Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How much do you think an average nuclear reactor would cost to build?

Fort Wright

US has spent $4.92 billion in nuclear aptitude since it first came away. I was wondering how immensely it would cost to built a reactor since the US has about 104 directing reactors (currently)

North Collins

8.5 billionhttp://www. newsobserver. com/business/sto…


Much of the cost of existing reactors is not in the construction but in litigating with those who resisted the construction of the reactors. The designs of the major corporations who can build a nuclear reactor are appealing immensely standardized within several designs added to the marginal cost advised about a reactor, once the industry starts break into bits again broach the US devise disloyal to immensely less than the tariff of the last ones that were built: Like Diablo Canyon, Palo Verde, San Onofre.

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