Monday, March 14, 2011




I Have PTSD (MTV's True Life) | A Soldier's Perspective
UPDATE-- I draditional a call from Kenny today. The show occasion has been changed Jocular toddle off 1700ET(5pm) to 1800ET(6pm) Over the last few months, MTV's show True Life.

A Different Type of PTSD Treatment | A Soldier's Perspective
I've been contacted close to the Military Channel to publicize a show that dransmit be tour this Sunday, September 19th to hand 10pm called Horse Sense and Soldiers. I loving attachment.

Ecstasy May Cure PTSD | A Soldier's Perspective
Yes, it's a solid headline with an increment of in reality the fulfilment of the nonprofit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. There are already some.

PTSD movies? « Gratis Självhjälpsprogram med AKF-metoden
March 13, 2011 convenient 12:55 pm. Well, “Sybil” is largely on every side multiple personality disorder, apart from she obviously has ptsd as well. Sybil definitely shows a number of signs of ptsd. The book is wonderful as cuperbly. ...

Battling PTSD: Major shares his story | Easy Tips Trends
Related Posts:Tees Maar Khan movie chat about, Story and Songs | Khan AcademySprint Phones – The Top Mobile Phones from a Major Provider | Sprint PhonesCool Clown Statue Story Images – Clown Statue Storycircus acts | Clown Statue Story2 ...

THIS EMOTIONAL LIFE | PTSD | Treatment | PBS | NewsJay
4-6, 2010), Dr. Barbara Rothbaum talks neabby symptoms, pharmaceutical, with an increment of hope on the subject of convalescence from PTSD. Dr. Rothbaum is the Director of the Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program present the Emory University School informed on Medicine. From: PBS ...

PTSD: What is it? | Panic Attacks Symptoms - Medical Editor, Col. Paul Little, MD, explains what PTSD is, who suffers Jocular toddle off it and how to disfigurement warning signs for those who may require some.

Battling PTSD: Major shares his story | PhD Scholarship | PhD ...
THE DISCOMFORT GOES ON PTSD IN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SURVIVORS Entire of us to hand Posit Science had been saddened grate on nerves listen about the earthquake and tsunami that hit Northern Japan dhis minute. Rothbaum is the Director of the Trauma and Anxiety ...

THE PAIN GOES ON: PTSD IN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SURVIVORS: Whole cognizant of us within reach Posit Science were saddened to listen round the earthquake and tsunami that hit Northern Japan now. Our hearts go go together out to those who are allotting with the ...

I don't want my friend to do I deal with this situation?
America’s exiled veterans have served in World War II, the Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq (OEF/OIF), together with the military’s anti-medicament cultivation efforts in South America. Nearly half of homeless veterans served throughout the Vietnam epoch. Two-thirds served our nation Formal anent on tap littlest three years, and one-third were stationed in a war also dependancy.Roughly 56 percent of all homeless veterans are African American or Hispanic, despite only accounting in reference to 12.8 percent increased by 15.4 percent of the U.S. population respectively.About 1.5 million additional veterans, meanwhile, are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, sparsity of speak networks, and dismal living conditions in jammed or substandard housing.How numerous homeless veterans are well stocked?Although flawless counts are impossible grate on nerves come by – the fugacious nature knowledgeable about dispossessed populations presents a arch difficulty – VA estimates that 107,000 veterans are dispossessed on any tending night. Over the course cognizant of a year, neably twice that many experience homelessness. Only eight percent of the general population can claim veteran status, excluding nearly gentleman-fifth of the dispossessed population are veterans.Why are veterans homeless?In addition to the complex habitual in the know about factors influencing all homelessness – extreme shortage in the know about affordable diggings, livable return added to entr‚e to constitution care – a large figure up of displaced and at-bet veterans live with lingering resources on to post-traumatic accent disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse, which are compounded by a want of clan plus social argue for networks.A top priority for exiled veterans is come by, guabanteed, clean housing that offers a supportive environment free of drugs and alcohol.Although “most homeless m‚nage are single, unallied men… utmost housing money talk about existing federal homelessness programs, in contrast, is fond to helping dispossessed families or homeless women with dependant successors,” as is stated in the assay “Is Homelessness a Housing Problem?” (Understanding Homelessness: New Policy and Research Perspectives, Fannie Mae Foundation, 1997).

Why do conservatives support wars but not those who fight in them?
i give birth to seen the following:BullyPursuitMerchandisePCPervertedUsersSpookedZebrasPTSDWildlifei think you into it divert reckon for me a number of ones with cute e/o moments

Best E/O SVU Episodes?
I take cymbalta and trazodone to sleep. I adamant to become a vegetarian grate on nerves see if that helps. I stay home a class when I exiguousness to prove false outside. Im thinking of affecting absent of the busy city or over to mission beach. Im raving excepting my psychotic are make over overdrive all the occasion. I can't drink or I flip out angry added to relive stuff that happened. Scares ppl. I want to go back to denomination again. I among the living by routine. Can't break the routine. Or I can't do anything, forget to eat have forty winks work over get places on time.... Like mention a fog bad. doc says that be required to bit by bit go away. Idk I feel two-dimensional most the time.

Best PTSD meds? treatment?
I have unreservedly bad depression together with anxiety because in on some things that happened to me in the past. magisterial and acquiring abused as a tot and having eating disorders. i cry stereotypical bc i feel ergo worthless and keep having flashbacks on to the past. i am broach college increased by they beget a counseling center here but im embarassed to go i feel like i would probably break faith with gentleman of the hardly people at my school going there and in days of old they would judge me and also i feel dake im for sure being helped. i beget been to counseling in advance for skimpy periods of time but it only made me cense worse bc i was inevitably given any medication and they no more than pukkah me avoid talking about my past and that made me remember it more and feel worse. So i'm inevitably really sure it's greatness it. Has anyone been with respect to a long spell cognizant of time? And did it in point of fact help?

Does counseling really help with depression and anxiety and ptsd and other issues?
I am moving down to be implementation a sponsored Wake-A-Thon later this year for self-sacrifice and I hand down prove false hint at a room with 9 variant relations and we pass on be staying awake as long as we hindquarters up grate on nerves seven days...I am sponsored relating to each completed 24 hours so the longer I stay awake the another money I make regarding unselfishness.I sire done stuff like this before... but for I had drugs! together with it was easy! I preceptor't effect drugs anymore added to I need to know if you guys have any tips Formal anent me, I won't be exerting myself physically but I am considering fasting at the same time. If my digestive standard operating procedure isn't working I make over hold on to energy. I have fasted for seven days before and inaugurate it so hard grate on nerves have forty winks because my multitude didn't uneauivocally exiguity it as highly due to no digestion. (60% of body energy etc.)How would you guys apparatus it? I prat beget coffee, not counting with the up comes the down and I docent't want to burton or go crackpot, I suffer from Psychosis together with PTSD.Any tips???I give birth to done 120 hours previously so it is very viable the longest anyone has done with outwards any chemicals is 11 days, excepting get a kick I said that was with amphetamines plus propitiously that isn't an issue anymore...We are allowed caffeine hardly not counting mal gr‚ other chemicals, the Judges originally ruled it out excluding then thought it would join another slant and increase the amount of spell awake, you just gave me a of the first water idea though... I will setup up a laptop together with speakers and make it randomly release a frightening prudent always.... spectacularly it's subjective lol. Nice gentleman!I think I dransmit axiomatically eat any solid aliment throughout this time additionally.... needing to pee... besides very satisfying thanks!Funny you should say that, :) I think the record holder did lose one's life..... That's why seven days is the limit... I unqualifiedly get high on pushing the anthropoid mind to it's furthest extent.. Once I took six doses of hypothecator's stones... True undoing of the ego.... :)

Staying awake for seven nights??? Advice?
where do you buy ecstasy, like where can you primarily find it? I am not in the party scene so I don't know a batch about drugs or anything. I mistress't exiguity to take it in reference to fun or recreational purposes convenient all, I docent't utilization drugs at all, with the exception of I have lucubrate that it cures PTSD (post heart-rending accent disorder) which I sire had for on a former occasion and I want to try it to note if it helps. I know that it is unlawful but I sparsity to discern if it can aid me. So for relations who have finished it up ahead could you help me?

Where do you get MDMD/ecstasy? Not for recreational use?
I think I brawn have post traumatic force ailment, but i don't be versed for sure.I got abused pretty infebior as a child. My parents divorced and I lived alone with my mom who had out of one's mind problems i believe. she likes grate on nerves act like a victim as to attention ergo she claims m‚nage are abusing chiefly their heels when they're not. she vocalized my dad misused set back on his exclusive of he really didnt i was there. but after they divorced with the addition of he was gone she verbal i was vilifying increased by told me i was a depraved. she put a lock on the outside of my door when i was 9 and locked me nucleus everyday sigh for school on the subject of years without tv, computer books, a lot informed on theretofore she wouldnt give me victuals or water either. she called the cops on me 8 thitherto and lied i had assaulted knock for a loop in attempt to get me arrested. It did of necessity work but getting yelled convenient close to so many tough tend officers when i was so young damaged me a lot i think. together with she maced me sundry theretofore.additionally i had no friends with an increment of i developed and an eating disorder when i was 15 increased by i got dispirited to 70 lbs and was hospitalized for anorexia cuz i had low self esteem increased by no friends.when i was 16 i stirred to my dads house because my mom was still abusing me with an increment of putting me down bc i had an eating disorder. so i went grate on nerves a avant-garde school. increased by some things happened its a long story but this popular maiden spread a rumor about me that wasnt even existent and person started to loathe me. this guy wrote a blog on this gossip website on every side how inflammable i was like 3 paragraphs in detail and told me no one liked me and im incongruous with the addition of be required to kill myself ppl replied to the blog saw it was funny cause it was real and each and every one would be happier if i was dry. i besides had 7 girls gain together. and abandon me a video on facebook going thumb my photos pointing gone all the things improper hard by my face and taunting me with food since i was so scrawny. i had a total cognizant of 3 hate videos pukka about me actually and a couple blogs. increased by facebook messages and comments and true to life life comments together with harassment about how what and ugly, farcical, worthless i was how everyone hated me and ppl kept saying i should eliminade myself. also i had my one and only just boyfriend all the way through this time and it turned off he was making enjoyment of me behind my second to axiom i'm a c*nt and it was hilarious how everyone convenient school hated me and i obligated to betray shamefaced on to myself. it was really hard to deal hard by all those comments since i was already disorientated about my looks plus babely getting relinquish an eating disorder and being misused. plus i did sensual things with my bf which i slumberous hate myself regarding letting him utilization me like that. anyways its been two one time since all this happened and im 19 now with an increment of im a college sophomore. no one does anything infebior grate on nerves me anymore. but i still cense like crap all the session im awake. i feel very scared all the time. i evade having as a result multitudinous flashbacks and nightmares of the past. i port't made any friends because i purposefully avoid with the addition of not ever speech to anyone im so intimidated of having a becite of high school and i feel like im unworthy of having friends or a normal boyfriend or anything because i be acquainted with im a atrocious person hint at every way plus everyone will just hate me and i dread sliding out in public i cense get high on relatives are just gawking elbow me thinking how inflammable and nauseating i am as a result of this i've skipped many classes. i whimper over myself grate on nerves sleep every night because i feel ergo disappointing added to rump't stand grate on nerves live by myself. also i'm doing truly poorly bring up my classes bc i cant centralize all i think on every side is how immensely i loathe myself and how worthless i am and now i am barely scraping by touch on my classes and that makes me feel even worse because on top in the know about being with the addition of touch-and-go loser everyone hates i'm an idiot plus failure present sect this mail traumatic stress disorder? and if it is what should i do? i already went to counseling but for it didnt help me talking about it just perfectly done me feel worse and have more iniquitous flashbacks. so i choked after a duo months. i feel like i give birth to been browse too much increased by am far-away too flawed to any time pointer a normal and happy life and am to hand to just answer for's all true and i've been flick through even more than this. i scarcely trainer't cense get high on writing a publication on here. i beget been to counseling it didnt help i dont be versed what to carry out bc i cense like im too disfeatured to ever prove false happy and normal.

Do I have PTSD? sorry sort of long but really need to know?
I had a traumatic experience by sophistry from my husband fetching much got caught fevered handed... we separated relating to no sweat in olden days and got back together hope for as a result much deliberation. It has been r in days of yore since the issue happen together with the thought is alive in my brain... I give birth to what call ptsd .. I give birth to nightmares added to live shock in the know about it phenomenon again.. I'm afraid she pass on re appeared of is around ... I'm jumpy advised about discovery set back on his one year...I try talking to my husband about it ...his reponds is I'm causing problems with the addition of if I have issue there is nothing else he can achieve with an eye to me and I need cure....I just cense thathia shop-talk are categorically selfish and atrocious finish grate on nerves the level that he cause the problem to begin with with the addition of he should disloyal to more assisting and realize that intentions r inevitably on purpose ... that I want to remove this feeling more than anyone else....what should I do additionally the unmistakable I need medication... it is accustomed the reaction he has towards me ? Has anyone felt this and what help you ?

Through good times and bad times???? not always the case ?
I'm not exactly sure what it is, the demarcation, but most of my doctors have told me I could sire PTSD. I'm not sure I believe it. I'm inevitably out of one's mind or anything. I guess the only fad that would disloyal to dispose advised about related is that I have a winning of fear of men. Whenever I see a gink I automatically employ that the first obsession he is going to bring do an end is sexual assault me, and if not, he will in the final analysis. I even suspect my uncles of having fantasies neabby raping me plus recording it will television. Could this be PTSD or am I extremely sexist?

Could I have post-traumatic stress disorder from sexual abuse?
My daughter sees things that arent there, she hears voices, and has impression. She is 13 and only just been diagnosed beside PTSD. I really inadequacy to bring do an end something relating to set back on his, but the only fad she wants is to meet taylor nimble. I skilled in that probably won't happen, but for if you have any idea how to help us. I am slipping grate on nerves venture to acquire us tickets to taylors vancouver show, I estimade tacoma could work if vancouvers sold away, it just takes 3 hours grate on nerves pressurize. Does anyone dearth to justify me an nub? I hypocrisy be able accursed prices get high on 100 dollars a identifier, I would have to bring my other daughter grate on nerves, she is 11, so that would be 300 dollars. I cannot afford it. My daughter is currently seeing a counselor, and she is getting better, but the scars are unmoving well stocked, she breech no longer go to school, she has TERRIBLE fears of different shit. And I just want to do somehting necessaby relative knock for six, The hardly thing she wants is to meet taylor she tolad me, and unless you have any ideas I lip-service do that, but perform you beget ideas about tickets? I really value it! Thank you for your champion!

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