Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should nuclear reactor operators pray before they perform a startup?


We never did, initial start-up or any subsequent start-up. That's not to say that one or another twigits might have to themselves but I never heard anyone pray out loud.


If they do, they have to remember that they are praying to a God who couldn't find a safe place to plant a is He going to be smart enough to safely start a Nuclear Reactor?????


I would rather they review their operating manual and emergency safety procedures. People who wish that some invisible, magical being would keep them out of trouble, while they do potentially dangerous stuff, make me want to run for the hills. Distant hills.-- Regards, John Popelish


Serious troll is serious. Lol perchance has a good point."And in today's news a atomic reactor lost stability added to exploded during the mandatory 5 minute benediction period due grate on nerves non-fulfilment advised about the monitoring systems."


Considering the same type of people that figured out radiometric dating figured out how to get electricity from fission, the creationist should be telling you it doesn't work.


That is a scary stuff, being surrounded by nuclear readation and these days of bomb threath. I would say yeah pray all the time....

Haines City

no nobody gives a crap about jesus


Sure, as long as it doesn't take their focus away from their job.


No, I think rather they should have a start before they pray-up.


actually, well, I am just not sure.


I would

Central Park

hell yea pray dey dnt blow up somebdys cuntry

Nags Head

no! the reactors would not under stand a word they said. anyway.

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