Friday, March 11, 2011

If one nuclear reactor stops working do others with the same design be put to stop as well?


For safety regulations, if a nuclear reactor stops working, other reactors with the same ceal hand down sell out stuffed as cuperbly. Is this true?


"stops working"? what to you mean - people turn around and "wow, it's not working - no power"no, of course it depends on why the first one shut down and the reason has to be a defect in the design or materials rather than a loose fitting or human error. And even a defect does not mean the others are shut down, but that they are inspected to see that the problem exists across the whole design and was not a flaw caused during installation (like a pipe bent too far or insulation not packed in tightly enough) or maintenance (insulation removed to install added wiring and not replaced properly.)

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