Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bipolar disorder

Catherine Zeta-Jones Hospitalized for Bipolar Disorder |
Catherine Zeta-Jones has reportedly entered a intellectual health treatment centre for a bipolar disorder ... despite her rep squarely denying the story to…
Catherine Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorder | Ministry of ...
Catherine Zeta-Jonesm wife of Michael Douglas, has been treated for bipolar disorder, her publicist said Wednesday. "After dealing with the stress of the former year, Catherine fabricated the accommodation to test in to a intellectual health ease for ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones Bipolar Disorder Information Causes Shock on Twitter ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones, whose rep aloof confirmed she entered a intellectual health treatment centre for bipolar disorder, rocketed into Twitter's top 10 trending topics in the United States. Her rep's confirmation was posted on Persons ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones Treated For Bipolar Disorder At Intellectual Health ...
In a act no one expected from Catherine Zeta-Jones, the pretty 41-year-old actress checked into a intellectual health attention centre for treatment of a bipolar disorder, has learned. PHOTOS: Catherine Zeta-Jones Checks Into ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones Seeks Treatment for Bipolar Disorder ...
But it takes years for someone to amuse diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder so I question provided she was diagnosed properly. Too there are two types of Bipolar, Bipolar one has added bouts of depression and Bipolar II hypomanic think Charlie ...
Catherine Zeta-Jones reveals treatment for bipolar disorder
The Country - Thailand's most updated English information website, Breaking information,Thai politics information,Bag update,Bangkok information,Thailand Travel,Discussion -
Catherine Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorder - Movies Information ...
Actress Catherine Zeta-Jones sought treatment for bipolar disorder after dealing with the stress of husband Michael Douglas's battle with new throat cancer, her representative said on Wednesday.
Catherine Zeta-Jones Treated for Bipolar Disorder at Intellectual ...
Aloof days before she began working on two fresh films, Catherine Zeta-Jones checked into a intellectual health ease for treatment of bipolar disorder. Zeta-Jones, 41, has been by husband Michael Douglas's side for the pas.
Catherine Zeta-Jones Gets Treated for Bipolar Disorder; Michael ...
After standing strong by husband Michael Douglas through his battle with throat cancer, Catherine Zeta-Jones sure to seek intellectual health treatment for 201104.
how accomplish you sue a cirty, court system, police,and boyfriend's family for falsely having him arrested frequently?
Let me introduce myself. 30 years aged. Italian however own lived in the U.S. for several years (out from my family in Italy). In the former I own had a 5 year relationship (21-26) which ended really badly after living together for nearly 2 years and moving across the nation twice. Back then I was possibly too young to commit myself to marriage and she was 3 years older than me so ultimately we drifted apart however it wasn't since there was somebody else involved, at least on my thing. It was a really adamantine breach up since we ended up having to alive together for 3 months added. I tried to breach up with her aboriginal and aloof backed up 24 hours subsequent since I couldn't activity through moving my stuff outside while she was there (I aloof wanted to be single and own amusing and I guess it wasn't enough of a pull to accomplish it). We gave it another year and then she broke up with me. It was approximately 6 months subsequent and a couple of flings, that I met my contemporary girlfriend who I own been with for added than 3 years. She is added than four years younger than me so the time aberration didn't put pressure on life married soon as she was alone 22 when I met her. I was in cherish with her from the very alpha (and probably had never felt that way before) and it grew stronger for everything she did for me when I absent my work during the recession. However at the end year after added than 3 years of relationship including living together and moving to a altered state, I began to air as the leading appearance in the noted movie "The At the end Peck." The abhorrence of something final and a marriage proposal that she has been expecting for a continued time any more. We always spoke approximately it with enthusiasm from the start until a hardly any months ago. I was in cherish with her from the aboriginal week I met her, however it may own had a abundance to accomplish with how attracted I was to her at least in the alpha. While we own always had several things in general (great work and education), want to own a family in the approaching, etc. there has always been a abundance of fighting and perhaps some of the fights own left their point. I used to be grudging of her romantic former (she is what I would phone a serial monogamist) and I wound say hurtful things. She gave me everything however she can be very aggressive, too due to bipolar disorder diagnosed to her as a teenager (next a suicide attack). That 's another ample question point for me…the approaching with a wife and brobdingnagian of my approaching children who is bipolar. Moreover we were raised very differently. I come from a traditional Italian family and although I alive far from them (outside of professional necessity) we are very fast. I grew up catholic and although I don't practice I accomplish accept and I would according to to raise my kids the same way. She is atheist and grew up Jewish although would own no problems provided our kids were raised catholic. She grew up basically on her own, her parents had to take attention of her autistic brother and she lacked even needed care exceptionally as a teenager. Alone any more they own alter to closer. However when she was 19 she went off to Australia to finish her studies for a guy she met there since she was trying too to amuse out from everything back house. Ultimately, it didn't work outside and she returned to the US and soon after she had at least 3 flings in the spam of a year, she met me. At this point, after a period of arguing and threats to allowance, a hardly any months ago I sure to take service of the chance of a specialization direction of 2 months in Latin America to "understand" provided I can be ok without her much provided she does not understand that this was the real reason. The aboriginal month annihilation happened and she visited me twice on the weekends. Then by chance, I met a native babe introduced to me by friends in a bar since she spoke Italian. Simply pretty inside and outside. Latin culture therefore added similar to mine. She speaks Italian (my girlfriend doesn't yet after added than 3 years and I worry that she never will, something that for me is valuable since my kids will own to speak Italian to communicate with my family) and English too as Spanish of direction. Same time of my girlfriend and she works as a paediatrician (which I am very fascinated by, having a abundance of respect for the the Aristocracy of the profession and her young time). I sure to see her again and from there I began to see her generally. After approximately two weeks, I told her my situation and initially she took it really badly and cried saying she wouldn't want to see me again however then sure for once in her activity to chase her passion and abide to see me.Between us there was no sex (much provided the alone after dark spent together toward the borderline we came fast) and recently I discovered that the reason is that she 's still a virgin at nearly 25 since she says she has not begin the right person. This is for a retroactive grudging according to me a double-edged sword (it fascinates me, however too scares me a babyish). She too brought me to her family for dinner. The at the end after dark I was there I cried when I had to say goodbye, as she surprised me with an book of photos taken together where she wrote a alpha time and not the borderline since she wants to abide a continued distance relationship provided I allowance my girlfriend. I realize I own been falling for her and a continued distance relationship would be hard however possible (for the following 2 years until she finishes medical residency). I can afford the price and the administer flights is alone 3 ½ hours. Then she could act to the US, however two years is a continued time to see each other one weekend a month.This former weekend, afterThis former weekend, after a month I had returned to the US, I went back to Latin America to see her for the weekend as my girlfriend was going out for a girls weekend. I understand what I own been doing was wrong however I was hoping seeing her again would eliminate once for all the confusion in my mind and let me understand provided it was aloof a fling (not worth wasting my relationship for) or something added. The weekend was astonishing and I didn't want to return. Again we did not own sex as any more added than before I wouldn't want either until I am single alive she is a virgin.Meanwhile, it's adamantine to visualize activity without my girlfriend (with whom I own always seen myself married one time) and the concept of her moving outside really depresses me exceptionally since of my failed attack at leaving my ex years ago. Accomplish you accept in the saying "Provided you cherish two persons, choose the second, 'reason provided you were really in cherish with the aboriginal, you would own not fallen for the second"? Should I fast my relatShould I fast my relationship of three years in which I invested so even for a fresh long-distance for the following two and a virgin babe at 25?P.S. Provided I were ever to breach up with my GF, I understand she would act out and she would suspect cheating (rightfully) at this point in the relationship. Acceptation I would lose her forever. Why any more we are getting added along? Is it possibly since I air guilty? This makes it much harder since it has me thinking that afterall our relationship can abide.

Please aid me understand provided I am manufacture a Ample error?
What is Schizoaffective disorder? Someone said i own Schizoaffective disorder, I don't understand what it is. I want to understand what it is in a accessible explaination for case provided ur going to talk approximately bipolar what is it? and all continued words pls account for what they beggarly. THNXXXim 11 years aged in essex

What is Schizoaffective disorder?
disorder?or could a mentally & emotionally healthy person be aloof as possible to commit suicide?

provided someone wants to commit suicide, does that nearly automatically beggarly they are bipolar or own some clinical?
Hi, i was wondering provided my boss could blaze me for my medical conditions, such as a Bipolar Disorder & Migraines. I own a doctors notice, however that doesn't seem to aid. Is there any laws covering this world of stuff or what? PLEASE Aid!

Can my boss blaze me for medical conditions?
My husband is a veteran and he has bipolar disorder. He left me to alive with his mom. When he arrived at his mom, he closed his bank statement leaving me with no almighty dollar to pament the bills and to survive. I am not working however I am going to school. Accomplish you understand of any service I can amuse from the veterans branch. His mom called the police on him since he was acting up. Any more he is in jail in the medical section.We own been married for 5 years.

Should I document for a separation, my husband fast the bank statement.?
My psychiatrist said I charge to take 50mg of Seroquel every after dark for two weeks to see provided it will aid me with whatever problem I'm having (I'm not too sure provided she thinks it's depression or bipolar disorder yet). After two weeks she wants to see me to constitute sure the medicine is working or provided it's manufacture me worse. I honestly don't think 50mg is a abundance; is it enough to show signs of me getting bigger? I've already been taking it for a week however I haven't really noticed a chicken feed, and I don't think my family has either.

Can 50mg of Seroquel show any signs of chicken feed?
My symptoms... - I air according to I'm watching my activity according to a film through my eyes. - Provided I'm doing something such as walking, I understand I'm walking however I don't really "air" it, it feels sort of "numbed". Same goes for talking, picking up things, etc... - My senses air "numbed". - I own "episodes" where everything suddenly gets added real, provided you will, everything looks clearer, my senses alter to clearer, I air according to I don't understand where I am for a quick second then I acquisition outside and suddenly amuse scared, my passion beats faster, and it makes me want to amuse out from persons, sit down and be left alone. Case: I'm walking to group, I own the usual "numbed" senses and the "watching my activity according to a film symptom" then BAM!, according to a camera future into bull's eye, everything becomes added free, provided I'm walking my legs want to stop since I air according to I own ascendancy of my senses again, I want to stop talking to persons, amuse out from them and be left alone until I return to my "numb" state aloof since I air scared, according to I'm not life myself, I'm going loopy or insane, and persons are all looking at me and judging me. - I air according to I'm going insane at some times. - I air depressed and air according to it will never activity out and that I'm some affectionate of crazed psychopath that no one likes. - At some times I question whatever I say, and buzz myself "Would the aged you say that?" "Are you life yourself?" I'm 15, in the 9th grade and own had the "Page" symptom since 7th grade. The "Page" symptom would arise provided I ever thought approximately where I was at the contemporary time or when I would amuse in front of persons or in a situation where lots of persons are looking at me. This continued into 8th grade, I never really thought approximately it, I aloof thought it would activity eventually activity out. Any more I own the whole file of symptoms listed above in 9th grade and activity to school everyday alive that my time won't be as great as it would be provided I didn't own this stuff, whatever it is. It keeps me from socializing, or going to parties or places where there are a abundance of persons, I acquisition myself in sure situations passing up opportunities aloof so I could amuse house and "be safe".I'm tired of it controlling me and my activity and manufacture me air according to I'm not life myself and I'm some anti-social bipolar psychopath. I own read approximately DP and DR and read what could bring them on and I own never done any type of drugs such as Marijuana and I own never had "traumatizing experiences". I would acknowledge it provided you guys could aid me outside. Thanks in advance. [:

Accomplish I own Depersonilization or Derealization Disorder?
Hi guys, Im 15, 120 lbs, 5''2 babe, Homeschooled, with some friends, and I charge aid. I suck at explaining things however Ill try. Ive had above sadness for 2 years any more. (Crying for no reason, Cutting , Sucidal thoughts) Ive recently absent 30 lbs and haven't had my period for 9 months any more. And ever since I absent some weight I gained last anxiety ( Hypervenalation, Anxiety attacks, Thinking other persons think im ugly/weird/stupid, Emotions I can't shaft) I told my mom approximately my Poor thoughts and sadness and she sent to me a doctor. I told the Docter whats wrong? Why accomplish I own these feelings? Is it a Hormonal disbalance? I cherish persons and I according to to be cheerful yet somethings still not right.She took my blood and said I was good. She according to I expected aloof tossed me out and gave me Prozac. I took it for 2 months and sure to quit over last nightmares and zombie according to activity(Not crying anymore, however too can't smile) Depression got bigger after stopping prozac (Thank you Jesus) however my Anxiety got worse. Ive aloof came back from the Doctor and accidently slipped that I accomplish own Suicidal thoughts much thou I don't want them. She wanted to freaking take me to a Hospital.... I came in there for a cure, not to be put on Zombie pills and strapped to a damn firetruckin chair. So she set me up to talk to a specialist and figure outside whats wrong. However im afraid she's going to phone the cops. I accomplish Beleive I own a problem, Althou I suspect its Bipolar/Intellectual disorder.. I air according to I might be missing a vitamin or mineral, that is manufacture me Stop having periods, Last Anxiety, and Depression. I own told myself its all in my mind, and it works for awhile however it comes back when I amuse near other persons. I don't beleive in antidepressant for they are aloof almighty dollar wasting products used by the administration to accord off a placebo aftereffect on innocent persons who really charge aid or lacking a hormone that they charge to affected it. So besides my Leading question is. What vitamin or hormone am I lacking that is causing this? What could I be missing that I should take? Please, and thanks for your aid and your own former experiences. - Tora

Aid please im 15. <3?
I certainly abhorrence my mom since the time of 6. she has verbally and physically abused me for according to my whole full activity and I didn't understand why she was full with acrimony or why I thought everything I did wasn't great enough or I wasn't meant to be living. It wasn't until I was 15 years aged when I discovered she suffers from manic depression. My whole activity she has embarrassed, abused and aching me to the point any more I own no attention or regard for her. Her abuse has alone fabricated me suffer from series of problems including suicide attempts, depression, anxiety disorders and alarm attacks. She has fabricated me air worthless, stupid and unwanted. Still to this time she still abuses me at the time of 18. I'm soon graduating from aerial school upcoming this jun, however I still aching inside. I don't blame her for how I air, I alone blame her for not doing anything for her Bi-Polar disorder. she hasn't gotten any type of aid for her intellectual illness nor does she acknowledge it. I want to understand how can apprentice to deal with her with her? As I am graduating soon I will most possible be out from her afterwards moving on to school however what can I accomplish to deal with her as she hasn't died yet. She will be paying for my education and I will still own to deal with her.Notice: She Doesn't take any medication or seek therapy. she refuses to seek aid or acknowledge her bi polar. Too I own several bruises and pains from her physically abusing me. I try to stay far out from her.

How accomplish you deal with a root who is Bipolar?
Hi, i was wondering, so bipolar disorder runs in the family since my aunt and my dad bother own it and i wanted to no provided i might own it. So i own weeks and sometimes months were im very hyper and overactive and never tired, i gett the most awesomest ideas in my mind however then i reallize they wernt that good or i aloof forgett and gett another one. I air so complete of force........ and then i crash basically im depressed and aloof want to be left alone ill come house from school take a nap the wake up take a shower and return to sleep however somehow im still tired and i aloof abhorrence it im not cheerful i abhorrence how my moods are and either way im either not concintrating since of my mind or my depressioness however sometimes im okay i guess however i dont much understand what that is anymore. :(i beggarly dad not dad brother sorry i dont understand were that came from

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