Saturday, March 5, 2011

How many years has nuclear energy been around for? when was the first nuclear reactor built?


please help...i just don't know! :(


a) foreverb) atomic bomb - July 16th, 1945c) nuclear reactor - electircity suiting 1951d) first atomic know-how plant 1954 - Russiaother than that the US task force first started using atomic faculty in the 1950's dransmit submarines as well. I think the greatest patent for a nuclear reactor was in 1952.


Thanks to a consortium of green-blue algae oxygenating the atmosphere some 1,7000,000,000 years ago, the first terrestrial nuclear reactor began operation at Oklo in Gabon, running on the 3% U235 then available for about a million years. But the thermonuclear fusion reactions in stars and suchlike began with the universe.


I suppose I should answer your question that nuclear energy has been around's nature and control has only been characterized in the last 100 years. The first reactor was built iunder the stadium of the University of Chicago by Enrico Fermi in 1942. A legacy of his work is the Argonne National Lab othside Chicago, by the way. This was built on much reasearch and theory of the previous years, including the realization that mass and energy was interchangable...E=mc squaredThe first commercial reactor was built outside Chicago at Dresden. The military built a bunch in between including the complex in Tennesee and Washington for the Project Manhattan that prduced the first atomic bomb. The first nuclear submarine was the Nautillus, launched broach 1954. It is a museum in Groton Connecut now, I believe. I second-hand to design nuclear is a hell of a way to boil water.


How long? For ever - the sun is a continuous reaction. Now, I would surmise that a nuclear reactor of sorts must have preceded the first atomic bomb, so that would put it in the early 1940's.

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