Monday, March 14, 2011




Spotify: $100 Million DST Investment Confirmed

This week Forbes has a profile of DST founder Yuri Milner, which casually mentions that DST has "tentatively" agreed to take a 5% stake in Spotify for $100 million, which would value the company at $2 billion. ...

DST Ends in Australia and NZ on April 3, 2011

Australia and New Zealand will end daylight saving time (DST) on Sunday, April 3, 2011.

DST Issue: iPhone Clock Falls Back An Hour Instead Of Springing ...

iPhone Hacks :: The latest Apple iPhone Hacks, Apps, Native Applications, Downloads, Software, JailBreaking & Unlocking News, Reviews, News & Rumors, Tips & Tricks on the 3G iPhone.

The Latest Cleveland Launcher DST Driver | Pulsa Blackberry

The Latest Cleveland Launcher DST Driver Simply put, the lighter the driver is, the more clubhead pace you can produce resulting to any.


Latest Hot Trends News - YURI MILNER'S DST GROUP BETS ON SPOTIFY'S FUTURE IN AMERICA AND MOBILE Desktop and mobile song streaming use.

Dst – Who Said What ? | Paula

April 3, The new fallback information is the following: , I have a program that calls GetTimeZoneInformationForYear , and it looks like it's returning incorrect DST transition dates, For example, GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(2010, ...

Vote for FAIR DST! | Go Hot Topics | Latest trends

This week Forbes has a profile of DST founder Yuri Milner which casually mentions that DST has tentatively agreed to take a five stake in Spotify for 100 million which would value the business at 2 billion. ...

Why does my TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION have the wrong DST cutover date ...

I have a program that calls GetTimeZoneInformationForYear , and it looks like it's returning incorrect DST transition dates. For example, GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(2010, NULL, &tzi) is returning March 2nd as the tzi. ...

Change Your Smoke Detector Battery During DST – ...

NY1Change Your Smoke Detector Battery During DSTPatch.comThe Gwinnett County Department of Fire and Emergency Services reminds Duluth residents to change the battery in their smoke detector during Daylight Saving Time.

Why do we do this stupid thing every year?

Ok I haven't used it for about 2 months now and went to turn it on it just a black scream with nothing and I try a test on it and it says short dst failed and it under warranty but not sending it to hp cuz I last time I still beer in the keynotes when I was drunk and it worked fine the it started mess up they keynotes and wouldn't charge and they said they that they couldn't do anything for it woulnt work again and here it just needed to a new charger and got a new keynote that plug in the side but anyway if anyone could help

Need help with hp compaq?

The DST(Summer Time) is so stupid...many countries don't even use it..why do we have to use it....why can we protest against it and make the government remove that stupid DST.......I think ppl in America don't make use of their "liberty/freedom" gov does whatever they want....rise taxes, approve gas raise, DST crap.....ppl here are blind or what???? they don't protest against anything....what is wrong with this ppl..are they zombies or living beings....Gov is to do what we say...not us to do what they want..we pay them why the hell do we have to do all they want and shut way....they are in they suit and nice office doing shitty papers while we fuck off working...just for their pockets.....thanks for the invitation but there is no need to move anywhere....they are the ones who have to stop this crap....

Why do people in USA don't oppose the Daylight Saving Time?

Considering their founders tried to bring down Alpha Kappa Alpha? BTW, I am not apart of any sorority.

Out of all of the Black greek letter sororities, why is DST the last to be incorporated?

kernel: Intrusion -> IN=ppp_0_35_1 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=44 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=108 ID=34336 PROTO=TCP SPT=6000 DPT=9415 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 The above is the massage i got from the modem log file... my Internet usually disconnect now and then,Every time my Internet get disconnected i checked the log file and i noticed every times the intrusion happen my line would get disconnected... i want to know what the log file above meansMy modem model is DSL Router W548D by tenda.PS:Is there any forum where i can ask this question? i mean forum for modem problem for example or any appropriate place where i can turn to?

Help me with my modem problem?

Yes my actual mouse button still works. My PC had a "Short DST failure" and I had to do a chkdsk /r in command prompt in safe mode to be able to restart my PC, Now whenever I "right click" on an icon i get "windows explorer has stopped working"little window.

my "right-click" button has stoped working. what can I do to fix it?

just installed a new delta 100 dst kitchen faucet on a cast iron sink and can not get it to seal to the sink.?

I've been told that the selection process for DST contains a point system does it pertain to both the packet and the interview? Does a bad interview instantly disqualify you? How many points do you get for the packet and for the interview?

Delta sigma theta point system?


Does DST effect how fast the snow melts?

im doing shakespeare and i need to know. what does this mean thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause ( from the mercaht of venice act 3 scene 3 line 6 )also it would be very helpful if you could tell me how it shows hatred towards antonioThanks =] xplease look at my othere question on the merchant of venice aswell thanks =] x;_ylt=AkjtZZMTX7vq8EWKYFvs9hrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110224142117AAgqj1b

The merchant of venice translate/explain?

You do realise that it will actually bring you onto CET, do you think they're using the DST handle because the Gov't. spends so much time knocking Europe, they would hate to admit moving into our time zone ?At the beginning of this week they were broaching the DST move, on the grounds that it would give longer evenings in the summer etc., but, would be a little darker in the early morning.Basically, a move to CET which is 1 hour ahead of UK, whatever the season (We change our clocks at the same time)For the unaware, this article explains the bill currently before parliament.

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