Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is it a great diplomatic victory for obama that iran is finally fueling its nuclear reactor today?


After several years of delays due to US led opposition (Bush) to allowing Iran to have a atomic reactor that will produce weapons grade plutonium as a by-product, posterior Obama demand a victory since he claimed his wonderful perspicacity and diplomatic skills would solve all the enormously problems.

Shelter Island

Iran has already stated that they will use these weapons on Israel. Back in the 80's Israel took out the nukes from Iraq i believe. It seems the rest of the world secretly wishes Israel would do this again for Iran, since nobody else in this world has the balls anymore. Iran obtaining nukes, Russia helping them and building more for their own; meanwhile Obama vows to the world that the US will disarm a portion of our own. Great job Mr. President. Our country has turned communist, the private job sector is being screwed over by big government. Government employee's are being over paid, we got Post Office workers making more money than people with PhD's. We got **** bags in the military (those that have been in you know who im talking about) that milk the system and has never done us any good. Our government needs to slim down before we become the next USSR.......a failure. Dems and Reps have both failed us, and i find it funny they are sweeping this oil spill under the rug. Thank you capital hill for spending all this money on our military and giving it out to Arabs country's while allowing us to be more vulnerable to a nuclear armed Iran!


And now for a SERIOUS answer. Russia is fueling the reactor and will take all spent fuel (which can theoretically be refined to capture weapons grade fuel) back to Russia under agreements the Iranians have made. So the answer is that this is actually not a bad thing and might be a positive. Iran will save some face by having nuclear power, this reactor cannot really produce much weapons grade plutionium and Iran would have to pee off Russia, it's one remaining big state friend to get any of it, and Iran has to cooperate closely with the IAEA in running this reactor. Diplomacy happens in small steps. This could conceivably be one of them. But it's not fair to suggest this reactor has anything to do with Iran becoming a nuclear armed state.

Roaring Springs

it doesnt necessarily lead to weapons-grade byproducts. it's also done in conjuction with the russians who will be monitoring it so that it falls within the guidelins of the IAEA: ....And it is one sure to upset United States diplomats who had encouraged Russia to delay the opening, though they have not objected to the project as it could be seen as helping to bring Iran’s nuclear program fully under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mr. Kiriyenko, speaking to members of the news media in an amphitheater of the Bushehr complex, took pains to emphasize, as Russians have for years, that the plant complied with the agency’s requirements. “Not a single professional in the world has any questions about the chance that the Bushehr nuclear power plant could be hand-me-down regarding nonpeaceful purposes,” he said. Russia also announced what seemed to be a new safeguard. Its technicians will jointly behave the station for two to under the influence one time under an covenant signed Saturday ahead the opening formality, Mr. Kiriyenko said, evenly handing cede the controls to the Iranians. ....


I guess you haven't noticed, but the US is not the only country in the world. We do not control the rest of the world. Iran is a problem for many reasons, but it is not our responsibility to go to war with them because we don't like what they are doing. We need to get the hell out of the middle east and stay out.


The countdown has started. We should start bombing Iran today before they finish it. Diplomatic victory is far different than an actual one. Obama has assured a nuclear confrontation Between Israel and Iran.


We would not be having these problems with Iran today if Bush hadn't screwed up the balance of power in the Middle East by invading Iraq.


The Politics forums went that-a-way<<<---------------------<<<<<<

Carmel Hamlet

The west has been negligent over Iran for a long time. O can't help, but its not his fault. He's simply useless.

Star Lake


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