Monday, March 14, 2011




DST Issue: iPhone Clock Falls Back An Hour Instead Of Springing ...

iPhone Hacks :: The latest Apple iPhone Hacks, Apps, Native Applications, Downloads, Software, JailBreaking & Unlocking News, Reviews, News & Rumors, Tips & Tricks on the 3G iPhone.

Ten o'clock - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has ...

Funny Pictures - Ten o'clock and all's well, except Frank's about to go psycho for a bit.

Time Tower Desk Clock | GeekAlerts

Clocks can be a nuisance: the ugly wall clock at work, the cable box at home, the big, bright digital alarm clock numbers on the nightstand. Why is time. Blogs » Blog Archive On the clock: Bears «

“Path to the Draft” put the Chicago Bears on the clock Friday. With the No. 29 overall pick in the first round, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Hayes believes an offensive lineman is a huge priority for the Bears with their first pick. ...

Child Cancer Awareness Clock ~ Android Application v1.0 By angels ...

Child Cancer Awareness Clock - Android Application - angels sweetheart - Personalization.

NFL Lockout Deadline: Clock Ticks Down On Labor Talks For Owners ...

WASHINGTON — Unable to decide how to divvy up $9 billion a year, NFL owners and players put the country's most popular sport in limbo Friday by breaking off labor negotiations hours before their contract expired. The union decertified ...

TransGriot: Move That Clock Forward

For you peeps in the States, it's Daylight Savings Time again. That means we've got to move those clocks forward one hour and lose some sleep. It also means I'll have to start writing CDT in my posts again for the next several months. ...

Erika Wood: Turning Back the Clock in Florida

In less than an hour, Florida Governor Rick Scott denied the right to vote to hundreds of thousands, maybe as many as a million, Florida citizens.

As UN Debates Pirates, Clock Ticks Down on Indian Hostages

Families of six Indian sailors who are being held for ransom by Somali pirates are clinging to hope that they will be released, even though the Indian government has asserted that it will not negotiate with pirates and the deadline to ...

Scrubs/Harry Potter Fanfiction Plot??? Help!!!?

This is about half of the first chapter of my book and I would just like some feedback:RepressedChapter 1In the distance a car alarm can be heard and the smell of cannabis from a near by house wafts past leaving this young mind in a trance of wonderment...a labrador retriever bounces with excitement as a black figure throws what seems to be a stick into the distance, persuading the dog to come into a neighbor’s yard...the black figure comes towards me frantically as if....My dream ends abruptly as my alarm clock chimes, the one time I didn’t want to be saved by the bell. As I get up I ponder why I have had this strange dream that seems to add on to itself once I close my eyes. I write down the next sequence of events in my dream journal. Yes, I have one of those and no you can not judge me.Ever since Mr. Epps’ parapsychology lecture on dream clairvoyance in ninth grade I have kept archives of every dream I have had. Now I know some people, ok many people, don’t believe in psychics, but I’m not sure about my opinion on the topic. Mr Epps’ asked the class one day if we thought psychics were real. Of course no one wanted to answer that question because it was obviously a trick question. You know one of those questions that ask for your opinion, but in actuality the teacher wants you to guess their opinion.In this case Mr. Epps’ opinion was probably any psychic that has acted as a subject in an experiment has been proven to not be psychic. Unfortunately, I was called upon to answer this question.“Lola, do you believe that psychics exist?”, Mr. Epps asked.I replied in an condescending tone, “ I believe that everyone born has a purpose in life. Some people are born to teach overly sexed teenagers and others are born to tell the future.”The class appreciated my snide remark, but Mr. Epps is still eying me with a look of grimace three years later. Three years later, I have realized that I am not psychic. Damn. There goes my dreams of being the next Miss Cleo. Although this realization came to me two years into my dream journaling, I began having a reoccurring dream three times a week. Each time I had the dream a new detail would be added. As I look at my cell phone I notice what day it is. Crap, it’s Saturday. I start thinking about this dream I keep having and wondering what it means. Mr. Epps’ lecture did not prepare me for this, nor the exam that I bombed. Laying in bed I begin to clear my mind and soon I begin to fade into darkness until I am no longer me, but something much bigger...In front of me a looming figure is darting towards me and suddenly my back is pressed against something hard, cold...I notice my voice I gone as I start to scream, something forcing its way in my mouth and as a shiver runs from my toes to the top of my head I realize I am being engulfed by this black fog...fighting makes things worse, light slowly descends into the distance...and I can not awaken myself.

Opinions on what I have written?

daylight savings time

when do I advance my clocks one hour?

Daylight savings

Do I advance my clocks on March 13th?

ok how do I reset the clock on my rugby cell phone. I read the manual can't figure it out ?

change time on my cell phone?

Ive been on and off Testosterone for about 6 years. I was on for about a year and lost insurance. When i finally got back on i had a horrible Dr. who refused to up me more then 50MG Bi-weekly. I finally got a good Dr. and have now been on 100MG every week for the past year and 4 months. My facial hair is coming in really slow. Im too old not to have it, and it had become too much for me mentally. I just cant wait much longer. I just saw my Dr. And i was at one point on Androgel and have a few bottles left over. He said i could try applying that to my face to help increase the facial hair (hopefully) My sideburns soul patch and mustache grow much thicker and faster then the rest of my face. My chin hair has started to come in, but its patchy and grows very slowly.I stopped shaving for 3 months and it still was not noticeable from far away. My cheeks are pretty much bare, but my entire face is covered in thin blonde hairs when i dont shave, so the hair is there it just needs a kick start. I am of a race that has no problem growing hair. And all the men in my family have thick Five O'clock shadow at least. So i dont feel its genetics, maybe just a slow puberty. My last T levels were in the 1,000 So upping my dose is not an option.. My questions are,Has anyone else tried Applying Androgel to their face? If so did it work and how long did it take?I've seen threads about bio-guys trying Minoxidil, a form of Rogain. Has anyone tried this and was it successful and how long did it take?Has anyone tried both Androgel and Minoxidil, if so which was more successful?Has anyone tried any other methods of improving thickness and improving how fast their facial hair grows? if so i would really appreciate the feedback!Also. I already know beard growth can take time, even years and have already been repeatedly told this. I've also already been told time and again that its genetics. So if that will be your only answer to this please just do not respond. I'm looking for FTM's or even biological males who have found ways to improve facial hair growth. So please nothing about patience, or maybe i just cant grow it. We have enough intelligence in this world that there has to be a good method for this.Thank you for your time. I apologize for the length, but im sick of having to constantly edit my questions when people continuously respond with answers that i am not looking for.thanks againMalThank you but Everything else is going fine. I have no concerns with anything else. I have a great Dr. If i was concerned about T insensitivity or conversion or my muscle mass that would be my question. I am VERY educated on my hormone therapy. On the risks of hormone therapy, and the results of hormone therapy. I transitioned over a decade ago. I only am concerned about a product to improve my facial hair.PLEASE do NOT answer this question, if your answer is NOT PERTAINING to THE QUESTION.Guys all i want to know is information on a product that helps improve facial hair, THATS IT!!! If your a female, then this question is irrelevant to you, because YOU DONT EVEN HAVE NOR WANT FACIAL HAIR!! So if you've used a product that has helped or know someone who has, please answer the question.If your going to tell me things that i didnt ask about,or that have nothing specifically to do with my question PLEASE DONT ANSWER.I'm not trying to be rude, but i already wrote what i was looki

FTM's Does anyone know a good way to help increase facial hair?

whenever i download stuff on the mornings somewhere between 8:00 - 14:00 o'clock in the morning , i get full speed but after that i dont even get 10 kbps ( normally i get 1 mbps ) . Whenever i come after school i try to download some stuff and thats what i get 0.1 kbps . So whats wrong with my utorrent? JUST IN CASE : i already port forward and did all the utorrent speed up settings in youtube so dont mention it plz cause i already know it

Why does my Utorrent works only in the Morning?

I always have to reset it 4 or 5 minutes to keep up with real time.

Why is the clock in my car always losing time ?

Help, I don't know what time it is. I think the clock sprung itself forward cause time went by really fast. It says it's 4:06 a.m. I'm in Alaska! Is it right or is it really 5:06?

Is my clock correct, how do I find out?

My ex girlfriend calls me drunk after nearly 2 months since she broke up with me, help!?Last weekend my ex calls me (probably drunk) 3 times & once from her friend's phone at 3am on Saturday night/sunday morning (6th march).My phone was on silent so I didn't pick up.It got me thinking why she had called... I thought about ringing her the next day but didn't want to come across as needySo I waited until Friday where I was 90% going to call but refused the urge. It got until 2am Friday night / Saturday morning & she called me. I had just woke for some reason anyway so I answered and played it as cool I could considering how shocked i was.She was drunk and was asking why I didn't answer or call back from last week... I made up that I didn't know she'd called. She was saying things like 'i've missed you' and 'i love you' and saying 'we need to sort it out' and 'we love each other' she said she got a really good pay rise at work and she wanted share the good times with, she was going on and on and saying we can sort it out and I should move down south and we can get a flat together, then she was saying dirty stuff trying to entice me in.It all made me feel very happy so I was trying to play it so cool but really didn't know what to say, I tried to make it out like I was shocked and teased her about being drunk, she was asking things like 'do you miss me' which I replied 'at times', she also asked if I still love her I said 'there's a little bit in my heart somewhere'So it carried on with her blabbering away & she was asking if we should meet up, I acted like I wasn't sure about it, I tried to play it cool but in my head I knew I wanted to and can't help but think it came across that I wanted to deep inside as I was saying 'maybe' and then 'well i suppose we could'.So she called me a few times that night. she was asking me if i had a girlfriend & why i didn't call back last week again, then she popped up with 'I've got a boyfriend but I wanna work it out with you' (I'm pretty sure her BF is her ex who I think she left me for).I lost my cool only a little, I said 'what, you've got a boyfriend, I can't believe your telling me this after ringing and saying all of this' and she was then saying she could come up tomorrow in her car i was saying 'but you've got a boyfriend... i only want u to come up if you're 100% sure ' anyway we carried on speaking about general stuff then I said we'll speak in the morning about it...So in the morning it was getting till about 12 o'clock so I thought I'd call and test the water a little bit & also because she hadn't called yet & I was thinking she would leave it too late to come down (i really wish I hadn't called even it meant no contact all day)So i was speaking with her, she still seemed warm & a little embarrassed, she didn't drop the 'i love u' or any of the more serious stuff, she was saying that she missed me etc and a bit more sexual stuff... i teased her a little about the stuff she was saying and my intuition tells me this kind of gave her a reality check about what she's done and has probably made her confused as how its come off on me & maybe gave her second thoughts... I asked if she was coming down... she said she didn't know as it's so far away and she also said her boyfriend will be thinking where am I... (this really angered me, the way she can just switch me on & off) but I played it as cool as I could & said to call later when she's not at her friends...So we didn't speak all day until 10.30pm when i initiated some dirty messages which finishes when she sends "your so dirty danny, i've just *** haha', I was sending these texts trying to come across as the fun guy again but I'm not sure if I should of just backed off....I don't know what she wants... I don't know how I should play this from now on... I get the impression she called this week as she was desperate for me because she was thinking i've gone away and not going to be there for her when things are bad with her boyfriend, Even though I was trying to play it so cool, I can't help but think she has it in her head now that she can have me if she wants me... I feel i could of played the cat & mouse game a little bit better & I still do feel like i'm right in the game but I need to come across as a harder catch again...When and if we next speak I want to come across a lot harder and I think I need to lay a few boundaries to show her I am no push overI was thinking of maybe sending a text like:Look i don't think this is going work out between us, you've got a boyfriend, you don't know what you want, i think we should call it quits and get on with our lives. We had fun but i just don&

My ex girlfriend has been calling me drunk after we broke up 2 months ago, How can I win her back?

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