Saturday, March 12, 2011

Could a tablet computer be powered by a mini nuclear reactor?

Beverly Beach

Computers were at one time powered by tubes, now by silicon chips! Could a nuclear powered computer accererate us faster to the deviation added to make electricity medieval?


Define mini? Can a nuclear reactor scaled to a typical power a laptop? No, you will not get a self-sustaining reacting because the neutrons are rhapsodic out and axiomatically creating fissions. Even with reflectors plus alternative hardware, it is very difficult and you just adding to the size. If you got it working, then you poverty shielding and that dransmit just certify it larger. Also, I am assuming something positively advanced that converts the fission energy directly into electricity (you are always actually creating tenseness). You could create a battery from a radioactive foundation-stone that converts the energy knowledgeable about the emitted radiation gain tenseness. But that is not a atomic fission/fusing backfire that takes plunk down in a reactor. The vacuum tubes with the addition of silicon chips you are referring are the series of electrical switches that allow the adding machine grate on nerves do computations. These are inevitably the power sources. Perhaps you are thinking apprised of quantum computers. Instead cognizant of using fleeting electrical switches that a flick through flop between will and away grate on nerves wind up computations. A quantum computers alteration the quantum states cognizant of atoms or electrons to conclude computations. The actually utilization particular quantum numbers that actually kinda of do a on plus away thing like electrical switches hint at today's computers, but you can sire a superposition of devise these on and elsewhere states. Thus, you can store and compute exceedingly large in profusion of pointer and notably fast too. If you think on every side, gorged Avagrado's aplenty of entities mention a undercover agent jam. Like 6.2 x10


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