloof always want added. I accomplish air according to I own this unhappy baseline though that my humour starts outside with. I don't understand. What I accomplish understand is that I tried to commit suicide finally and ended up in a intellectual ward. I had been having suicidal thoughts for months. In the ward, they diagnosed me as having Bipolar II, or manic-depressive disorder. Well, I've been diagnosed as having generalized anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. I'm tired of constantly life put on fresh meds or life told I own some fresh disease. Yes, I air according to there's something wrong---but I want a tag, ya understand? Without it, I aloof air according to a bad spoiled brat, and that aloof makes me air worse. I accomplish think that Bipolar II is a possibility, however I don't want to aloof bob because boat, you understand? How accomplish I deal with not having a free diagnosis? Or bigger yet---how accomplish I return from the psych ward positively? I've felt pretty poor since leaving.

How accomplish I deal with not having a free diagnosis?
Aboriginal off, great after dark to all, I would according to to receive some help regarding my access to a acquaintance's disease and my own. I own a dear and aged acquaintance who has been seeing a psychiatrist regularly for approximately two years any more, and she has been diagnosed with Above Depression and Social Phobia. Since that time (too approximately two years ago) I own been struggling with her and other friends and family members to try and action my utmost support and aid. I became educated (not to accede myself an expert) approximately her case, however understand babyish else of the medication she takes and how her treatment truly works, as she is hesitant to tell and I am never sure when I am pushing her too adamantine against her will. My leading problem is, after two years of life diagnosed and treated, she still tells me she feels no bigger, and confides that despite trying to "alive activity", as she puts it, she is still suicidal and thus feels according to a threat to her own well life, which she seems to think should be disregarded. She has confessed her will to institutionalize herself to me, however is reluctant to tell her brobdingnagian so. Too, my acquaintance has tried to commit suicide once, and happily survived her attack, however since then I think is valuable to notice her parents seem to be avoiding the actuality she seems to air aloof as poor as before, and her recent absence of will in fighting her disease concerns me. I am aware that having a loved one that suffers from any sort of illness will take its toll on you, too, but I air overwhelmed when trying to consolation her and deal with my own problems, that seem to significantly afflict my intellectual health and emotional stability. I own been raised in a family with a story of Bipolar Disorder, and grew up with a father who suffers from Bipolar type I, and has been on therapy and medication for added than 16 years. As such I was aware, when growing up, that the chances I would advance any disease of the bipolar spectrum were higher than standard. At the end year I began seeing a psychiatrist for some issues I had since childhood, and was finally diagnosed with Bipolar type II, although I own not started medication for reasons I am to account for any more. My brobdingnagian sure to discontinue the treatment, as she was unconvinced I had the same case as my father had, and since our family is religious she has tried to seek other explanations to my humour swings and generally unstable and "impossible" behavior. I don't resent her, or my father, who since then had me weekly seeing a psychologist, to search for a second belief, and in an accomplishment to compromise, as he disagrees with her views on what is the root of my "troubles". However the actuality I own been suffering from this terrible instability seems to been ruining some of my relationships, as any more, life 19 years aged, I am expected to activity to University, and this seems to put a abundance of pressure not alone upon me, however on my brobdingnagian, who generally reassures me she has no expectations, much provided I acquisition it adamantine to include and take that, and release this pressure in destructive ways. However I don't air I can attend classes in the state in which I acquisition myself any more, nor accomplish I own them as a priority in my activity. All this haphazard situation at house has been manufacture me unavailable to aid and action complete support to my acquaintance, who I understand has been going trough similar problems, and who I am too aware relies on me to talk approximately her feelings, specially those regarding her illness. I understand how it is to be depressed, however am hesitant in saying so, for abhorrence I might be misunderstood. And I don't understand anymore how to convince her that activity is worth it, or that there are several reasons for her to be proud of herself for having fabricated it so far. I generally try with words, however this makes me air guilty and exhausted, as I rarely air the way I try to constitute her air. It has been bothering me, and any more I air the charge to seek help as to how to proceed, since manufacture decisions has alter to a even too adamantine task for me, and I sincerely want to acquisition a way to deal with my problems and still be able to support my acquaintance and present her the emotional stability and cheerfulness she seems to constantly charge. All in all, I understand this has been a very continued explanation, however I tried to alone tell information I acquisition relevant to receive a great help, which I am certainly in charge of right any more, as I air increasingly each time as giving up myself, and I understand that is not what I truly want to accomplish in moments of awareness such as this. So is there any thing I should try to accomplish to aid myself and thus be able to aid my acquaintance added completely? I air according to there is something I am lacking, and would acknowledge any belief on my situation. That life said, I was reluctant in seeking aid in the internet however I felt it was actually worth a try, so I thank all of you who read this to this point, and too those who might return my question with pieces of help of experiences of their own. I am truly g

Help on dealing with depressed acquaintance?
alright, so i use to talk to this guy a while back, and i any more realize that he needs aid. someone to aid him with his problems. the problem is i don't understand where to start, he wont let anyone aid him. according to approximately two months ago i old him and any more i don't much talk to him since every time he texts me, he would acquisition a way to own an discussion or say hes bothering or something according to that. so please any help? Bipolar I Disorder (mania and depression) – Bipolar I disorder is the classic anatomy of the illness, too as the most severe type of bipolar disorder. It is characterized by at least one manic page or mixed page. The vast majority of persons with bipolar I disorder own too experienced at least one page of above depression, although this isn’t required for diagnosis. Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression) – Mania is not involved in bipolar II disorder. Instead, the illness involves recurring episodes of above depression and hypomania, a milder anatomy of mania. In course to be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, you must own experienced at least one hypomanic page and one above depressive page in your life. Provided you ever own a manic page, your diagnosis would be changed to bipolar I disorder. btw i think he either has bipolar I or bipolar II. im not that sure..

charge aid with a bipolar "acquaintance"?
Okay, so, I had a rocky youth that led to a diagnosis of above depressive disorder when I was... 19. However those medications didn't aid, and finally when a doctor pressed the point of bipolar II life possible, I went on the adapted medications when I was... 23, I think (26 any more). They work very well, and I usually air nearly "accustomed." However I had an page of hypomania aloof before Christmas vacation (when I went to visit my family - and see my doctor), which concerned me vaguely, and my doctor reassured me that it was good, that no medication could stop it completely. However, I'd alone had one (one noticable one, at least) in all the years before that, it's why I barely seemed to fit into the diagnosis. At the end week I had another. This is what concerns me, since it's not at all my standard; usually I'd amuse the crippling depression and none of the up. It was highly uncomfortable... Any more (this, I understand, is accustomed, the cycle) I'm in a 'depression' of sorts, a very gentle one. However much though it doesn't compare to previous experiences, I air indifferent, uncomfortable and dissatisfied, and it is affecting my activity and work performance. Which is working with kids, I'm a nanny. And I can't buzz my doctor or therapist for aid since I'm 9000 miles out, and will be until Oct. I can't fall asleep at after dark, however I'd sleep all time provided accustomed the possibility. I air according to everything is muted, and I constitute persons repeat themselves a abundance. I'm not having amusing with things that should be amusing. I miss my family, and that's annihilation fresh, however you bigger accept it's worse at this second... In the former, this discomfort was the window to weeks or months of torture. I indeed think this time, this might be it. However it's still a problem, and I wanted to try to talk to someone with similar experiences approximately it. Is my medication still working at its complete potency? This, life separated from my health attention providers, is a affair. Why would I own two manic episodes in four months when I'd had alone one all the years before that? This is causing me some misery. I still really haven't learned any decent coping skills, what accomplish you recommend? Can I kick myself outside of this or accomplish I charge to be as positive as possible as I ride it outside? I'm worried that I'm not treating persons the way I should, and that my 'socially awkward' errors are even added pronounced than when I'm at my fresh, medication-created baseline. In condition it helps, I'll file my medications. Lithium Carbonate 1200mg, Clonazepam 2mg (or 4mg, as needed, for anxiety), Trazodone (50-100mg as needed) The Trazodone was prescribed when I went to the doctor at the end, in Dec. I fabricated a request for a sleep help, and he said he thought that would be ace, and that it should aid with the anxiety, too. I try not to take it nightly, alone when I think I'll charge it ...was obviously wrong today since it's nearly 5:30 and I'm not tired... so that I don't abound accustomed to it. I'd cherish to amuse some help that would truly aid with this. I realize my affair isn't pressing, however as I've said, I am uncomfortable, all the time, own been for days, and I own no way of alive, with my aphotic story, when it might stop. I'm not much playing with the kids as generally as I'm mendacity on my side on the floor talking to them - I charge to amuse outside of this. (And please, don't suggest taking a bath as a adjustment of relaxation - I haven't stretched outside in a tub since the summer of 09, and it's the alone decent coping skill I'd developed as a child; I miss my tub terribly and might indeed cry to read that concept.) Thank you very even to anyone who takes the time to read this or tries to aid!Thank you everyone who has responded already! I own research on medications to accomplish. You've too fabricated me realize I should point outside that I'm currently living in Spain, where, as a non-citizen it is acutely hard and expensive to buy decent health attention, which is why I've been continuing with my US doctor through few visits (two, I think) the former year and a half. However your affair has spurred me to at least amuse my levels checked; I'm going to try to acquisition a address today.

Bipolar II: I'm in pretty great shape these days, however my humour recently has been a indifferent. Hoping for help.?
For the former year, I've suspected I own type 2 bi-polar disorder. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety by my doctor however can't afford to return probably for another 4-5 months or so to altercate this with them. I'm indeed a tend and aware of the clinical signs and symptoms of both Bipolar disorders, however they're broad and don't really specify durations of cycles. I was wondering what your manic or hypomanic states are according to? How would you call your feelings during them? How continued accomplish they at the end? Provided you own mixed states, what are those according to and how continued accomplish they at the end?This applies to cyclothymia too.

For those diagnosed with Bipolar disorder Type II?
im 13 and own been reading approximately bipolar as a affair of absorption and i think i own bipolar type II. .basically i own on and off depression during the week (not aloof sadness, depression as in ''what own i got to alive for''. .too during the week i activity from thinking ''im the ace no one can stop me'' and i own lots of power to thinking that im a loser. .encircling once a week i too amuse into a ample discussion with a acquaintance or teacher, i aloof air in a ample rage and edging onto a bit of life paranoid. .too i activity from life hyper and wanting to mess approximately to activity according to going to bed. .i too take a abundance of things personally or literally, you could say im easily influenced. this happens throughout the week basically, sorry it's a bit jumbled up. and im not looking for a diagnosis or anything aloof an note.

accomplish i own bipolar disorder?
I will try to constitute this as quick as possible. To start, I am merely asking for your belief. I own kept a account before, though not for continued, however I will pull from that. Okay. I am 16 years aged and own suffered from (what my mom calls) depression. It comes in stages, usually lifelong anywhere from a hardly any weeks to a month or two. During one of these stages, I tend to sleep a abundance, and when I'm not sleeping, I aloof put in bed, thinking approximately my activity. I air hopeless, lose motivation, skip school, lose touch with friends, and air what I according to to phone "transparent." (according to I don't really belong in this world, as provided I could melt out and no one could apprehension. According to the world isn't indeed real and the persons in it are...nearly two dimensional.) My mom blamed this all on my school and friends and had me shipped off to alive at an relative's abode in another state. Any more, I air completely helpless. I buzz myself abnormal questions I'll never acquisition answers to. I own vivid dreams...and the strangest sleep patterns. I'll sleep 2-3 hours and then wake up every 45 minutes or so. I'll fantasy three, four times a after dark. I amuse frequent headaches possibly every other time. I am acutely irritable, cry at the strangest things, and own unexplainable fits (Where I cry for no reason, adumbrate, not let persons touch me, etc. nearly as provided I understand what I'm doing isn't accustomed, however I can't stop it). That's all I can call it. I air added "transparent" than ever. I amuse depressed, mostly during nighttime. Looking for answers, I turned to the Internet and came up with Bipolar disorder..type two. That specific diagnosis struck me since I own a half sister on my dad's side who was diagnosised a hardly any years ago. The added I looked into it, the added I thought approximately a sure time period from back when I lived with my mom. In short, it was a month of insanity. I was constantly doing something, juggling extracurriculars at school and a never ending secret nightlife (as strange as that sounds). I would accomplish things without truly thinking approximately them, according to stealing my sister's automobile, picking up friends, doing drugs. I had sex with guys I barely knew...none of this was accustomed behaviour for me (an otherwise straight A student). I could barely sleep and it wouldn't act on me. I was impeccable at mendacity and I began to steal, much. I didn't recognize that this aloof wasn't me until recently, this period of time caused me to lose at least half a dozen friendships, I spent almighty dollar recklessly, I treated my activity recklessly. I didn't attention. I can't account for enough that the "partying" times can't aloof be "slowed". They air completely accustomed to me, and I air very in ascendancy and invincible as they happen I air according to I can accomplish anything and amuse out with it. Alone when I attending back on it does it air reckless and outside of ascendancy. However as that period ended, the aftermath devastated me. Accumulate in apperception that this was a hardly any months ago. Any more, as I was reading various symptoms for this disorder, it all seemed to fit. However is there something I'm lacking? I definitely air added depressed than "hypomanic" (why accomplish I seem to not according to that term?). I air according to I am constantly searching for answers and my apperception aloof won't stop. Please, will you accord me your opinions? I am a scared, absent, 16 year aged babe and I'm quite tired of always referring to myself as "broken".

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