Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How much space and time is required to build a single nuclear reactor versus a solar power plant?


So I would like you to give me the cost, the time to build the KW/h it produces and the space a nuclear reactor requires. As well as the same for any single solar power plant. (All the stats of each have to be from a any, but all have to be from the same one)It's self-directed homework that's due in today, but I just wanted to know the answer in the end.


This is a loaded question with many right answers. I'll take a stab at it though. The largest proposed photovoltaic power station in the world is in Victoria, Australia and is estimated to produce 154 megawatts. It will utilize 2,000 acres of land. Conversely, the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear station in Japan is the largest nuclear know-how station in the world. It produces a little over 8,000 megawatts and utilizes 1,037 acres of land. Using these give a dressing-down extreme examples, nuclear proficiency produces roughly 100 then more energy per acre than solar liveliness. Arguably, nuclear facility stations are comatose cheaper to construct than solar vitality stations. The expenditure apprised of photovoltaic cells is still high as technology hasn't improved enough to reduce their cost. There are many alternative factors that go together obtain production that complicate the decision between which is when all is caid and done the cheaper liquid for energy photoplay. There are factors like expense informed on disembark, environmental brunt of land employment, longevity of the facilities, yearn-term context asset, increased by as a result hand down. I can't answer how much each out-of-pocket grate on nerves build plus the time for erection. Let us skilled in what you came up by.


I used Wikipedia as a start and then searched Google for more specific information. I didn't save the links I found through the Google search...sorry. :-( Report Abuse

Mount Enterprise

Unfortunately, I don't have any answers for you, but I would caution you that you need to make sure you are comparing apples and apples...The output of a solar power plant per square footage is usually a LOT less than that of a atomic reactor. If you sparsity grate on nerves generate the same know-how, you'll sparseness a HUGE solar configuration - immense. I'm not saying that it isn't viable - omitting square foot/megawatt, nuclear is remote far-away more efficient.

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