Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it possible to grow a living organism from a rotting sandwich left behind a nuclear reactor?


I could really do with some minions.


This is, of course, the modern way to acquire minions. Here's a handy print-out-and-keep recipe chart, based on the type of abandoned sandwich (average mutation time 21-28 days):BACON: Hideous six-headed monster pigs, standing upright on their hind legs and weighing 2,500 lbs, with sharp tusks extending randomly through their twisted snouts. The leaner the bacon was, the more likely the eventual pig-men are to get gym memberships. STREAKY BACON: As above, with stripes. CHEESE: Sour-faced, semi-curdled cows with an attitude problem. Will immediately conduct homicidal (not to mention rodenticidal) attacks on nearby mouse populations. CHEESE & PICKLE: As above, with bad breath. TUNA: Land sharks. With patience, they can trained to hum the ominous cello notes from 'Jaws' before they attack. EGG & TUNA: As above, but will alternate the cello notes with chicken noises. SAUSAGE: You don't want to know. Preparation tips:Always use fresh uranium, and make sure your nuclear reactor is pre-heated to 325° F. Always use gloves to handle nuclear unthinking, because phylogeny mutant frill fingers makes advanced gloves decidedly hard to prove guilty. Always deduct toothpicks from sandwiches, or else your new creatures will emerge with a shafd browse the heart.


Yes, Your giant pig-men will emerge with terminal lung cancer. Report Abuse


I grew my minions from a grilled cheese sandwich left rotting behind a nuclear reactor. Yes, but they need their own little habitat, just like hermit crabs. Be sure to feed and water your minions daily. I sing to mine -- they love Sinatra. If this doesn't work, try sea monkeys. They make great minions. Best of luck!


What a silly question!! Lol, NO!!!


I think it's possible, yes. But beware - The Toxic Avenger was created when he fell into some radioactive goop, and he was a crime fighter. So I'd use your talent for mind control (you know you made that lady sit on her cat) over them as soon as they sprout. Otherwise, you'll only have gone & created your arch-enemies.


Got to be worth try - you never know your luck!! If it doesnt work you could always try and sell the sandwich on e-bay (I am sure somebody will bid!!)

University Heights

There is no "behind" a nuclear reactor. They are poster.


Oh don't bother going to all that trouble, I've got some minions lying around here that you can have if you want. I should warn you though, they tend to backchat.


The sandwich must be liverworst and cheese. Your have interesting minions.


Yes thats how i got here.


Yes you can. I can hire my minions out to you if you want. I'm on my sabbatical and have no immediate plans for world domination.


Depends on the type of sandwich. Peanut butter is good, but your minions are rather soft. You have a most interesting hobby


Dont know about behind a reactor, But if you look at the food on the trains in the UK it grows into ticket collectors.

Rock Mills

Minions are overrated - get some henchmen instead - you get them by leaving a curry and smelly sock behind a nuclear reactor.

Jordan Road-Canyon Creek

Yes, if you call regular fungii and bacteria living organisms. But they aren't much good as minions. But you won't get mutants because nuclear reactors are famously out of harm's way with titanic layers of beliable to prevent radiation leaking away. Even if there was radiation disclosing, it would be worlds unlikely to produce the specific kinds of mutations you want purely convenient erratic. Mostly it would only weed out the germs, which is why they irradiate food to keep it fresh.


Sounds like a Simpsons episode


If you have a nuclear reactor in front of your rotting sandwich can I be your first minion


I have a feeling this is how a goodly portion of Congress got here, so we have proof that it is in fact possible. Be sure to ask for extra minions with that sammitch. LOL

Clarendon Hills

plenty of living organisms grow on rotting sandwichs left most places, not so sure they'd be willing or able to follow instructions though. Have you considering starting a cult instead?

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